Congratulations to the
★ Domestic Divas ★
First Place & Winner of 12,000FD ★ Dare ★
Domestic: Fixing a leaky pipe
Diva: Face mask + Fancy dessert= Me time
Second Place & Winner of 8,000FD ★ B-eyes ★
Domestic: B-eyes loves gardening, she feels deeply connected to her flowers especially orchids.
Diva: B-eyes is doing her selfcare routine while having a glass of champagne. Sweet life!!
Third Place & Winner of 4,000FD ★ Anunitum ★
Domestic: Dusting books in her home library
Diva: Enjoying a walk with her precious dog in beautiful forest
Forum-, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
Pages : 1
#1 11/09/2023 at 16:12
#2 11/09/2023 at 20:10
「 DeviantArt ✧ My candy love ✧ Amour Sucre ✧ Amor Doce ✧ Instagram ✧ Eldarya 」 [/url]
#3 11/09/2023 at 22:19
Thank you so much and congrats to B-eyes and Anunitum as well!
#4 12/09/2023 at 22:41
Thanks Adeonna
Thanks Dare
Congratulations to you and Anunitum !!
Thanks EmmyAna for the contest
I am so happy
#5 12/09/2023 at 23:12
hi congrat
Pages : 1