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#1 31/12/2020 at 00:35

Posts: 548

Hemlock Cove: The Prodigal Son

Hi everyone!

Let's keep this short - this is a character claim contest which will take place in Hemlock Cove, Canada.

I imagined this as some kind of a small-town-feel mystery-but-no-murder to be solved or simply enjoyed. You get to choose how involved you get, or don't get, and the main point is to have some fun!


So, inspired by Dare, I decided to try the character claim for this contest.

The premise is quite simple:
1. You reserve the character you wish to write this contest: first come, first served! Post, PM me, I'll manage if there's a double claim.

2. Fill out the blanks on the form. You already have a name, sometimes age/age brackets & some relationships, plus a novelty...

3. ...which we'll see how it works (test your audience kind of thing, you know?). It's concerning traits. Given some people have a course in life, I included 2/3 traits you will keep in addition to your trait selection.

4. I really, really dislike making outfits. I know some of you do, so you have the option of making it or using something like Urstyle. Outfits won't be obligatory once we start. The contest is set in contemporary times.

5. Select up to 3 interests. You'll get some personal plots when we start based on that & an additional selection of mine.

6. Your character has a past, I'll give you enough information about that, but I'd like to keep this episodic in nature.

7. Also, there will be no focus on work/science, so don't let that get in a way of your choice.

Paper People

Characters to be Claimed

I apologize for possible mistakes.

Contest closes on Monday, January 4th, in the afternoon or evening.

To make the dynamics a bit more comfortable, I'm adding a character who was not supposed to partake, but Max is updated & added.
This means the characters' relationships have changed & it includes: MADDISON, ZORA & DINA. Max was also added to the friends' list of Poppy & Alma.

Also, I will send you some information about your character (background, bit more about the relationships & usually a secret). You'll need these things when we start.

Last edited by Zaralee (03/01/2021 at 20:55)


#2 31/12/2020 at 00:43

Posts: 500

Name: Zora Maria Novak Martinez

The unassuming choice of a mechanic, but this girl understands how things work!

FC: Chiara Scelsi
Age: 25
Resident of Hemlock Cove: her entire life.
Occupation / Work Place: runs a mechanics auto shop.
Key personality traits: Thinkerrer. Proactive. Spunky. Versatile. Empathetic. Impulsive. Touchy-feely, but does try to hide her more sensitive side

Relationships to consider:
Mateo, older brother.
Max, her closest friend.

Interests: Max, Pete and Seb

When one has better thing to do of course outfits happen...


Last edited by tricole (03/01/2021 at 00:02)


#3 31/12/2020 at 01:24

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


Alma Rivera

One of the most popular "newcomers" of Hemlock Cove is certainly the seductive fire department deputy.

FC: Frida Aasen

Age: 27

Resident of Hemlock Cove:
for 6 years now

Occupation / Work Place:
Deputy Chief Fire Department Hemlock Cove

Key personality traits:
Seductive. Arrogant. Blunt. Independent. Athletic. @ Work - Straight-laced @ Play - free spirited. Adventurous. Fiesty. Closeted tenderheart.

Sebastian, step-brother.
Ben, ex-boyfriend.
Nick, close friend.




Last edited by BambiFoxx (02/01/2021 at 23:00)



#4 31/12/2020 at 01:31

Posts: 1 848

Name: Rowan Lane

Young investment manager working for a charismatic angel investor, thrown into the pond with the big fish at the very beginning of her career.

FC: Madeleine Mantock

Age: 30

Resident of Hemlock Cove: newcomer.

Occupation / Work Place: investment manager at Agos VC.

Key personality traits: Analytical, Hard worker, Inquisitive, Eager to please, and willing to bend rules/be manipulative if it means getting what she wants or an answer she needs.

Interests: Renon, Alejandro, Shapur



Last edited by Dare (02/01/2021 at 23:22)


#5 31/12/2020 at 01:53

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Constantina Kavasilas
If you've ever tuned into Hemlock Cove Radio, you've heard Dina smooth sailing on the radio waves.

FC: Anja Winkelmann
Age: 29
Resident of Hemlock Cove: her entire life, with some breaks.
Occupation / Work Place: Radio manager, host, presenter & DJ.
Key personality traits: Outspoken. Witty. Confident. Affable. Spirited. Passionate. Assertive. Doesn't have a problem being unpleasant (bitchy) when needed.

Relationships to consider:
Nick, twin brother.
Noah, her closest friend.
Ben & Max, friends.


Last edited by Mimira (04/01/2021 at 16:05)


#6 31/12/2020 at 08:42

Posts: 143


Name: Charlotte Blake

FC: Sasha Kichigina

Age: 25

Resident of Hemlock Cove: newcomer

Occupation / Work Place:  taking a year off from studying New Media at the Art Institute in Paris.

Key personality traits:  Creative. Outgoing. Observant. Easy to get along with. Patient. Sarcastic. Picky. Secretive.

Relationships to consider:
Renon, maternal half-brother & only family she has.

Interests: Max, Ben, Alejandro


Last edited by MistyMisty (04/01/2021 at 13:26)


#7 31/12/2020 at 09:13

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633

Young widow Melody seems to have some kind of poetic unobtainable air surrounding her since she returned to Hemlock Cove.

Name: Melody Smollet-Hunt

FC: Nina Dobrev

Age: 27

Resident of Hemlock Cove: her entire life, with some breaks

Occupation / Work Place: librarian (head) at Hemlock Cove Library

Key personality traits: Eloquent. Private. Gentle. Hard-working. Materialistic. Indecisive. Observant. Headstrong. 

Relationships to consider:
Meredith & Maddie, sisters.
Daniel Hunt, husband, deceased.
Nick, a close friend.
Works on various projects with Mateo.

Interests: Mateo, Max & Noah


Last edited by schoggettchen (02/01/2021 at 08:49)



#8 31/12/2020 at 09:21

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 7 223

credit to my sister schoggy (at least in this contest) for beautiful banner

The youngest Smollet sister appears to be looking for a direction for herself right now -  and in the most peculiar places.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Name} Maddison Smollet
FC} Victoria Justice
Age} 23

Resident of Hemlock Cove} her entire life, with a short break
Occupation / Work Place} graduated in Marine Biology, currently working at the CBOT! (bartender)

Key personality traits} Passionate. Stubborn. Intelligent. Impatience. Reliable. Indecisive. Charming.

Relationships to consider}
Meredith & Melody, sisters.
Max, her closest friend since she returned from college.
Poppy, her boss, friendly relationship.

Interests} Ben, Renon, Seb

credit to MB and Google

And Done}

Last edited by NinaJones (02/01/2021 at 10:50)


#9 02/01/2021 at 13:34

Posts: 105

Name: Khairiah Daher
A talented young scientist adjusting to the life of a small town, relaxed yet competitive work atmosphere & joys of being completely independent.

FC: Janae Roberts

Age: 27

Resident of Hemlock Cove: almost a year now.

Occupation / Work Place: molecular biology scientist at Hemlock Cove Institute for Technology.

Key personality traits: Competitive. Shy. Observant. Good listener. Introverted. Kind. Lonely.

Relationships to consider:
Shapur, boss, although she feels like he's more of a co-worker
Theo, colleague
Noah, founder of HCIT, someone she admires

Interest: Pete, Nick & Seb

Outfit: Done

Status: Done

Last edited by MissKiki (03/01/2021 at 12:24)


#10 02/01/2021 at 17:37

Place: Who knows anymore
Posts: 1 051


Poppy Anwar // 34 // Bar Owner and Manager of Cake by the Ocean
Interests: Alejandro, Shapur and Mateo

Name: Poppy Anwar

Faceclaim: Hayley Williams (with blue hair)

Age: 34

Resident of Hemlock Cove: over a decade. Poppy was brought to Hemlock Cove by love, and it was her new-found love of the town that made her stay even after her divorce.

Occupation: bar owner and manager of Cake by the Ocean, as well as a bartender.

Personality Traits: creative, supportive, energetic, extroverted, stubborn, cunning, impatient, picky.

Well-Established Relationships: Shapur Anwar (former brother-in-law and good friend); Mateo Martinez (friend and occasional fling); Maddison Smollet (employee); Max Pozo (friend).

Interests: Alejandro Agos; Shapur Anwar; Mateo Martinez.

[But without freckles, the makeup room bug won't let me take them off]

Massive thanks to Schoggettchen for the banner <3

Last edited by Fashion-Chic (03/01/2021 at 21:53)


#11 03/01/2021 at 18:16

Posts: 164


Meredith might as well be the untouchable figure of the town: the good doctor, a legacy child & household name of Hemlock Cove.

Name: Meredith Smollet

FC: selena gomez

Age: 32

Resident of Hemlock Cove: her entire life, with some breaks.

Occupation / Work Place: physician/doctor at her own private practice

Key personality traits:
Very private. Arrogant. Kind. Optimistic. Introverted. Hard-working sometimes too much. Good listener. bad at giving relationship advice. Loyal.

Relationships to consider:

Melody & Maddison, sisters.
Mateo, a close friend.
Nick, ex-boyfriend.
Pete, a favourite ski & tennis partner.

Interest: Noah, Mateo, Seb


Last edited by MariaL (04/01/2021 at 10:08)


#12 03/01/2021 at 19:50

Posts: 548

Hi everyone!

Thank you for applying for the character claim in such a number /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Given the episodic nature of this contest, I want to try something new: we have 5 rounds in a normal contest (5 episodes, if you will) & given how busy the calendar seems to be, I was thinking of actually doing episodes with this contest: it will be divided into 2-5 smaller contests, each consisting of one or two rounds/episodes.

This way, we get to start before Miss K begins her contest, do another episode between other contests & kinda have smaller doses easier to handle.

I'm thinking of starting episode/round 1 this week; then continue with episode two at the nearest possible timeslot.

I'd like to hear your opinion if you have any (DM, any instant messenger, or whatever you'd like).


#13 04/01/2021 at 18:53

Posts: 548

Hemlock Cove: The Prodigal Son Character Claim is now closed.

Thank you guys, for participating in Character claim.
Two unclaimed people will appear as paper people/extras in the first chapter unless they are claimed then.

See you on Wednesday, when we open Chapter 1!


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