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#1 07/12/2020 at 23:15

Posts: 548


Welcome (back) everyone!
My name is Zara/Sanja, and I'm here to be your host once again. Don't hesitate to DM me, or we can exchange number to talk via some other type of communication app /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

For those joining us the first time around, you're about to step into the historical fiction version of Tudors court. This time, it's not a full contest: we will have 2 rounds to wrap up some storylines and go get a bit of closure. To prepare you, this contest will take place over the course of 3 months (April, May & June). Also, if you're into historical accuracy, go back now. We are not doing that.

Round 1: Infants of Spring
The year is 1533, we're stepping right into where we left off - and the situation is entertaining, to say the least! Let's do a little recap, shall we?

England has stepped into the new age - Reformation is happening, the King is now the head of the church and his first decision was granting himself the permission to divorce his wife Katherine of Aragon, and get a new one, Anne Boleyn. 
The new queen is well-spoken in several languages, well-educated, entertaining, gracious with singing and dancing, quite good at political matters and a true reformist - she is a force to be reckoned with...much like her predecessor, the only difference is the King made her the object of his attention & his desire to impregnate with a male heir. 

The tides are changing - otherwise strong Spanish public is now listed as persona non grata, and the French are making a comeback (no puns intended here), for the new Queen has spent a great deal of life on the French court. There are new players coming, some of the old ones have decided to call it a year and retire to a safer environment, but altogether this looks like an amusing season ahead.

New ladies are coming into what seems to be an enlightened court, a proper balance between religious and the delicious sins of the flesh, and the ones still here get to enjoy this new change of air coming it. Or suffocate, depending on how you handle this sudden departure from what used to be.

Which one are you?
Well, for starters, you'll all be ladies-in-waiting for the new Queen. The duties of ladies-in-waiting were to act as companions in public and in private; to accompany the Queen wherever she goes. You'll be here to entertain her with music, dance or singing - Anne is a great patron of art and music, so you will be most welcome to practice either of these talents should you possess any. 

The Queen will expect you to read the new English Bible, attend the mass on Sundays and live with the spirit of reform. Fashion, intelligence and languages are encouraged, as is good manners and not disgracing yourself or, even worse, your family while attending the court.
You will serve the Queen, but you shall respond directly to Lady Avis who is to determine your day-to-day duties since the Queen certainly has better things to do. 

We'll begin on April 1st: returning characters are preparing for the arrival of the new, new ones are coming in.
On April 2nd, new ladies will present themselves at court to the Queen and later that evening, a ball is to be held for all the new young people at the court - everyone is in attendance, and both King & Queen will be displaying their happiness and love for each other throughout the evening,

From early morning April 5th to late evening of April 7th, you will be asked to attend the hunt: usually, the King retired to hunt with his men alone, but this is no longer the case. You will embark on a three-day adventure, sleep in large tents and be able to either indulge in walks, observe the hunt or simply enjoy the moment at the campsight.

Things will slow down for a while after, you'll be able to relax until a wedding is announced: Lady Eleanor (Schogo) is to be wed to Lord William on the April 18th. Hopefully, you've made friends by that point, since you'll have much more fun dancing and having fun while in good company (every one of the paper people will be there). Those with a keen sense of others might notice the moments of jealousy sparking between the King and (now confirmed) pregnant Queen, but you're advised not to mention it: keep your eyes open, and your lips tight.

On April 27th, you'll all attend a lavish mascarade party - the perfect occasion for your best dress and your most bold behaviour: after all, no one knows who's hiding behind which mask.

New Characters

Returning Characters

A bit more from the host.
Try to keep in mind my characters' personalities, traits, etc. When in doubt, please ask.
I need to see some stories, some interactions - this is a game of throwing feedback back and forth.
Keep in mind we're in 1553, whatever that might mean to you. 
And, again - when in doubt: ask!

Contest dynamic
Round 1 ends Sunday, 13 December 2020, evening forum time.
Round 2 ends Friday, 18 December 2020, evening forum time.

EDIT: Update - since there will most likely be no more than 5 of us, we can bump interest list to 4 people each.

Last edited by Zaralee (08/12/2020 at 18:32)


#2 07/12/2020 at 23:16

Posts: 548

King Henry VIII Tudor
FC: Johnathan Rhys Meyers
Age: 35


The beloved ruler, ambitious, proud – Henry has been the golden prince of England and later on the charismatic king of insatiable taste. He is charming, sharp on words and knows what he wants – he also won’t stop until he gets it. One of the most powerful people in the world is still lacking one thing: a male heir to the throne – the only thing missing in the picture-perfect life. Henry finally decided to act on the growing fears about the heir, deciding to push aside his marriage to Katherine, thus Spain, in favour of his most recent romance to Anne Boleyn. The king seems to be head-over-heels for his new, young wife and everything she does, says or touches is pure gold in his eyes. Henry's fickle nature and undeniable ego seem like the only potential issues that might arise, but this is a problem everyone around him worries about - everyone but him.

Queen Anne Boleyn
FC: Natalie Dormer
Age: 27


Witty, educated and well-read, Anne has returned to the English court after years of living at the French court to become a Queen in possibly the shortest time ever, considering the king was married when she got there. Anne speaks several languages, takes pleasure in debates, riding and music. She is charismatic and magnetic while trying not to stand out too much. She is kind in her words and actions, always seems to be in a good mood and tries to keep the cheers up for the entire court around her. She is ambitious and intelligent, which has already proven to be a dangerous combination, and with her talent for diplomacy and state-related issues, she is pushing for a more equal place than the former queen used to enjoy in the last decade of her reign. 

Lord Philippe Louis de Vassinhac d'Imécourt, 5th Lord of the Marquisate of Imécourt and Peer of France
FC: Colin O’Donoghue 
Age: 22


Philippe used to be the new member of the Privy Chamber, a young man chosen to serve the king, and is now one of the most favourite parts of the company - and how could he not be? He is a charming man, great with words and experienced when it comes to women. Godchild to King Francis I of France, Philippe has grown with the best tutors and the best the money can buy. He was sent to Belgium at the young age to spend his childhood there, before returning to Callais when his godfather decided to send him to Henry’s court, as a sign of friendship and good diplomacy between two kings - and he certainly used the time to find himself a good place there. In a year, he made the wise call to become friends with Anne Boleyn and gather various good marriage options, which he is still reluctant to make. Philippe has been at a court his entire life, he is savvy with all things related - that's why he's hesitant on letting the free living go. He is a talented jouster, loves to ride out to hunt and enjoys summer celebrations. Normally, politics mattered very little to him, but he realized his charms might as well get him far if he's willing to act on the things he possesses: charisma, information and savvy ways he handles politics. 

Lady Isabella Anna Gascoyne, daughter of Duke of Bedford
FC: Alice Isaaz
Age: 19


Isabella is the oldest of three girls Duchess of Bedford gave birth to before she passed away. She delusions herself with nothing – romance nor riches – she is loyal, kind, calm and collected. Usually what people notice about her is her enchanting presence – she turns heads wherever she goes – and write her off as a pretty face. Isabella is the opposite: observing and silent nature has given her insight into many things, but she always loves to keep her knowledge to herself, saying that loose lips sink ships. Overprotected her whole life, coming to the court has been a dream come true to the girl: the lessons she learnt felt like a nightmare at times, tho. Her first love happened quickly and ended so abruptly when sweating sickness killed Fernando, leaving Isabella with this new-found pain she didn't expect. To top it all, there are rumours about her soon-to-be-announced marriage to the young Bohemian prince she doesn't really know, and the only light she might see heading forward is the arrival of her sister.

Doña Blanca Fernandez de Cordoba and Ayala, 4th Duchess of Feria
FC: Alba Galocha
Age: 21


Passionate is the word you might use to describe the Duchess of Feria. Widowed at the young age of 19, she stands to a great fortune and many lands, yet she decided to come to the English court to stand service to her cousin, Katherine of Aragon. The young woman is savvy with court matters, manages her household and makes sure she does not spend her riches without a good purpose. She is keen on travelling, wields a sword and rides a horse better than many men, enjoys hunting and nature in general. Her past year has proven to be far more eventful than she had hoped for and she found herself somewhat disappointed in the woman she once believed was a role model of hers. Still, Blanca remains a force of nature: she is not giving up without a fight - the attempts to marry her (and her lands) to England have failed so far, but she is aware she will have to marry soon should she decide to keep the lands and her independence from England.

Sir John Morgan
FC: Ruairi O’Connor
Age: 19


A young and talented poet, John gained his title from Henry himself as he enjoyed his poems immensely. He is flirtatious, can charm just about anyone and loves the amorous exchanges he usually has with women. He loves secrets, finding them out and keeping them, he has an ability to make people feel close to him to be able to open up and enjoys little manipulations he can do. He is friends with Will, growing up around the same places and the same people - a peculiar friendship based on a loyalty he is now realizing he can put to more people. A season at the court changed John, giving him a new perspective and letting him learn on his mistakes, figuring out which ones he would have done again if possible. He might want to deny it, but he grew ambitious lately and is starting to consider what future holds for him: marriage, a wealthy patron or something else entirely.

Lord William Fairfax, Baron of Steeton
FC: Mark Ryder
Age: 19


A valiant knight Will grew up reading and listening to the stories of Camelot, so his wish has always been to live the life of chivalrous knight: brave, kind, proud, loyal and worthy of his title. Youngest of the four sons, he has hopes of making a good, wealthy marriage for himself and only believes his rough manners might stop him from making a good impression. He loves to keep moving, sitting still bores him immensely and he tends to get grumpy when he needs to sit still. He enjoys jousting and hunting but has no taste for the celebrations, usually showing up for a little while with John, before vanishing into solitude. His ranks grew in this past year, a title was given to the young man, but more importantly (to him), Will found a woman he wishes to leave the court with, and he found this new energy that drives him forward.

Crown Prince Otto of Andechs, Count of Burgundy and Duke of Merania
FC: Jacob Collins-Levy
Age: 21


Young Bavarian duke Otto serves as an ambassador of his country at the Tudor court. His brother, Johann, is bound to inherit the throne of the country, making his position at the court a very strong one. He is an educated, silent man with a strong presence and a cold personality. He’s not the one you would invite to a party, but should you need help in a matter of law, he is the man to call. Otto is not an unkind man, but his own upbringing and overly cautious personality prevent him from being a more social person and a more desirable husband in the eyes of any romantic soul. The year has brought him more of a personal gain than diplomatic results: he stood on the sidelines of the playground, watching things escalate between England, Spain and France due to Anne Boleyn. While chaos ruled there, his personal life seemed quite straightforward: he found and eventually surrounded himself with people he found interesting, challenging and the ones he likes spending time with.

Sir Francis Bryan, Earl of Surrey
FC: Joshua Sosse
Age: 32


Frances is a close friend of Henry and Anne, which might just be the only reason his behaviour is tolerated at court. He’s intelligent, has a keen sense of diplomacy and legal matters, he enjoys a great deal of trust with the king. He loves to enjoy life, as he calls it, which implies drinking, celebrations, gambling and many sexual amusements he has been enjoying at both courts. He has a great sense of humour, he’s very observant and charismatic, dangerous combination given he’s pleasant to look at and holds a strong position. He’s been widowed almost two years, childless and waiting for a good moment to marry above his rank and indulge in the fine life. He found himself, strangely, surrounded by big players and his natural ability to assume a grand role proved valuable as he became part of every important circle there is - not without a cost: he sacrificed his eye for the king, at a tournament.

Lord Maximillian von In der Maur auf Strelburg und zu Freifeld, Burgomeister of Berneck and Freiherr von In der Maur
FC: Max Irons
Age: 21


Descending from the powerful nobility of Bavaria and Holy Roman Empire, Maximillian has decided a season on the Tudor court would serve him well - and it really did, in his opinion. He’s arrogant and charming, aware of his power and not afraid to flaunt it, but deep down his intentions are not bad. He is, however, still very full of himself, smug and tends to crave the spotlight in the room. He is the third son of the family, able to pave his own way, but very much unburdened with the family titles and commitments which come with it. His year was somewhat blurred out between wine, women and indulgence, but he sees nothing wrong with simply enjoying things as they are while he's young. He believes he will make connections meaningful enough to strike a good match when the time comes.

Lord Robert Carr, Earl of Dorset
FC: Aaron Cobham
Age: 21


Child of a wealthy foreign merchant and a noblewoman of one of the oldest English families who have eloped and got shunned by her family, Robert did not believe he was made for a life of nobility. Things changed once his uncle, previous Earl, was beheaded for treason and given how his mother Lady Mary has been a good friend of the king, the title was carried to him. Life has changed in an instance and Robert had to adjust to a whole new life. He is humble and modest, with a rational mind and clear goals in life, sometimes too honest and often too trusting. He loves nature and looks forward to marriage and an opportunity to bring his family home to the old fame his mother used to talk about. His year in the court has proved him he has a stomach for the ploys and games, after all, but he is still unlikely to partake in any. He wishes this is the last season of his and wishes to get out of it with a decent marriage to continue his family name and not let the wealth go to waste.

Lord Mathias of House of Habsburg, prince of Bohemia
FC: Alexander Dreymon
Age: 22


Despite coming from a powerful lineage of House of Habsburg, Holy Roman Church and being the prince of Bohemia, Mathias is not really a defender of the faith: a strong believer in the Reform and division from the Pope, he is one of the most outspoken nobles when it comes to matters of religion. Being the third in the line of succession to the throne, Mathias hopes to have a good match arranged for him, preferably in one of the Protestant countries - so far, he doesn't think he found such a match. He is somewhat cold and distant but can be a pleasant person once you break through the first layer. He loves nature, riding and normally prefers to spend his winters back home, but given the situation with the Reform and Henry, he knew he had to come and support the cause - he is happy to be here.

Lord Magnus Erickson Vasa, crown prince of Sweden
FC: Nikolaj Costeau Waldu
Age: 31


Crown Prince of Sweden, from the powerful house of Vasa, is the brother to the most celebrated king in history. Often overlooked, Magnus learned that life in the shadow can be somewhat cold, but it also allows you to escape the tedious things. A strong believer in the Reform of religion, Magnus has become known in his court as the Protestant Prince – negotiating the change in religion with the least amount of violence. He’s a beloved figure in Sweden, has a kind heart and diplomatic mind. He’s very good on social occasions but tends to avoid them. Magnus is not a violent man, but violence is something he grew up to be good with, with a reputation of being an excellent warrior and was one of the people who stood up with his brother after the excommunication by the Pope. He enjoys his time at the Tudor court and even though he is restless to move on, he doesn't mind staying there for a bit more.

Lord George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford
FC: Edward Holcroft
Age: 28


Brother to Lady Anne Boleyn, George is all that a young man climbing ranks should be: handsome, charming, well-spoken, flirtatious, full of energy and very good with all things court. He’s the oldest child in the family, but he’s not worried about the titles, the procedures and such – he is set to live out his best life instead of worrying about the future. He’s entertaining and loves to attend all kinds of celebrations, speaks several languages and has served three kings as part of their Privy Chamber – Bavarian court, French court and right now, English one. He is very close to both his sisters, but he shares more traits with Anne and feels naturally closer to her. George enjoys art and poetry, nature and good amusement, but don’t let this fool you: he is always aware of things around him.

Lord Louis Charles de France, Duke of Orleans
FC: Alexander Vlahos
Age: 27


Brother to King Francis I, King of France, and a personal friend of Lady Anne Boleyn, Louis is all you might expect from a man in his position: well-spoken, patron to art and all things beautiful, skilful warrior and strategist, educated in all matters of court and diplomacy, and of course, the uttermost hedonist. Louis is known for his somewhat wild and unpredictable nature – he might seem soft on the first glance, but don’t let the looks fool you: he can be very cruel, harsh and unapologetic as one gets. He enjoys his lavish life and reputation he has at home, successfully avoiding all things he does not like for himself at this moment, including getting a high-power match. Louis is currently enjoying his time at the court and wishes to stick around for a while longer.

Lady Avis Courtenay, Dowager Duchess of Loamshire
FC: Gemma Chan
Age: 31


Possibly the most elusive beautiful woman that has ever walked any court, Avis has always amused herself by remaining a mystery. Intelligent and well-spoken, she will rarely speak out of term but will demand respect almost instantly and effortlessly. She's kind, once you get to know her, yet not many have had the pleasure. The list of her connections is a long one, but the list of her friends is everything but. She takes pride in her skills of maintaining the lands at her position and aims to remain a widow for the remains of her life, letting the lands go to the crown after she passes. Avis is looking forward to joining the court at Queen's request, and experiencing the life at Tudor court under the Reform and with Anne as a queen.

Lady Cressida Gascoyne, daughter of Duke of Bedford
FC: Suki Waterhouse
Age: 18


Middle daughter of Duke of Bedford, Cressida realized early on she will have to write her own path in life - no one will do it for her. Both her sisters - Isabella and Elizabeth - are closest to her, and while both might be a little bit more on the silent side, Cressida has always been the life of any gathering, normally in a great mood and horribly bored once there is no company around her. She's oftentimes loud, doesn't know how to hold her opinion back, usually stands up for herself and those she loves. Cressida is not afraid to get what she wants and usually has at least three ways of getting it mapped out in her mind before she even makes her move. This is her first season at court and she's looking forward to being there, hoping she will not strike a match right away and possibly stay there (and be free) a bit longer.

Lord Leopold Girault, Earl of Devonshire
FC: Jamie Dornan
Age: 24


Renowned at court for being an excellent fighter and a charming man, Leo is a well-rounded person: jousting, music (plays both the lute and the harpsichord), speaks several languages and is quite sweet-talking when he wants to be. He's open to opinions, but once he’s made up his mind, it is difficult to change it. He's guarded, just like his sister, and often comes off as less sincere than Luca. He's an agile and physical aspect of things is important to him - he rarely forgets names and faces. Leo can be careless and impulsive, usually getting out of his little messes using his charm or influence. Normally, he's the desired company with both men and women - he can entertain, dance or discuss high diplomacy within a few moments easily. 

Malkoçoğlu Emin Ali Pashazada
FC: Burak Özçivit
Age: 25


The third son of the famous Malkocoglu Pasha, Emin Ali is the surprise child. Emin is a proud man, cunning and resourceful, and just like the most of his family, he has a great talent for military and strategy. His reputation of a great warrior in the Ottoman Empire is surpassed only by his intelligence: he speaks several languages and makes for an exceptional diplomat. What you might not realize is that you'll seldom know how he feels, his opinion or intentions. Just like his favourite game, chess, Emin thinks moves ahead and never does anything without a reason, while oftentimes having to suppress his impulsive side to benefit his cause. He lets the pressure out through physical activity and usually holds nothing back while engaging in those. He's joining the court at the request of Lord Louis, for a season, to try to bring a better relationship between the Ottoman Empire and English Crown.
Note: Emin Ali is the first name, Malkoçoğlu is a family name, Pashazada is the title (his father is Pasha, and as the first son, his title is Pashazada). He's usually addressed as Malkocoglu Pasha or Lord Malkocoglu.

Nicholas van Arkel
FC: Tom Bateman
Age: 22


Until recently, the youngest son of a wealthy noble family, Nicholas has finally given into his dream of joining the clergy now the reform has begun. One might call him ambitious, but his only ambition in life is to be happy, so he would disagree. His faith is important to him, but he feels the worldly should go along with the spiritual. His approach might be a bit more aggressive in his opinions: Christian issue should be addressed more forcefully: not necessarily with violence, but with educating people and bringing them to the light. Nicholas is a good company, whether you'd like to have a discussion, pleasant chat or entertain yourself with a game - the fact remains he was raised as a nobleman in a good family. His family isn't the happiest about his recent decision, but Nicholas was unyielding on his decision. 

Lady Mary Boleyn, widow of William Carey, of Aldenham
FC: Sarah Gadon
Age: 28


Well educated in basic principles of arithmetic, grammar, history, reading, spelling, and writing, and of course, the feminine accomplishments of dancing, embroidery, etiquette, household management, music, needlework, and singing, and games such as cards and chess, Mary was also taught archery, falconry, riding, and hunting. Versatile, fun-loving and utterly free-spirited, she is the talk of the court, but not for the good things. You might notice her beauty and you might learn about her personality - kind, entertaining and friendly - yet, you will most likely hear the most whispers about her chamber adventures (sadly). To this point, Mary has been dutiful daughter and wife, but since her husband passed in the wave of the sweating sickness recently, she turned back to enjoying the court life...for how long? No one can tell.

Edit: Philippe is single again /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Last edited by Zaralee (12/12/2020 at 21:41)


#3 07/12/2020 at 23:17

Posts: 548

Impressions & Personal Plots
Note: the general mood at the court is weird - change is in the air and everyone is, at least in a bit, influenced by that; and then, the wedding is there remind everyone about their own prospects of love, wealth, titles, heirs or everything mentioned - I felt like this has to be said.
honestly, it just feels like I love writing notes.

Lady Colette

Lady Eleanor

Lady Lucrezia

Lady Valerie

Lady Felicia

Lady Aynişah

Also, just for the good measure, FAQ.
1. Highest nobles at the court?
Besides the reigning couple, and including paper people only:
Lord Louis & Lord Magnus; followed by Lord Otto, and Lord Mathias.
(might add more & keep in mind highest doesn't mean the most powerful /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

2. What’s with outfits?
They are NOT obligatory. You can do those, don’t have to. New rule /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Last edited by Zaralee (11/12/2020 at 08:19)


#4 07/12/2020 at 23:18

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977



Motto: I Lived (One Republic)



Last edited by BambiFoxx (20/12/2020 at 18:27)



#5 07/12/2020 at 23:21

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633

Lady Eleanor Victoria Clifford, 18FC: Holliday Grainger




Last edited by schoggettchen (11/12/2020 at 09:30)



#6 07/12/2020 at 23:24

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633

Archduchess Valerie of Austria, 22 - Haus HabsburgFC: Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey


Story (tell me about your arrival, the mascarade and other events you want to include - keep in mind you need to interact with interest in order to get impressions)

https://i.postimg.cc/bJFSZMRC/79-Valerie-Pre-R1.pngCred to MB


Last edited by schoggettchen (11/12/2020 at 09:30)



#7 08/12/2020 at 05:32

Posts: 500




The Departure

The Arrival

The Hunt

The Wedding

The Masquerade

Round done!

Last edited by tricole (14/12/2020 at 16:47)


#8 08/12/2020 at 06:36

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365




Masquerade // Wedding

i. something old, something borrowed

ii. vantage point

iii. the green grove

iv. courage

v. flowers and confessions

COMPLETE in a really rushed way

Last edited by Jadis (16/12/2020 at 17:02)



#9 10/12/2020 at 00:10

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147


In a slow progress—
Name: Yılmaz Aynişah Hatun bint Vizer Evhad
Age: 19, December 3rd
Face claim: Esra Bilgiç
Interests: Malkocoglu Pasha, Lord Mathias, Lady Cressida, Lady Mary

what I know and doesn't yet

Demurcu — Cousin

country roads take me home

loyalty to the crown

if you could hold a whisper

the fox and the hound

you can become unmade

Awfully rushed; but COMPLETE

Last edited by Mimira (17/12/2020 at 09:12)


#10 13/12/2020 at 16:36

Posts: 548

So, there’s only 4 of us left, & I’m closing the round now, but posting the other one when at least one person is done /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Next round will have 1 event for all & some personal plot points, so we can chat about what we wanna do & what you wanna write about /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png


#11 13/12/2020 at 19:28

Posts: 548

Round 2 is now open!

Round 2: Sweet, Not Lasting

The beginning of the season has been eventful, to say the least. One marriage seemed to have started while a couple of them are feuding rumours of the end.

But, first thing's first.

We're stepping into May & June of 1533.
Spring is slowly turning into summer. Friendships are growing, and so is the child in Queen's belly. At the end of June, her ladies-in-waiting will notice a growing bump on her stomach, along with this wonderful glow she seems to be wearing.

You'll spend the first week moving to Hampton Court, some will leave early, some will leave a day or two behind: ladies will leave mid-week, with the Queen, while the men will arrive at the end of the week with the King.

From there on, you'll each have a few things to do on your own, asides your normal duties. Still, the court is a lively place, the rumours travel quickly and you need to make sure to take everything with a grain of salt.


So, the only thing I need everyone to attend in this round is the Tourney.
As for usual, the King has an uncontrollable urge to showcase his might and a tourney is organized to commemorate his coronation 24 years ago. It will take place from 24 - 26th June.

The celebration will last for exhausting 3 days, with Tourney happening on Day 1 & 2, and the King will share his kingdom with the tourney winner (given there is someone who manages to beat him at this duel). The festivities, music, drinks happen during the day, before and after jousting.
Please find the list of duels below, along with who the men ask to wear their favours in brackets, and the winner will be in bold. PLEASE READ.
Also, I might still add the favour (when you're done writing)

Day 1: June 24

Day 2: June 25

Early evening of June 25th, you'll all stop with your good celebration with the news that the King is recovering, but that John had died. The majority will go back to their chambers or spend time with those they deem close, for consolation, and as a reminder of gratitude - you're alive and in good health, and hopefully with someone you call your own.

Please end your story on the early morning of June 26th, when you're all gathered at the great hall of Hampton Court.
(incoming snippet on the closing day).
Interests: up to 5, it's easier if you interacted with them.
Outfits for the tourney (optional)
Story (include what you deem important & end it on June 26th)
Coming back if there's another season: simple yes or no & you'll be able to change it at any point /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png)

Last edited by Zaralee (14/12/2020 at 21:53)


#12 13/12/2020 at 19:29

Posts: 548

Impressions & Snippets possibly

Lady Felicia: DONE

Lady Lucrezia

Lady Aynişah

Lady Colette

Last edited by Zaralee (17/12/2020 at 23:05)


#13 13/12/2020 at 19:33

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

Colette is slow but here!



#14 13/12/2020 at 21:11

Posts: 500











And done!

Last edited by tricole (21/12/2020 at 15:10)


#15 13/12/2020 at 22:18

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Yılmaz Aynişah Hatun bint Vizer Evhad
Age: 19, December 3rd

Aynî isn't done doing nothing at court, she'll attend!

absorption of a world

and we speak as if we’ve got something to say

stars drowning at sea

out of touch

there are few things I’d change

leave it in the dark

Nearly got it done...

Last edited by Mimira (20/12/2020 at 21:54)


#16 15/12/2020 at 16:40

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Name: Lucrezia Girault
Age: 20/21, depending on when the birthday is
Interests: Otto, Magnus, Blanca, Avis
Coming back if there's another season: Yes. If time allows?

i. tethered

ii. sehnsucht

Just... keeping it short, if there is one more I'll make it, if not, count this complete...?

Last edited by Jadis (21/12/2020 at 17:47)



#17 18/12/2020 at 01:02

Posts: 548

I’m enjoying this so much & given our general speed, I’ve asked for a permission to extend the contest a bit more.


Permission Granted: Contest must close no later than Dec 20 at 23:15


#18 20/12/2020 at 19:03

Posts: 548

My ladies,

I'm closing this chapter 1 1/2 of The Tudors, ironically called Always the Same.

It's been a pleasure visiting & revisiting these wonderful characters and while I'll make time to do some pretty banners & post the result tomorrow at this time, right now I'll close this chapter, with three snippets relevant for the possible upcoming season.

Hopefully, all four of you join me there C:

Oh, and let me know what you think C:


All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity

There’s a divinity that shapes our ends

Do you think I meant country matters?


#19 21/12/2020 at 20:08

Posts: 548

Thank you for participating, everyone, hopefully, you will join me whenever we continue with this mess /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

I cannot decide on one winner, everyone was here to have a good time and get some creativity going - I hope we did!

Honestly, I was in love with everyone, so instead of doing banners - because I have zero time, right now, I'd love to tell you a bit about my own view of the majestic paper people you brought to the table <3

My love at first sight, wonderfully mischievous Lady Felicia took me by surprise and grasped my heart from the first second - she fit into the crowd and stood out simultaneously, she managed to win people over and slip into this intimacy with them easily... But, the layers you managed, Tric, cannot even - the complexity within two rounds of a person, kudos. Hope she comes back, I would be heartbroken if she didn't!

Then, lovely Hatun Ayni, who stormed herself into being quite soft and feminine, and a fierce creature demanding her respect at the same time - it wasn't that big of a shock, honestly, Mira & I go back a long way, and to cut this short: your writing has been missed. Not having her return for another season of starry eyes, exploring the court, living the lavish western life... will not do!

And, we're reaching my MVPs, cannot even show how happy I was to have you back!

Lovely Luca & her royal love story, I've missed the insightful witness, political views and snippets, as well as this endearing, soft, slow-burning fire between her and Otto - so many TMI questions happened between us about this bit, not even cool. With her brother around, I couldn't have asked for more, honestly. Jadis' ability to flash out these 3D people is something I was familiar with for a while, yet I did not know I missed Luca until I saw her again.

And my tortured babe, whose romance I've been cheering since season one and one of the rare people who made me jump my ship (puns intended), Duchess Colette is now part of this story, touching almost every life I've been writing about. Finding out you were under the weather made me sad, not only because of the obvious but because I figured I'd see much less of Colette than I hoped for!

Last edited by Zaralee (21/12/2020 at 21:53)


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