
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 06/01/2024 at 19:21

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142

CLOSES 11/1 - 20:00
Map of Nodes

Early August, 1971. It’s a heatwave, crowded beaches and lobster looking humans walk the town. The evenings and nights are when most people come alive this summer. You’ve heard that extreme fluctuations in weather predicts change. Underneath the static of the radio you can hear them chattering but since no one else can hear them just yet, should you mention it they’ll believe you’ve had a heatstroke.

First off this is a plot-driven contest. Overall it’s fairly laid back so you can write and have fun with it. Feel free to add details to your own story and the universe since I’ll view this as a bubble contest. Which basically means you are not in the same universe as the other contestants so you don’t have to worry who they go for or do.

character creation

And for those who want to write a snippet or two together with casting I just threw together a little what happens before the first round. People are doing their thing so you can write what you feel like if you want to.

1st of August is Lughnasadh an old harvest festival which includes a market on the 4th. Marlene is celebrating her 31st birthday on the 10th in the boathouse by the beach.


connections between extras


- character sheet
- outfit is optional
- story is optional

Last edited by Mimira (07/01/2024 at 05:59)


#2 06/01/2024 at 19:22

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142


The Thistle


The Larkspur


The Zinnia


The Oleander


The Nightshade


The Peony


The Fern


The Edelweiss


The Snapdragon


The Crocus


The Foxglove


The Marigold


The Bluebell


The Carnation


The Mayflower


#3 06/01/2024 at 19:23

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142

This one is for good luck and I hope I have not forgotten something…

Let me know


#4 06/01/2024 at 19:26

Posts: 510


Kaia Clarke jumping on the plant trend with Hemlock

Age: 30
FC: Hande Erçel

Witch Path: Eclectic, combining her practices in some traditional means (spells, potions, tarot) and going so far as to put some to art forms and occasionally, a trinket she makes - it's all about exploration, meditation and presentation, baby.

Profession: Freelance Lifestyle Consultant, which is a very official way to say she deals in spells, potions and enchanted objects. She owns a tiny chocolate shop, called Spellbound Sweets.

Interests: I DO NOT KNOW, there are 7 people on my list, but let me move/remove them as I write. Alphabetically: Alden. Baz. Juniper. Marlene. Milo. Moros. Orpheus.

Traits & Personality: Resourceful. Observant. Extroverted, most days. Opportunistic. Selfish. Non-apologetic. Resilient. Lazy. Charming, when she needs to be. Lies easily, sometimes even reluctantly. Reckless and hyper-independent, according to the bio I'm typing. She keeps a lot of things bottled up. Brushes off emotions as if they aren't there for her.
Dunno, I'm thinking about this way too much.

Good girl syndrome started strong with Kaia, smart ass, bossy, uber-imaginative, overachiever: she had the whole sit still, look pretty act down to a T. That is until things started to crumble down: studies did not come easy in her university years, so she dropped out, causing a huge rift between her and her family. It took a fair amount of her twenties to unlearn some of the things that were almost in her veins. It was easy to spin out of the old habits once she made it to Lavaeuwood, and boy it really did make a whole lot of sense when she discovered her community with the coven.

She rolled into Lavaeuwood with a cheap bus ticket, stepping down with all her possessions stuffed down a duffle bag, some cash in her pocket and things only picked up from that point onwards. She finds a way, always has, always will, and she's willing to try everything at least once - Kaia is born with a what can go wrong? mindset and a I bet I can do that on my own gene, which is a very dangerous combination. She might appear overly confident, but she's just good at masking her insecurities and at times she's just reckless.

She stayed in the town for over a month when she decided this might be it, although she did not decide what her source of income would be at this point, she made it through a few shifts at the coffee shop, she did have some shifts at the local diner and even applied for a job of a personal assistant at a small solicitor office, but no one was super interested in hiring an 18 year-old college drop-out. She looked into her options, looking into the local college, where she met Bartholomew Guidry. Soon-to-be-professor Guidry (who turned to Baz at some point) took pity on the wanna-be-prodigal daughter and helped her realise there might be more to her luck than she realized before. Turns out she's a late bloomer, and there's magic running in her veins.

A few months later, she rented a small room in a house near the community college, starting her career as a cook while trying to make ends meet. It went on for around five years, or a little bit more, she was never good at keeping with strict timelines, but it turned out for the best: she got hired as a private cook for the Moors.

While she was good at it for a few years, it did not pan out as she liked and when she was on the verge of quitting, she found her audience in magic, doing a lot of freelance work in the grey areas. Tarot readings turned to palm readings, turned to selling good luck charms, magic mixed into food and sweets, and everything soon escalated to many different ways to get money to her bank account. Manifestations, reading fate, love potions, dabbling into the occult - and often she was not sure if it was real or it was smoke and mirrors she was selling. She quit her cooking job at that point.

Charming nature did not go to waste, she's easy on the eyes as well and it added to the whole story, she played into it easily and a few years back she stopped applying to jobs in the town, finding jobs through her previous clients and eventually, she needed a nice front for her business, which made her rent a small space in the same building under her rented studio apartment - she made chocolate confectionary there and it was a lovely front for what people usually came to get. Altho, chocolate was going well, too, most of the time.

There's very little that did not feel like it was going well, Kaia occasionally joined Baz's experiments and picked up more than a few friends along the way, Juniper being the most important one in her opinion. And Juniper's opinion, too - after all, there's nothing wrong with a bit of ego. While she dated a few boys in her day, she never got attached to anyone properly, finding comfort in her friendships, so she considers herself happily single. She's had some flings here and there, very rarely something worth mentioning.

While she might consider her life in Lavaeuwood to be her, you know, default life, around six months ago she got a call from her biological family notifying her of the passing of her grandfather. She did not think it would push her to pack and travel back to a place she once called home. Things did not go as planned, and her two-week trip turned into a half-year homecoming.

Bartholomew, or Baz, mentor turned friend. She's honest with him, but he's also on the receiving end of her worst behaviour as she finds him the closest person in her life - still, she is the most caring with him, even if she does not believe he needs anyone to take care of him.

Juniper, sharing the 1st place of closeness with Baz, and they do not go back as long, but the time seems to be irrelevant in this friendship. Juniper has taught her many things so far, and while she might be super nonchalantly playful about it most days, Kaia is extremely happy to have her in her life.

She considers both Marlene and Daphne to be her friends, and perhaps there's some balance in each friendship as Kaia might be the Daphne of her relationship with Marlene (she seems to be the level-headed one between them), and she might seem like Marlene of the friendship with Daphne (compared to Daphne, Kaia is the hot-headed one). Two of them do not play along nicely all the time with each other - not even Daphne has enough patience for Marlene's mood swings, and at this point, Kaia is their biggest connection.

What has been happening with Orpheus for the last two years might only be described as situationship at best. They grow hot, they get close and then blow cold before things can become public - or even worse - turn into something real. The potential is there, but there is very little use of just potential.

Cyrus used to work for him, they used to be friendlier and shared chats when they had a chance to cross paths at the Moore house.

Kaia is on good terms with most people - being a business owner does this to a person as you rarely know where your next bag of money is coming from - and that includes the fae population as well.


so, we're leaving striving for perfection in 2023, being very happy with done, so form is finished & i will get to the snippets now


Somewhere Between New and Old

Still a Young Heart

Spoiler Click to display

Spoiler Click to display

TBA, and honestly, 3 AM mind worked better with this 1st person, I might switch, because I'm not sure if I have it in me to do it well.

edit: i swear to god, this 3 AM version of me is not using english properly

another edit: I have a plan, and far too little time, but my key players (Baz, Daphne, Marlene & Orpheus are coming for sure)

Last edited by Zaralee (10/01/2024 at 10:17)


#5 06/01/2024 at 19:31

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 604


The Moonflower


Interests: Cyrus, Milo, Archer & Daphne

Cred to MB & Nina

Last edited by schoggettchen (11/01/2024 at 15:36)



#6 06/01/2024 at 22:28

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


NAME: Maeve Voshi (nee Bourgeois) aka Tʜᴇ Lᴏᴛᴜs

Bartholomew (The Larkspur) | Heath (The Edelweiss) | Kaladian “Kal” (The Oleander) | Marlene (The Peony)

I'm not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, This Is Me... - DONE

THE LOOK - Home Sweet Home



Last edited by BambiFoxx (11/01/2024 at 12:14)



#7 07/01/2024 at 10:23

Posts: 452

https://i.ibb.co/hdsgB65/Bobby.png Beyond the static
Tunes to weather the heatwave - a work in progress

Bobby ⎯⎯ the Sweet Pea

Everyday / Party

Bad day today but I'll try to get the last info done in the next few hours

Last edited by tricole (11/01/2024 at 17:12)


#8 07/01/2024 at 11:24

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142

Just for a little inspiration, what the posters say about the paths is just an idea for anyone who wants it!

Short playlist

Last edited by Mimira (07/01/2024 at 19:57)


#9 07/01/2024 at 16:29

Posts: 33

https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/81/moy/64379.jpg  https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/81/moy/64380.jpg

Name: Nefirsadi Graham
Age: 28 - infinity
Fc: Zendaya
Witch path: Grey witch

Profession: Student

Interests: The fern and the bluebell

Traits/personality: Quiet, Mischievous, and mysterious.

Relationships: none yet

PS: Please tell me if I did this right

Last edited by ValentinaaSweet (08/01/2024 at 20:54)



#10 07/01/2024 at 19:05

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 6 880


❁ Witch of the Sun ❁

❁ Relationships in Lavaeuwood ❁

Last edited by NinaJones (08/01/2024 at 15:20)


#11 07/01/2024 at 22:20

Place: Who knows anymore
Posts: 1 050



Name: Jora Beck, also known as The Nymphaea

Age: 25

Face claim: Kristina Bazan

Witch path: elemental - water

Profession: music tutor at the unviversity

Interests: Amos (The Carnation) // Bartholomew (The Larkspur) // Archer (The Crocus)

Traits/personality: Jora is very in-touch with her emotions. She is extremely compassionate, supportive, understanding and loyal, all which makes her a great person to be around. She's the type of person who will take note of your favourite food and bring it you when you're feeling low. However, she is also sensitive and sometimes slow to trust. Whilst she's always willing to listen to others' problems, she is less likely to share her own. Jora feels things deeply, meaning her moods can sometimes be very intense and unpredictable. One moment she could be crying with laughter, the next she could be screaming in your face.

Jora has great intuition, easily reading both people and situations. Whilst she understands things, she is quite indecisive which mean she might not always act on these intuitions. She is also easily overwhelmed by stressful situations.

She is naturally very imaginative and creative. She often uses music as an outlet.

Established relationships: When her father passed away 7 years ago, his good friend Bartholomew (The Larkspur) kept an eye on Jora, feeling almost like he owed it to him. Being 18, Jora of course felt like she didn't need him, but deep down she is extremely grateful and makes effort to spend time with him at least once a month. Afterall, it was Bart who got her a job at the university.

Jola and Marlene (The Peony) used to be really good friends, but after one very explosive argument on both their parts everything changed. They still remain civil.

There has always been a spark between Jola and Archer (The Crocus), but they have never been more than friends with benefits. Jola really does value his company, and is never afraid to stop by his place if you needs a good chat (or something stronger).

Jola doesn't really remember Amos (The Carnation), but she is interested in getting to know him when he arrives back in town.

Last edited by Fashion-Chic (08/01/2024 at 22:54)


#12 08/01/2024 at 19:17

Posts: 1 830



Name: Ava Mitchell
Age: 27
Fc: India Amarteifio
Witch path: Grey Witch
Profession: N/A
Interests: The Larkspur, The Edelweiss, The Carnation and The Mayflower

Traits/personality: Orphaned and abandoned as a toddler after her mother went mad and her father left town without her, Ava has spent most of her life being bounced from one distant relative to another until as a late teen she ended up with her Grandmere in the Bayou. What happiness she found there was short lived when the older woman, the first person she recalls genuinely caring for her, vanished literally into thin air right in front of her. Fearing she may be catching what her Grandmere referred to as the waking dreams that left her mother lost in her own body and locked away Ava no longer felt safe. She packed up her meager belongings along with the things here Grandmere left her: a large leather bound book with symbols she can only sometimes read (some of which are about a coven her mother belonged to), unanswered questions about the wild magic her Grandmere said coursed through the veins of the women in their family, and an address attributed to someone known as the Larkspur who she feels instantly drawn to.

Based on her background she's slow to trust but is naturally nurturing and inclined to be a problem solver, however, this can make her seem condescending or like a know it all when she's really just seeking community. She's creative but can be self-conscious about sharing what she creates and finds herself becoming increasingly restless, and reckless as she moves towards whatever is next...

Relationships: Tangentially, the Larkspur.

*Her mother was a member of the coven...


Last edited by Dare (09/01/2024 at 04:58)


#13 11/01/2024 at 19:59

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142

Thank you for the beautiful entries I look forward to seeing them all very soon.
Casting is now closed and my idea is to open around Saturday/Sunday for round 1!


#14 11/01/2024 at 20:00

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 142



Topic closed

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