
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 05/12/2022 at 12:28

Posts: 143

Round 4 will resume next time!



What was supposed to be a normal trip quickly turned out to be one of the most dangerous trips for everyone onboard The Mad Ghost, a ship meant to carry simple magical cargos back to Atlanta, USA. Something strange and terrifying is happening on the ship and with magic and blood thick in the air, there is definitely a number of concerns:

a) The strong and powerful Flying Atlantis crew, who have temporarily taken charge of The Mad Ghost, seem to become weaker and weaker, leaving the perfectly healthy but poorly-skilled recruits to fend for themselves,

b) The half-deranged vampire is convinced there is something within the walls,

And c) that something might just be claiming crew members one by one.


Hey, hi, hello and herroz!

WELCOME BACK to this world of dark magic, Pirates, and… dare I say it, UTTER CHAOS. And to all or any newcomers, WELCOME! While we may not be pillaging or plundering the seas, I promise you that mayhem upon the waves is still very much on the table. This will be a continuation from my last contest that ended rather abruptly, so that means we’re starting off somewhat right before the thick of the action. As always, if you guys have any questions at all, you know where to find me!

Now, enough of me rambling, shall we get to it?




Round Dynamics

Round 1 will end 10th December at 22:00 forum time
Round 2 will end 15th December at 22:00 forum time
Round 3 will end 21st December at 22:00 forum time

Last edited by MistyMisty (23/12/2022 at 21:44)


#2 05/12/2022 at 12:29

Posts: 143



This World of Madness


Ship Dynamics


  Each PND ship belongs to ONE Captain and is controlled totally under their magic. Others can only get control of the ship by either killing the captain, or by receiving their permission. Even then, it will take a few months minimum to get the ship’s magic completely under their control.

  Each captain has their own magic touch on the ship, honed to perfection according to their needs and abilities.

  Ships belonging to PNDs are smaller than HD ships on the outside, but thanks to magic, the inside of their ships are bigger and roomier.

About The Mad Ghost


The Mad Ghost’s Locations

There are 4 decks in total;
If you want to explore any particular room, set it as your Location Interest to get more details from it

Upper Deck

2nd Deck

3rd Deck

Bottom Deck

Last edited by MistyMisty (05/12/2022 at 12:33)


#3 05/12/2022 at 12:31

Posts: 143

Note: With each round, more of their personalities will be revealed through impressions and interactions. Should you like to know more about them to add in to your stories, you may ask character questions.

Updates as of Round 2:

Audrey has unfortunately been T-Rexed.
Lou-Lou’s character status has been changed.
Ezryn’s character sheet has been updated.
Garren and Leila character sheets have been added.
Da Xiu has been added.


Captain Kiaan










Evangeline (Evie)






Louise (Lou-Lou)












Player Banners and Abilities


Last edited by MistyMisty (11/12/2022 at 19:28)


#4 05/12/2022 at 12:32

Posts: 143


Current Route: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

New Players

Please message me if you would like to join as you will be joining on a special route compared to previous players. Your role would be different but nonetheless important and will be implemented into the next round immediately. You would still receive your special skill, form, and story.

In the early morning, the Mad Ghost had just barely reached the docks of South Africa when a strange energy washes over the ship and the crew, almost as though… freezing the magic flowing on-board. Everyone is on the upper deck, preparing to get off the ship.

If you question the ‘freezing’ magic, Captain Kiaan will state that it is a type of sealing magic used here to prevent outside magic from entering the coasts of South Africa. There had once been a history of a terrible ambush that took place and thus, preventive measures have now been taken. This, of course, meant that magical cargos could not be loaded or unloaded here. Docking at Cape of Good Hope was meant for rest, enjoyment, and to replenish paranormals’ natural magic.

As everyone, particularly the Flying Atlantis crew, leave the ship, you notice Ezryn emerging from downstairs with a  rare expression in place —relief. And for once, you can see the dark circles under his eyes, like he has not gotten any sleep, and how pale his complexion is. He leaves the ship with the rest of the crew but is shortly called aside by a deeply frowning Kyron. Whatever they were saying seemed to escalate into a whisper-argument and finally into what looked like Kyron’s victory.

You all are booked into the closest Inn and are given free reign to do as you please, whether it’s to unwind, sleep, or spend time with each other after the last devastating event. Additionally, there are markets that are open all day and well into the night. You may explore as you wish, but only with a Flying Atlantis member to accompany you, strictly for safety reasons.

You will also be continuing your strict training, and your mentors will each train you off the ships, focusing mostly on reserving magic flow. They will increase training and you have the option to go along with it, or slack off.

During your stay in South Africa, Captain Kiaan will be moving around often, apparently searching for someone, the ship’s original builder and cartographer. Perhaps he would know something of the ship’s secret.

You are permitted to visit the ship, but only if Ezryn will accompany you, as he is half-counted as a Mad Ghost Pirate. He was taken in more recently by Rhea, but due to her unable to give him her claim, he is only partially under the ship’s magic. Nevertheless, he will be able to protect you from anything when visiting the ship.

At the end of the mostly peaceful, quiet week, Captain Kiaan will call for a meeting: he had finally found who he was looking for.



- This round will cover Week 2 of March


• Form:


Location Interest: Inaccessible for Round 1

• Story:

- Write about the events that have occurred

- Write about what your character does during this leisure period

- End your story at the end of the week, when you are all summoned by Kiaan.

• Outfits:

- An outfit of your character while roaming the markets
- An outfit of your choice

Round 1 will end: 10th December, [ 22:00 ] forum time


#5 05/12/2022 at 12:45

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Casting Form

0. Intermission

If I don't finish my *other* bit in time, in which case count this baby warm-up as complete

Last edited by Jadis (10/12/2022 at 14:32)



#6 06/12/2022 at 10:43

Posts: 103




Chapter one: Embarkment

~In Progress~

Last edited by MissKiki (11/12/2022 at 10:19)


#7 08/12/2022 at 22:08

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 6 880


Ice cold but fussy inside

Every day outfit//Training
credit to MB

••• ••• ☠︎Chapter 1☠︎ ••• •••

Week 1 Welcome to Cape of Good Hope

Week 2 A Change in Plans

••• ••• ☠︎DONE☠︎ ••• •••

Last edited by NinaJones (17/12/2022 at 22:01)


#8 11/12/2022 at 11:57

Posts: 143


Current Route: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa  → Bahia, Brazil

The Ally

When you go into Captain Kiaan’s room, you are surprised by the few members there. Namely, only Kyron and Captain Kiaan of the Flying Atlantis, all of The Mad Ghost’s crew, and three new faces. Captain Kiaan will introduce Garren, Captain Rhea’s mentor and the one who had helped with the construction of The Mad Ghost. With him are his two underlings— Leila and Da Xiu.They show their charms, the exact ones as Rhea’s Claim that the Mad Ghost pirates had, proving that they were allied with Rhea.      

Garren, Leila, and Da Xiu

Enlisting the help of Garren, the plan is to have him re-map the ship to see if there has been any changes to the old blueprint that existed. If changes have been made, the cartographer would know. Leila and Da Xiu will join the crew, under the guise of being Garren’s assistants due to his old age. This is to prevent any suspicions that may be formed from whoever was tampering with the ship and its cargos.

Back At Sea

It doesn’t take long for the ship to return to its course, now even more urgent than before. Whatever is happening, the only way to get it to stop is for the ship to reach its final destination —Atlanta.

During this time, once again, training time has increased slightly, and this time, Garren’s team will be joining the training sessions.


Docking at Bahia, Brazil

Upon arriving in Brazil, tragedy strikes once again.

In the middle of the night, you awaken to the heavy oppressive feel of an outside magic roaming around the ship. The feeling is horrendous, chills going down your spine as you are hit with the feeling of danger. You have to get… somewhere, you don’t know where yet, but you need to leave your room at once. Once in the hallway, you realize its pitch-dark and a terrible feeling sits in your gut; blood was going to get spilled.

Rhea’s claim feels warm in your hand —when did you even grab hold of it?— and reassures you that her magic is still somehow standing strong.

You don’t know where you’re going, but the ship’s magic is trying to lead you somewhere. Should you allow the flow of magic, it will take you through the darkness and you will soon find yourself in front of Anya’s office door.

Just as you put your hand on the handle, you hear the sound of sobbing; soft, desperate, frightened sobbing.  It’s coming from somewhere… near you, but besides your own crew, there’s no one else.

Listening carefully, you realize… it’s coming from the walls.

Just as you move to hear it again, the sobbing turns into a frightened gasp and then it’s silent again.

The Haunted Magic

The oppressive magic lifts just as the sun comes up. And true to Ezryn’s words, there, on the Upper Deck, was a body. Mangled and torn-apart was the horrific sight that greeted you, and for now, there is no way to identify who it was. Within a few minutes, the Flying Atlantis crew come up, their faces pale and it doesn’t take long for the body to be covered and taken away by Iona and Kiaan.

A check of personnel is held and you find out that Audrey of The Mad Ghost was gone, along with Lou-Lou of the Flying Atlantis.

The crew’s expression is tight and the only way you can tell they’re upset is because their magic is coursing through the ship and The Mad Ghost is not happy about it. A fresh wave of the Mad Ghost’s magic surges through the ship, refreshing you but pissing them off.

It doesn’t take long for the ship to reach the harbour of Bahia but upon reaching, they are refused entry into the port. There is a magic barrier that forces the ship away from land. Left with no choice but to find out why, Kiaan takes Iona and Jasper with him as he takes a smaller boat to the harbour.

While waiting, Kyron and Garren gather the recruits to the training room with the impression of focusing on strength training. Once inside, you’re surprised when you notice the room is glowing a faint white, and a white mesh replaces the door of the training room —a sealing ward. You see Ameer standing nearby, his markings glowing brightly.

What They Know

Note: Character Sheets have been Updated.



- This round will cover Week 3 and Week 4 of March


• Form:


Location Interest: (Pick maximum of 2 locations)

• Story:

- Write about the events that have occurred

- End your story at the end of the week, when you are all taken into the training room.

• Outfits:

- An outfit of your character when you wake up to the oppressive magic.
- An outfit of your choice

Round 2 will end: 15th December, [ 22:00 ] forum time

Last edited by MistyMisty (11/12/2022 at 19:23)


#9 11/12/2022 at 11:58

Posts: 143


Note: Due to there not being enough players, I have decided to remove the Notion addition and will instead, share everything in your impressions.  If you have any questions to ask your interest, please message me.


Da Xiu





Last edited by MistyMisty (12/12/2022 at 19:03)


#10 14/12/2022 at 13:40

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Casting Form

i. whiplash

ii. presentiment

iii. surveying

iv. inquisitory (WIP)

In progress

Last edited by Jadis (21/12/2022 at 16:30)



#11 14/12/2022 at 14:10

Posts: 103



Interests:  Kyron (RI), The Cook, Evvie?

Outfits:               Training                     |            Rude Awakening
https://i.imgur.com/LH4viIo.png https://i.imgur.com/oco0S9f.png

Room exploration: Kitchen and office


Hanging with the Cook

Exploring the Kitchen

The First Mate’s Office

Rude Awakening


Status: DONE

Last edited by MissKiki (18/12/2022 at 15:53)


#12 15/12/2022 at 14:40

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 6 880


Scared Frozen

Chillin on ship//Night walk

••• ••• ☠︎Chapter 2☠︎ ••• •••

Week 3 Back At Sea

Week 4 The Haunted Magic

Last edited by NinaJones (17/12/2022 at 22:12)


#13 15/12/2022 at 22:54

Posts: 143


EmmyAna has granted permission to extend this round for one more day! Happy writing guys ♥

The new round will close on the 16th <3

Last edited by MistyMisty (18/12/2022 at 14:32)


#14 17/12/2022 at 15:45

Posts: 143


Current Route: Bahia, Brazil

During the time the Captain is away, you notice that Isaac and Maxim patrol the Upper Deck, keeping a lookout for any dangers that may arise. The ship may be anchored, but getting denied access to the port means that they will be exposed to other, external magic.

In the Haunted Silence

A few days go by and the Captain has yet to return. This will steer up a lot of unrest aboard the ship, and all eyes turn to Kyron to decide the next move. For the time being, Kyron will maintain their current routine.

Near the end of the week, Jasper returns alone, stone-faced and bruised.

Jasper’s Return

On the early morning of Evie and Isaac’s intended departure, you awaken once again to the ship’s magic pulsing wilding throughout. Aside from that, you hear the sounds of deep, rumbling growls and of someone running about.

When you go to investigate, the ship is pitch dark. You try to take a few steps forward but step into something liquid… water maybe? You blindly reach out for a torch you knew was nearby and when you light it up, a horrific sight greets you.

There, in the middle of the hall was Isaac, his eyes frozen wide and filled with terror —it seemed as though he were paralyzed. There was a horrible wound on his shoulder, like something had attacked him. Next to him was Ezryn, unconscious and covered in wounds, sporting terrible claw marks on his abdomen.

You hear something, shuffling you think, from behind you and when you whip around, you think you see something —something that stared back you with bloodthirsty hollow eyes. Before you can react, the torch flares brighter and that thing lets out a screech, before promptly disappearing into the darkness. You don’t chase after it.

Just as you turn towards the injured men, you feel a flow of magic course through the ship again, this time, clean energy. Isaac moves then, gasping for air.

Evie and Isaac leave the ship, with Isaac having being treated by Ameer. You will catch a bandage around Evie’s wrist and if you ask about it, you will be told that Evie had to force feed Ezryn otherwise he would have bled to death, ironic for a vampire.

Once the ship sets off, you will see Garren walking around the ship, his eyes glowing just slightly, enough to let you know he is working on re-mapping the blueprint of the ship. You’ll notice him carrying a few rolled up sheets of paper and sometimes, you can catch him muttering under his breath and scribbling down notes. Leila will be tagging along with him, lugging around his tools.

Everyone on the ship will be tensed and quiet, and a new rule will be set out. No one will be allowed to hang about alone, especially at night.

Note: Character Sheets will be updated once everyone finishes their round 2.



- This round will cover Week 1 of April


• Form:


Location Interest: (Pick maximum of 2 locations)

• Story:

- Write about the events that have occurred

- End your story after receiving the new rule.

• Outfits:

- An outfit of your character the day Jasper returns
- An outfit of your choice

Round 3 will end: 21st December, [ 22:00 ] forum time

Last edited by MistyMisty (18/12/2022 at 14:34)


#15 18/12/2022 at 14:33

Posts: 143


Note: Due to there not being enough players, I have decided to remove the Notion addition and will instead, share everything in your impressions.  If you have any questions to ask your interest, please message me.


Da Xiu - TBA


Penelope - TBA


Wren - TBA


#16 19/12/2022 at 15:00

Posts: 103

Location Interest[/b]: Library and Infirmary


#17 20/12/2022 at 16:32

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Might as well hold here ^_^



#18 20/12/2022 at 21:44

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 6 880

Coming, coming


#19 22/12/2022 at 16:30

Posts: 143


Hello, hello, beautiful people and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Due to the chaos of the holiday period and with everyone being too busy because of it, I have decided to split the contest once again and wrap up the last two rounds the soonest there's a free slot! This will give everyone a chance to catch up to their rounds and writings. We will pick up immediately in Round 4 and continue from there ~

Let's play again soon ~

Last edited by MistyMisty (23/12/2022 at 21:43)


Topic closed

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