**Opening this early because of work obligations that'll have me elsewhere later today/tomorrow**
**Be mindful that there is a lot of preliminary info. It may be most helpful to have this open in two tabs, one where you can read about the extras and characters and one where you're actually posting.**
In a few short days you'll be transported (if you choose) to the year 2221 aboard the Orion, a generational ship headed towards a Goldilocks planet. The Problem (because of course there’s a problem) is that there's someone or something that never wants you to arrive.
In order to sort out who's who I need you to claim a character. The role the character has on the ship, information provided in special notes, and their preexisting relationships are aspects you can't change, but please select a name, FC, age, and traits that appeal to you.
A few things to keep in mind BEFORE you make your choice AKA Read this now.
1. I’m trying out something new for this contest: modes! Similar to a video game where you can pick the degree of difficulty for this contest you can pick the degree of intensity based on how involved you think you want to or will be able to be. There are 3 modes: easy, standard, and difficult.
Easy mode: You’ll only have 1 event to write about per round, you’ll only need to provide 1 look per round and you’ll have up to 2 interests to deal with. Keep in mind these characters have no pre-existing relationships on the ship worth mentioning e.g. no family and no close friends, and so all relationships will have to be built from scratch.
Standard mode: You’ll only have to write about 2 events per round, you’ll only need to provide 1 look per round (1 additional look can be added per round at your discretion), and you’ll have up to 3 interests to deal with. These characters will have preexisting relationships with one extra. That preexisting relationship will be added to their impressions.
Difficult mode: You’ll have to write about all of the events for any given round (there may be up to 4 per round), and there will be a mystery game within the game that there will be clues for in each round however, you’ll also need to provide 2 looks per round, and you’ll have up to 4 interests to deal with. These characters will have preexisting relationships with at least one extra. That preexisting relationship will be added to their impressions.
The options for character claims are linked in part to the modes so you need to decide this now.
I’m NOT asking you to write standard stories for this contest, instead think of your entries more like logs or diaries that center around specific incidents/interactions that happen during the round.
2.If you choose a character who is a member of the crew you'll need to buy a uniform from Nines. It consists of 3 pieces ( long top 90FD, Nikki pants 140FD and Chinese slippers 15FD) and is a total of 245FD.
You will be allowed to wear things other than this uniform. It’s just a visual way for me to keep crew members straight.
You can add elements to this uniform if you wish (I know it’s basic I was trying to keep it cost effective), but all 3 pieces need to be visible. This will be your only warning that if there are times during the contest when crew members are asked to be in uniform and you choose not to wear it that there will be consequences.
3. The established relationships are important. “Yes” you can choose different interests then these extras for the rounds but you will still get impressions for anyone your character has an established relationship with as well. Remember this is a generational ship so the people onboard are literally the only other humans that your characters have known in real life. If one of your established relationships is a close family member e.g. mother, father, or sibling PLEASE select a face claim that has at least a passing resemblance and use the same surname as the one provided.
4. For the extras there will be both public and private information available. The public information is what everyone will see; private information will be given to you based on the relationships that your claimed character has.
5. The roles that your characters have are important. Choose wisely regarding whether you want to be a member of the crew or a private citizen/passenger. This will determine things like what areas of the ship you can access, what information you’re given. etc.
Extras: An Overview
Read this bit carefully, this will give you their names, ages, their Fcs, their basic personalities, their role on the ship and the character(s) they have preexisting relationships with.Female Extras
1. Name: Captain Octavia Benjamin
]FC: Kerry Washington
Age: 38
Personality: Headstrong, driven and demanding she’s a model captain and expects her crew to follow her lead which often means an unwillingness to be flexible and a low tolerance for shenanigans although she has been known to turn a blind eye to morally questionable behavior if she believes the ends justify the means.
Role: Current Captain of the Orion
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 2dc (mother/daughter antagonistic), character 1dp (friendly)
2. Name: Sylvia Barnes
FC: Michaela Cole
Age: 25
Personality: Extroverted and easily excited she’s always up for an adventure and can talk her way into (and out of) almost any situation. Social, savvy and smart she always has a witty comeback but be careful because her bite is worse than her bark if she’s crossed.
Role: Passenger/ Amateur linguist
Pre-existing relationship(s):
3. Name: Gemma Drake
FC: Ryan Ashley Malarkey
Age: 23
Personality: Born to ultra wealthy parents she seems to be a quintessential spoiled brat: entitled, easily bored and prone to being a problem. She’s spent her whole life going in and out of cryo-sleep as it suited her (or as was needed to keep her out of trouble) and as such is known to the majority of the people on the ship. She’s known for throwing lavish (albeit unsanctioned) parties and can get you access to almost anything you need...for a price. Don’t make the mistake of thinking she’s just some ditzy rich girl though.
Role: Passenger
Pre-existing relationship(s): Character 1sp (frenemy)
4. Name: Lt. Col. Tabitha Saru
FC: Dichen Lachman
Age: 33
Personality: Known for her quick smile and bad jokes she may seem like the antithesis of a chief security officer...until you get into trouble that is. She’s prone to holding grudges, not granting anyone any leniency and an almost fanatical devotion to the chain of command.
Role: Chief Security Officer
Pre-existing relationship(s):Male extras
1. Name: Cyrus Lawson
FC: Alvaro Valiente
Age: 29
Personality: Brash, defiant and too smart for his own good, the only thing that keeps him out of trouble is the fact that he’s the heir of the family that helped fund the mission, something he’ll readily bring up if he believes he’s being treated unfairly which is basically anytime anyone isn’t acting as if he’s the center of the universe.
Role: Passenger
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 3sc (Antagonistic relationship – can turn physical quickly, will not turn romantic).
2. Name: Edward Bennet
FC: Andre Hammon
Age: 25
Personality: Studious, sarcastic and cynical he’s slow to form bonds with people that he doesn’t know but talkative with those that he thinks he can trust. He hasn’t always been the best judge of character in the past so in the present he’s much more cautious about who he lets in and how much he shares.
Role: Member of a special research committee
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 3dc (friendly relationship- can turn romantic), character 3dp (friendly relationship will not turn romantic)
3. Name: Luca Fisher
FC: Brandon P. Bell
Age: 26
Personality: Fun loving, quick witted and flirtatious he’s used to using his charm to get whatever...and whoever, he wants and makes no apologies for doing just that. This can make him seem calculating or even abrasive at times, qualities that he has yet to apologize for.
Role: Member of a special research committee
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 2sc (Friendly relationship- can turn romantic), character 1dp (formerly physical relationship – can turn physical again, can turn romantic)
4. Name: Maj. Daniel Phan
FC: Hu Bing
Age: 30
Personality: In his professional life he’s more street smart than book smart his role in the engineering department is often contested by those who don’t like his unorthodox methods of getting things done despite the fact that more often than not they tend to work. In his personal life he’s good at starting relationships but less good at staying in them because he tends to put his own wants and needs first with both friends and romantic partners. The one consistent relationship he has is with his best friend Col. Ryan Benjamin.
Role: Senior Engineering Officer
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 1dc (Flirtatious antagonistic relationship- can become romantic), character 3dp (friendly relationship – can turn romantic)
5. Name: Dr. Alexander Wilde
FC: Matthew Nozka
Age: 29
Personality: Assertive, self-assured and intelligent he’s looking to prove himself in his new role on the ship which means that there are a lot of times when his attempts at confidence will come off as being cocky. His focus on work means building a relationship will come a distant second but he’s not opposed to starting up something casual and seeing where it goes as long as the other person knows they won’t be his main priority at least until his position on the ship is less precarious.
Role: Interim Chief Medical Officer
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 1sc (Siblings with a friendly relationship), character 2sc (Antagonistic Relationship-will not turn romantic)
6. Name: Col. Ryan Benjamin
FC: Stephen Eastwood
Age: 39
Personality: Passionate, intelligent and assertive he’s a natural born leader who is also a devoted father, however his marriage to the captain is on the rocks thanks in part to his restlessness which often leads to recklessness...and the beds of other women.
Role: Chief Engineering Officer
Pre-existing relationship(s): character 3sp (former romantic relationship – can turn romantic again), character 2dc (father/daughter positive)
7. Name: Maxwell Khan
FC: Zayn Malik
Age: 19
Personality: Kind-hearted and generous he believes that there can be good found in everything and everyone, a reality that has seen him taken advantage of in the past but which hasn’t convinced him to be more discerning of those around him. Despite this however he’s incredibly clever and the top of his cadet class.
Role: Medical Cadet
Pre-existing relationship(s): Character 2sp (friendly relationship – can turn romantic), Character 3dc (mentoring relationship – will not turn romantic)
8. Name: Cameron Chase
FC: Lucky Blue Smith
Age: 20
Personality: Ambitious and articulate he’s become an unofficial member of the crew based on his willingness to run errands and do grunt work. When he’s not asking one of the cadets a bunch of questions about their training or shadowing one of the officers he’s likely to be found flirting usually with an older woman.
Role: Passenger
Pre-existing relationship(s): 2dp (friendly sibling relationship)
9. Name: Jackson Torres
FC: Pietro Boselli
Age: 25
Personality: Following a malfunction in cryo-sleep his short term memory can’t be trusted and to a certain extent neither can he. While he’s well-meaning his actions and their outcomes don’t always match that although he has a fierce loyalty to his friends.
Role: Passenger
Pre-existing relationship(s): Character 2dp (friendly relationship – can turn romantic)
This character claim is simple:
1.Fill in the blanks on one of the forms below (note that this is a first come-first served deal so unless you're the first poster please see who the other contestants have selected so there are no duplicates; if there is a duplicate I'll PM the second poster and ask them to select again for whoever is remaining)
2. Post an outfit of your everyday look. If you choose a crew member this look can be your uniform or a casual off-duty look. Do not write any additional back story about your selected character. Keep in mind that the ship left earth in 2021 and while 200 years have passed much of the fashion is derivative of what we’d consider to be contemporary fashion with small twists/flair.
3. Select some interests (up to 2 for easy mode characters, up to 3 for standard or difficult mode characters). There will be initial impressions from them in R1 to give you something to work with in addition to any impressions from your established relationships.
4. Pay attention to the Age section for each character as minimum ages vary, especially among crew members.
5. Pay attention to the Snapshots section for each character, these are background snippets about the character that you must adhere to if you choose the character as your own.
6. Select a character based on the mode you want to write your story in, there’s a mix of crew and passengers for each.
Easy Characters
Crew members
Character 1ec
Snapshots: This character started life on the ship as a passenger but due to a malfunction woke up early from cryo-sleep just a few months ago and as per ship protocol much of that time has been spent in quarantine and under observation. Their file indicates that they were in the police academy on earth and they’ve been given special permission to join the crew but they’re older than the other cadets.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (20+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Security cadet
Established relationships: None
Character 2ec
Snapshots: This character has always been more interested in work than socializing so they don’t have any real relationships but they’re now second-guessing those choices and trying to make connections.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (21+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Junior engineering officer
Established relationships:
Snapshots: This character was infected with a dangerous pathogen while training as a medical cadet 50 years ago and was put into cryo-sleep to avoid a ship wide outbreak. A cure has been found and all other crew and passengers have been inoculated. After a period in quarantine they are now free to resume their training.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (18-20 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: medical cadet
Established relationships: NonePrivate Citizens
Character 1ep
Snapshots: This character was orphaned as an infant following a medical lab incident which also left her infected with a dangerous pathogen 50 years ago. . A cure has been found and all other crew and passengers have been inoculated. After a period in quarantine they are now free to take up residence in their parents old quarters which is rumored to be haunted; they have never had interactions with other humans.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (must be between ages 18-19 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: None
Character 2ep
Snapshots: Due to a malfunction they woke up early from cryo-sleep just a few months ago and as per ship protocol much of that time has been spent in quarantine and under observation. Their file indicates that on earth they ran a special research team on terra-forming and climate control; however they have a major secret (please PM me for the secret).
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (25+ only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; these traits will be used to determine your secret so choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: None
Character 3ep Due to a malfunction they woke up early from cryo-sleep just a few months ago and as per ship protocol much of that time has been spent in quarantine and under observation. Their file indicates on earth that they ran a small veterinary practice; they were a lottery pick for this mission and have limited ship access.
Special notes:
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (18+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: None
Standard characters
Crew members
Character 1sc
Snapshots: This character is the younger sister of the Interim Chief medical officer and on track to become the chief engineering officer. Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the surname Wilde and that your FC should bear some resemblance to the Interim Chief medical officer.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (25-28 officer)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Senior Engineering officer
Established relationships: Dr. Alexander Wilde (Siblings with a friendly relationship)
Character 2sc
Snapshots: This character’s deceased mother was the previous Chief medical officer and she hates the idea of listening to Dr. Wilde who is only a few years older than her.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (21-26 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Junior medical officer
Established relationships: Dr. Alexander Wilde (Antagonistic Relationship-will not turn romantic), Luca Fisher (Friendly relationship- can turn romantic)
Snapshots: This character is hiding a major secret which makes her job very difficult (if you select her PM me and I’ll give you the details)
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (25+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; these traits will be used to determine your secret so choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Senior Engineering officer
Established relationships: Cyrus Lawson (Antagonistic Relationship-can turn physical quickly but will not turn romantic)Private Citizens
Character 1sp
Snapshots: A wealthy heiress with unlimited resources she used to be heavily involved in black market dealings on the ship until her boyfriend was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and put into cryo-sleep for the remainder of the mission.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (20-24 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Gemma Drake (frememy- highly antagonistic)
Character 2sp
Snapshots: Due to a malfunction they woke up early from cryo-sleep just a few months ago and as per ship protocol much of that time has been spent in quarantine and under observation, however they were able to strike up a friendly relationship with Maxwell Khan who as a medical cadet was often assigned observation duty; they were a lottery pick for this mission and have limited ship access.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (18-20 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Maxwell Khan (friendly relationship – can turn romantic)
Snapshots: A petty thief who has spent a lot of time cycling in and out of cryo-sleep who has had an on-again/off-again relationship with Col. Ryan Benjamin which ended a few months ago in a major fight right before she was sentenced to more cryo-sleep. (Day 1 of the contest will be her first day after being released from her most recent sentence); her official access to the ship is extremely limited.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (25+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Col. Ryan Benjamin (previously romantic relationship – can be romantic again)
Difficult Characters
Crew members
Character 1dc
Snapshots: This character is being groomed to be the new chief security officer
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (25+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Senior security officer
Established relationships: Lt. Col Tabitha (Friendly/Mentoring relationship – can become romantic), ex-girlfriend of Maj. Daniel Phan (Flirtatious antagonistic relationship- can become romantic)
Snapshots: This character is the youngest person to have reached the rank of officer in any department on the Orion in two decades, and there are rumors that it’s because she’s the daughter of the current captain and Chief Engineering Officer . Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the surname Benjamin and that your FC should bear some resemblance to your parents.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (18-20 only)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Junior engineering officer
Established relationships: Captain Octavia Benjamin (Mother/Daughter Antagonistic Relationship), Col. Ryan Benjamin (Father/Daughter relationship)
Character 3dc
Snapshots: This character is the younger sister of the Interim Chief medical officer and on track to become the chief engineering officer. Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the surname Wilde and that your FC should bear some resemblance to the Interim Chief medical officer.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please select a FC
Age: Please select an age (25-28 officer)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Role on the ship: Senior engineering officer
Established relationships: Edward Bennet (friendly relationship – can turn romantic), Maxwell Khan (mentoring relationship – will not turn romantic)Private Citizens
Snapshots: This character is a bootlegger who specializes in making “starshine” an illicit substance onboard the Orion. While they started their life with limited access to the ship they have numerous special privileges thanks to the relationships that they’ve developed over the years including one with the captain who looks the other way as the starshine is distributed.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (25+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Cpt. Octavia Benjamin (Friendly relationship), Luca Fisher (formerly physical relationship – can turn physical again, can turn romantic)
Snapshots: This character is the older sister of Cameron Chase and they appear to be a model passenger but they’re hiding a secret which could get them into serious trouble if it’s found out (PM me for what it is). Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the surname Chase and that your FC should bear some resemblance to the FC used for Cameron.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (21+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Cameron Chase (friendly sibling relationship), Jackson Torres (Friendly relationship – can turn romantic)
Snapshots: This character was once a member of the crew on the special research committee but was honorably discharged by the captain officially for health reasons (PM me for the unofficial version) since then they have maintained a low profile in favor of more strategic alliances.
Name: Please select a name
FC: Please selected a FC
Age: Please selected an age (18+)
Key personality traits: ( up to 6 personality traits that describe your character; these traits will be used to determine your secret so choose wisely and make sure they’re a mix of good and bad)
Established relationships: Edward Bennet (friendly relationship will not turn romantic), Maj. Daniel Phan (friendly relationship – can turn romantic)
You have until 17:00 forum time on September 26th to stake your claim, choose wisely and I hope to see you among the stars for the Orion Mission when it launches on September 27th!
UPDATE: MissKiki brought it to my attention that the pants for the original crew uniform required players to be at level 80 or higher so I developed an alternative uniform which is comprised of the Bryana Pants (available at level 10 for 330FD), the basic top in white (80FD) and Chinese slippers (15FD) in a corresponding color.
Last edited by Dare (23/09/2020 at 23:10)