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#1 26/03/2024 at 22:30

Posts: 549


It's 2051, almost 3 years after the most lethal Talon's Loot in a long time, the one that shook things up between the key players. In case you're looking for a recap - it's really been a mess. Gia Boutella made her way to the top of her family & used the opportunity to avenge her parents by reuniting with her stepsister Melina. Joining forces with a few willing participants seeking their own justice, they plotted against the people who rigged the last games, killing a lot of their loved ones in the process. 

What happened resulted in a few otherwise strong organizations weakening into near oblivion. The Collective turned on their own for not respecting their own rules, dispersing into a few smaller organizations. The Boutella family "died out" with Gia, who vanished shortly after the games. Sicarios are still around, tho mainly focused in other parts of the globe, and the only surviving participant seems to be The Midnight Club, reappearing under the new leadership. Saint, who managed to keep his organization (read: cult) under the wraps, selling technology and weapons to all sides, was forced into the light as well, making his dealings somewhat more public (and less lucrative, but don't worry, he managed).

Of course, some new players came to light, mainly representing a better (well, depends on who you ask) version of the predecessors. Keep track of this, you'll most likely be friends with some.

Different families in New York struggled to gain their power when in the end there was the Savaş family that landed on the top, mainly through the arranged marriage between the only surviving Boutella daughter. They are still struggling to prove their place, but things seem to be going well for them - and those working with them.

Sanctum is also on the rise, doing a fine job recruiting new believers for this cult of technology, weapons and destruction that brings glory. The charismatic leader took a rather sentimental turn, adopting two daughters under his wing, hopefully, to take over once he is willing or ready to step down - the biggest surprise is discovering Saint has loyalty left in him.

Another small, yet powerful community seems to be the Angelmakers, a group of expats from Europe whose rules of conduct seem to position them higher on this foul moral ground. They started out as a group of poison-savvy women fighting to get out of horrible situations. Knowledge passed from one to another, promising to be used only for good - getting rid of abusive husbands, primarily - which escalated into a whole thing. While you can consider Angelmakers were once a force of justice, it seems like money does corrupt very easily.

Then, we have the everlasting Midnight Club, rising from the ashes of the last loot, with one leader dead and the other in an early retirement (let's say). The new leadership is more keen on keeping the riches than chasing revenge, but their motivation seems to be based on many different things at once. 

In the end, there's another wild card making its name in the city, or at least it seems like it. Avalon is not your regular organization - it feels like a society of its own, perhaps. The address is familiar, the leader does not hide his connection to it, but everything else seems quite new and very different than your usual run-of-the-mill players. Avalon specializes in drugs - mainly organic, non-synthetic, or so they claim - and they pride themselves on their out-of-this-world experiences, whatever that means.

Now, coexisting between these might have been tense, so the idea of a joined event brings both a sense of unity and competitiveness. Things can go either way.

And you'll step in in the middle of this.
I'm offering some roles to help you start from a good point, rather than a whole blank place.

But first, let's do some rules & calendar.
• Rounds will last for 144 hours, which is 6 days. Casting is an exception, lasting for around 48 hours.
• Please be mindful of the relationships & personalities of the extras.
• It's a story-writing contest, so outfits are not required, but I encourage you to be creative.
• Your characters co-exist in the same place, but I do not expect anything more than that.
• The deadline is real, please try to keep it.
• Try to focus on the important bits.
• Ask, ask, ask! I am happy to provide resources and options, answers, and help in general.
• Give to get: super simple rule when it comes to impressions - the more I get, the more you get (also, quality over quantity)
• Lastly, this one is a little bit more goal-oriented & character-oriented contest than the last one was, as we will not officially write the TL. 

The calendar is below.
Casting: starts 26.03. ends 28.03.
Round 1: starts 28.03. ends 03.04.
Round 2: starts 03.04. ends 09.04.
Round 3: starts 09.04. ends 15.04.
Round 4: starts 15.04. ends 21.04.

That's it, follow the next post for the roles, paper people & the round.

Last edited by Zaralee (16/04/2024 at 10:10)


#2 26/03/2024 at 22:31

Posts: 549


A little bit on the state of the world & more.
We're playing in 2051.

It’s been almost three decades since the world took a turn for the apocalyptic. After humanity tripped over the thin line they were threading between actual change and another great war, inflated egos and nuclear threats went a bit too far and the threats could not have been left as threats only. Big red buttons were pushed, big egos deflated as Europe turned into a wasteland, and while the regular government still exists, it has the same amount of power that “Don’t walk on the grass” signs used to have: most acknowledge them, but few actually obey. Instead, the real power is in the change of it - no one holds the power for too long.

The good, the bad, the ugly - everyone wants the same: food, water, air, security, and future. The fight to get it has gotten rougher, crueller, and more corrupt than ever. Security is a rare commodity, and even though paid and highly skilled talent is a valued part of society, it’s still a competitive world. In the society of assassins, the biggest and most prestigious thing one can win is the Talon’s Loot.

The competition made out of five tasks is named after Casimir Talon, the first assassin to ever declare themselves the best in the world after calling for the competition and winning it back in 1806, and then again in 1809 to prove they are still the shit. It’s unclear when the actual Loot became as valuable as today, but the contest soon got the attention of the right circles and in recent years winning means three years of security: money, contracts and prestige. Talon’s Loot means the best crime syndicates and families will have you on their retainer, the governments won’t bother you, and there is a bit more security in the future for you, but there’s some fun entailed as well - the winner gets to set up the challenges for the next competition.

The information about the Talon's Loot is here.
Please read the introduction & the information about the groups carefully.



Savaş family
After Boutellas officially exited the scene, different families in New York struggled to gain their power when in the end there was the Savaş family that landed on the top, mainly through the arranged marriage between the only surviving Boutella daughter. They are still struggling to prove their place, but things seem to be going well for them - and those working with them. They deal with everything from drugs, clubs, fashion & other types of luxury - and the dirty work behind it.

Saint's little project, otherwise known as a cult has been doing a fine job recruiting new "believers" in technology, weapons and destruction - it allegedly brings the glory. Almost immediately after the last Talon's Loot, their charismatic leader took a rather sentimental turn, adopting two daughters under his wing, hopefully, to take over once he is willing or ready to step down - the biggest surprise is discovering Saint has loyalty left in him.

Another small, yet powerful all-female community is a group of expats from Europe whose rules of conduct seem to position them higher on this foul moral ground (or so they claim). They started out as a group of poison-savvy women fighting to get out of horrible situations back in the days before WWI. Knowledge passed from one to another, promising to be used only for good - getting rid of abusive husbands, primarily - which escalated into a whole thing. While you can consider Angelmakers were once a force of justice, it seems like money does corrupt very easily.

The Midnight Club
Might as well add "everlasting" into their name, the Midnight Club rose from the ashes of the last loot, with one leader dead and the other in early retirement (allegedly). The new leadership is more keen on keeping the riches than chasing revenge, but their motivation seems to be based on many different things at once. 
Originally started as a collaboration of the Asian-based collectors (of art, artefacts, weapons, and more). The organization turned into a small republic with two leaders selected to decide for the group. They are a well-protected, tight-knit circle leading opulent lives and holding the most wealth, able to obtain and get anything one might want.

A wild card, Avalon is not your regular organization - it feels like a society of its own, perhaps. The address of their HQ is out in the open, their leader does not hide his connection to it, but everything else seems quite new and very different than your usual run-of-the-mill players. Avalon specializes in drugs - mainly organic, non-synthetic, or so they claim - and they pride themselves on their out-of-this-world experiences, whatever that means.


1. Angelmaker
Established within the group & close friends with Liesel. This person is usually in charge of the recruits, higher up on the hierarchy.

2. Angelmaker
New to the ranks, joined through her established friendship with either Liesel or Antonida (you decide). Has previous connections to MC.

3. Angelmaker
Trainee. Has a history with Antonida, from her time before Angelmakers.

4. Sanctum: Weapons Design
talented person scooped up by Alicia somewhere along the way of her trips to South America. They became friends somewhere along the way.

5. Sanctum: Technology Developer
Working directly for Saint, they have been working together for at least 5 years now (could have started very young).

6. Sanctum: Recruiter claimed by Mira
Recruiter, normally working with Verena, they can be friends. This person’s job is communication, making them well-connected.

7. Sanctum: Assassin
New to the Sanctum. Could be recruited by Alicia or Saint himself, there was some potential they had seen in them. This person has been previously connected to the Boutella family.

8. The Midnight Club: Art Dealer
New to the game, someone from Rowely’s past which is why people believe this person got their membership offered to them this quickly. Can be an illegitimate child, a past lover or just a friend.

9. The Midnight Club: Associate
Which for MC means a nicer way to say a gun-for-hire. This person joined through their connection with Enzo & Sing family. Regardless of gender, they are (at the moment) just friends with him.

10. The Midnight Club: Procurer
Meaning that you procure things the MC needs, when they need it. Usually, it would mean art. Now, it can be everything they might need. Friendly (or more) with Enzo.

11. Savaş family: (NAME) Savaş claimed by Bambi
Mrs Savaş, formerly (bastard) Boutella. Balram's wife. This is an arranged marriage of around 3 years. They've been friends for far longer, which is why the marriage works for both. Currently, they keep up appearances for people, but the connection is not romantic.

12. Savaş family: Consigliere claimed by Schogo
A close friend to the current boss, Adnan, consigliere has been around for a long time now, advising the family through different situations.

13. Savaş family: Fixer
Think of this as some type of publicist, but more involved with the dark stuff. It can range from some public image recovery, to actually fixing things themselves - more likely to give some orders on how to make it happen.

14. Savaş family: Assassin
Part of the personal guards of the future boss, this person is fairly new to the game, but selected personally by either Adnan or Balram (you choose). Currently, there are no romantic undertones in that connection.

15. Avalon: Recruit
Recruit, new to the job, got into it through Nera. You’re fairly new, but seem to have potential - according to Nera, that is. Your relationship seems to be on a fast track to positive.

16. Avalon: Liaison claimed by Tric
You're Avalon's contact since they arrived in NY a few months ago because you know all the right people & it seems to be useful to them. Slowly, they become your only job, and you are now considered part of the inside circle - only, there’s very little you actually know about them, despite knowing Nera for a while now.

ROLES might be updated a little bit - just added connections here and there.


(first, last, code - whatever you wish)
(keep it over 24, pls)
Personality (tell me all I need to know about your person)
Relationships (some might be influenced by the role you picked)
Interests (up to 3)

Last edited by Zaralee (28/03/2024 at 14:44)


#3 26/03/2024 at 22:33

Posts: 549


Cheatsheet of people & relationships


Liesel Agos
Leader of Angelmakers
FC: Ivy Levant
Age: 32
Relationships: Closest to Antonida, has complete trust in her. Some believe she holds a friendship with Verena, and even Saint.
Key traits: Perfectionist. Self-righteous. Charismatic. Introverted. Aesthetic-oriented. Art lover. Snob. Ambitious. Visionary.

Liesel’s obsession with aesthetics has never been an issue - she was born rich, with good taste and good connections. By nature, she’s not a follower, but rather a trendsetter. She’s enjoying the idea of being influential - she’d just prefer to do it from the backstage, pulling the strings. Liesel is not the type to enjoy the spotlight - at all - and grabbing a lot of attention from an early age has been torture, which was only emphasised when her family died in strange circumstances, leaving her in the care of her relatives. This situation found a way to solve each other when she was approached by one of the better-known Angelmakers, allowing her to take reigns of her own life. What no one saw happen is Liesel deciding she wanted more, quickly bringing her capital to the order before landing on the top of Angelmakers. 

Antonida Yudina
Second-in-command of Angelmakers
FC: Kelsey Asbille
Age: 28
Relationships: Closest to Liesel, who brought her into Angelmakers.
Key traits: Independant. Smart. Observant. Analytical. Private. Cruel. Doesn't believe in second chances. Intuitive, trusts her gut.

The original mission of the Angelmakers might as well have been part of Antonida's story. Married young to a violent man whose demons would find her more often than not, she felt alone for the majority of her life. That is until luck made her cross paths with Liesel. She did not ask for help, yet she got a way out of her situation, and as her gratitude, she joined Angelmakers. While one might consider Liesel to be the visionary, you can definitely conclude that Antonida is the one bringing structure and action to the game. She's smart and intuitively knows how to take care of things, she doesn't give up easily and nothing can throw her out of balance. She's a true survivor, able to take care of herself and those she deems important. 

CHARACTERS: SANCTUM. Saint, Alicia & Verena
The Saint
Leader of Sanctum
FC: Mads Mikkelsen
Age: unknown
Relationship: Adoptive father to Alicia & Verena. Has connections to every key player.
Key traits: Charismatic. Mysterious. Entitled. Arrogant. Dominant. Egocentric. Cocky. Manipulative. 

The mysterious aura around the charismatic Saint is hard to describe. He is both cruel and kind, equally seductive and harsh, rough exterior matching how he behaves most of the time, yet a hidden touch of warmth is always present to lure you in. He’s not the type to make friends, but he can charm anyone into his bedroom easily - and the type of superficial relationships suit him well. He’s efficient, doesn’t take things personally, and when he says a job is a job, he means it. He’s more intelligent than people give him credit, usually just doesn’t bother proving anything to anyone. After the events of the last TL, his activities became known to most - he leads his cult (not his choice of words) preaching about the future of technology, surrounding himself with smart, talented young people who are in the heart of the organization that manufactures & sells high-tech weapons. He also adopted two children, Alicia & Verena, training them to become his heirs.

Member of Santcum
FC: Savannah Lee Smith
Age: 27
Relationships: Close to her adoptive father, Saint, but closest to her younger sister, Verena. She's on good terms with Tara.
Key traits: Assertive. Calculated. Harsh. Over-rationalizes. Passionate. Hot-headed. Loyal. Stubborn. Zaelot.

Heir-apparent to the Sanctum, or so she believes. Raised as the oldest child who seemed to have taken all the heat & all the risks, Alicia is not the type to shy away from…well, anything. Her personality varies depending on who’s talking: spontaneous turns reckless, passionate goes to hot-headed & intelligent goes calculated easily. Her interests heavily align with Saint's, she prefers doing over theorising & always likes to think ahead. She’s not keen on accepting people into her circle, keeping her friendships very close-knit & very much ready to call her out when needed, but at the same time, she's not afraid to venture outside her comfort zone to seek out new allies.

Member of Santcum, normally doing communication jobs.
FC: Whitney Peak
Age: 25
Relationships: Close to her adoptive father, Saint, but closest to her older sister, Alicia. Friends with Tara.
Key traits: Soft-spoken. Smart. Private. Kind. Selfish. Spoilt. Stubborn. Likes to keep up appearances. Organised. Judgmental.

Verena has always inspired either admiration or jealousy. On the outside, everything seems to be going perfectly for her. She’s intelligent & inspiring, her father’s favourite, it feels like she’s the person of the moment - inside & outside of her circles. Verena seems to focus on her (or rather, Sanctum’s) mission & those who know her know she likes to gossip, she loves to have a good time & she’s a loyal, understanding person. She’s an overachiever, always seemingly eager not to use her advantages openly. She’s harsher with her sister & softer with her father than with most others - unless there are people around, of course. She likes to say she is still finding herself, but most know that she usually knows more than she lets on.

Enzo Scanavino
One of the leaders of the Midnight Club
FC: Charles Melton
Age: 33
Relationships: Good relationship with Santiago. On good terms with most MC members. Friends with Liesel. 
Key traits: Realistic. Proactive. Not afraid of hard decisions. Well-read, well-bred. Witty. Non-committal. Ambitious. Cynical. Hedonistic. Self-indulgent. Shallow. Snob.

Three years ago, when he was only 30, his name was written in the "will" of Ophelia Song before she vanished to her well-deserved retirement. Some suspect he might be her child, and some believe they are related, but Enzo himself keeps his lips tight, not indulging any rumours. He works hard, believes in progress, and doesn't backtrack. He's young, handsome and very good with words, a charismatic leader they needed, right? His only alleged downfall might be his peculiar taste - rumours include many perverse things, but no one has been able to put the pin to it just yet. 

Professor Rawley Bradfield
One of the leaders of the Midnight Club
FC: Tom Mison
Age: 40
Relationships: Close friends with Santiago. Tolerates Enzo. He's friendly with Adnan, likes Andrei. He's allegedly seeing Alicia. Has an ex-wife, as of recently. Friendly with Tempest.
Key traits: Intelligent. Well-spoken. Detached. Confident. Charming (understatedly). Skilful. Authoritarian. Can get very gloomy. Hidebound, traditional. Sophisticated, sometimes slips into pretentiousness. Overthinker.

Rawley was the right-hand to Raphael & Ophelia for years before the last Loot, voted unanimously to be the next leader of the MC. He's often a slave to traditions, he enjoys them and sometimes likes to subject other things to them. He's a level-headed person with a good sense of the world, one might consider him a natural leader, but there is no joy in the work he does, not that he wishes to find it. His dedication to the MC is unwavering, despite the small glitch in his plan that is Enzo. While one might have attempted to undermine him, Rawley is taking the high road (allegedly) and ignoring his existence entirely. 

Santiago Sanchez
Procurer for the Midnight Club
FC: Justin Baldoni
Age: 38
Relationships: Close friends with Rawley, they go way back. Seemingly in a good relationship with Enzo. Friendly with Tara.
Key traits: Charismatic. Highly ambitious. Diplomatic, or prefers to stay neutral. Suave. Friendly, and very approachable. Attentive. Hedonist. Vindictive. Secure. 

Santiago is the type that makes you do a double take - charismatic & well aware of it, you can see the confidence in every movement. Unlike many who have been accepted to the Midnight Club, Santiago doesn’t have a gold-pleated safety net to fall into. You might think of him as a first-generation wealth and a man who is about to start it all, in a very nice way. He's been a long-time friend with Rawley, going as far as their childhood years, and although they do not see eye to eye most days, they seem to back each other up whenever needed. While most can agree on Santiago's personality and how it translates to the outside world, the majority can't pinpoint his motivation or goals exactly - and that's what makes him more fun, in the end.

CHARACTERS: SAVAS FAMILY. Adnan, Balram & Andrei
Adnan Savaş
Head of Savaş family
FC: Anson Mount
Age: 49
Relationships: Widower as of a few years ago. Balram is his son, and Vittoria is his daughter-in-law. He respects and considers both Tempest & Andrei to be his friends, aside from working with him. Friendly with Rawley & Santiago. On good terms with Saint. 
Key traits: Stoic. Protective of his family. Strict. Calculated. Organized. Power-hungry. Sly. Unprincipled. Ambitious. Respectful. Loyal.

There's very little you can do to stop Adnan when it comes to his goals. He started working with the Boutella family very early in his life when his brother started collaborating with them. When Angelo passed away, he welcomed Gia with open arms & his trigger finger set to shoot if there was trouble. Luckily for everyone, he's good at waiting for the right moment, so once Gia was on the run, he found his way to the throne. Luckily for him, Angelo had a few more children who could solidify his claim & he married his son off in hopes of doing just that. His wife passed away a few years ago in a car crash. Nowadays, he's dealing with his son & his reluctance to step up, trying to hold onto things & keep all he's built so far.

Balram Savaş
The future leader of the family.
FC: Toni Mahfud
Age: 26
Relationships: Adnan is his father, his mother has passed away. He's married (arranged marriage) to a friend of his, Vittoria, for the sake of appearances. Normally gets annoyed by Andrei, but sees his value; he's on friendly terms with Tempest.
Key traits: Self-centred. Observant. Spoilt. Lazy. Easily distracted. Humorous. Determined. Genuine. Hedonist. Talented. Procrastinator. Blunt.

Have you had the chance to meet Balram, you’d easily conclude he is vain, self-centred and very much focused on nothing but himself. He’s born an only child, very much awaited, wanted and doted on by his parents. He’s been in the spotlight his entire life, basking in it, actually, and if there’s one thing you can count on when it comes to him is that is keeping true to himself, no matter what - and for the better or for worse, he’s not ashamed of it. Guilt is not part of his dictionary. Once you’ve befriended him, you might as well pen him down as a friend for life. He is perfectly capable of compartmentalizing - his marriage, his duties, his life - and basically everything in between.

Andrei Balakirev
The bookkeeper
FC: Michael B. Jordan
Age: 37
Relationships: Close friends with Adnan, not a huge fan of Belram. Allegedly seen around to Antonida. Friendly terms with Tempest.
Key traits: Smart. Loyal. Persuasive. Charming. Reliable. Witty. Private. Aloof. Strong-willed. Easily annoyed. Possessive. 

Part of the magic that kept Andrei close to the top this long is his ability to recognize potential threats & still be able to detect which ones should be handled. Another part is definitely the charm he naturally has, helping him navigate the NY life. He's always one step ahead, he's easily recognizing opportunities and likes to invest properly. He's good at recognizing subtle signs and doesn't pity people easily. He's very private, believing in keeping people in the dark about himself and his habits usually help to keep them at a distance, which he doesn't mind either way. 

Leader of Avalon
FC: Olivia Cooke
Age: 33
Relationships: Close to Leopold, no one is sure in which way.
Key traits: Ethereal. Well-spoken. Direct. Determined. Resourceful. Extroverted, most days. Opportunistic. Selfish. Non-apologetic. Resilient. Charming, when she needs to be. Lies easily.

She might be elusive in reality, but there’s a very outgoing version of Nera people usually encounter. She’s well-spoken and direct, you don’t want to get in her way - and she’ll tell you that in so many words. Charming and opportunistic go hand-in-hand, apparently, and she normally makes her way through obstacles in life, reaching her goals, no matter who’s left behind. Nera changes the story of her past with each telling and retelling, although people believe she might have told the truth once or twice before - never super certain when. Nera is amazing at making people believe something is their idea originally, which seems to be what happened with Avalon - if you want to believe the stories.

Leopold Renard
Founder (& leader) of Avalon
FC: Tony Thornburg
Age: unknown
Relationships: Close to Nera.
Key traits: Eccentric. Charming. Smart. Observant. Private. Philosophical. Visionary. Elusive, hard to figure out. Open-minded.

Very few people who have crossed paths with Leo have had nothing to tell about him. He comes from a long line of society disruptors that always seem to balance on the edge of the abyss, sometimes crashing into it, sometimes keeping themselves alive by a thread. Leo turned a wild card, vanishing from his life, only to reemerge in the last few years with a fresh new idea of open-minded reality induced by hallucinations. He believes the enhanced reality is the only true way to experience life and discover yourself - but the truth is, more than a few have lost themselves along the way. To his benefit or not, it's up for the time to decide.

DONE. Only relationships will be added as roles are picked.
And I did not get rid of my beard problem. Sorry.

Last edited by Zaralee (30/03/2024 at 11:32)


#4 26/03/2024 at 22:35

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Adnan, Andrei & Rawley

Last edited by schoggettchen (29/03/2024 at 08:44)



#5 27/03/2024 at 13:14

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147


Name - Ostara “Tara”
Role - Sanctum, recruiter
FC - Mica Arganaraz
Age - 29

Personality -
Prideful, or tries to be. Lover of anything expensive. Grateful but jealous. Witty. Withdrawn sometimes. Greedy. More perceptive than she gives herself credit for. Feels like an absolute fraud/imposter. Plays loose and fast with morals, not that she has many. Leans into the feeling of really shouldn’t but will. Enticing. Master manipulator or just a people pleaser? We will never know. Liar liar pants on fire. Egotistical. Influential. Hopeful.
(Sorry for this trait list it derailed and I went with it).

Tara would grasp the reins of her own destiny if she could procure them. Instead life has been a bouncy carriage ride and she holds onto the vehicle for dear life. In her youth she wasn’t known for differentiating what’s best on the first try, or the second for that matter. No Tara is the type of person to stumble onto something good and simply hold on for dear life. Tara is your typical come from nothing which means nothing to lose.

Relationships -
Verena picked her up and she’s holding on for dear life. They are on good friendly terms and go back a few years now.

Alicia remains rather distant at this point might be mainly since their paths have not crossed much. They know of each other and the two have started to bond over beliefs which Ostara is easily influenced by.

Saint might know she exists, she’s unsure. She has started down the path of seeing the light with money from technology and weapons, she’s invested. Doesn’t mind the destruction, its fallout and a necessity of the world.

Knows about Santiago, he might have heard about her, who knows? They might have said hi at some event at some point in time, and she’s interested in bleeding any of the other clubs dry of money— I mean he seemed pretty chill.

Interests - Verena, Alicia, Santiago

Last edited by Mimira (28/03/2024 at 21:17)


#6 28/03/2024 at 00:18

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

(this banner might be changing but for now...)

Vitti's deets...

Balram | Adnan | Enzo


Last edited by BambiFoxx (29/03/2024 at 14:45)



#7 28/03/2024 at 10:08

Posts: 549

As I noticed, it might be needed, so here are FAQs

1. On choosing a role, it's useful to know the goal of the contest. So, what is the goal?
To put it briefly, one of the goals is to navigate through the world, see who’s trying to revive the TL & either help them achieve it or stop it for the sake of your family/group/circle/cult (whoever you join) or perhaps despite them.

You are playing your own game, too. And for those ambitious, it can mean climbing the ranks. If you're an assassin, it can mean getting invited to the next TL. So many more depend on your character.

While the last content in this world was very task-oriented, this one is more character-oriented, emphasizing societal relationships & interpersonal ones, too.

2. Are any of the relationships pre-set, in a sense of limitations?
Most likely not, but please use some logic in this. A good example would be that Adnan would not be disloyal to his son, going for his wife (he is not aware of their arrangement), but also wouldn't be very accepting of another love interest of Balram's. Another example would be that Rawley might not be trusting of anyone in Enzo's circle. Saint would be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone his daughters might bring to Sanctum. Liesel & Antonida share mutual respect and most likely would not try to undermine each other.

3. Are you addicted to bearded men?
Sadly, I've come to realize I am. However, I regret nothing. Some might grow a beard soon.

4. Am I aware you all planned on this "T" letter names?
I am, now. I love it.

5. Are there some limitations on the relationships?
I would say no, I mean, as long as you keep it on the realistic side & take into consideration groups/personalities, the sky is the limit. Things were set in such a way that you do not have to make one introduction - unless you want to - during the contest. It might not be all friendships between your person and extras, but you can set it in a way there are no strangers.

6. Are there, tho? Any strangers, I mean?
Nera & Leo can be considered new to the playground, but what is even new when it comes to power? Power recognizes power, so people are willing to learn names and connect them to faces when needed.

Last edited by Zaralee (29/03/2024 at 13:39)


#8 28/03/2024 at 14:05

Posts: 500



Last edited by tricole (31/03/2024 at 16:34)


#9 28/03/2024 at 22:48

Posts: 549

Round 1. The Legacy of Talon's Loot

March happens too quickly to comprehend for most, are you one of them? Perhaps, perhaps not. It's been three years since the last Talon's Loot. You might have forgotten about it, but most have - aside from those who have lived through it. Still, the rumour has that something is brewing and that is enough to get people talking.

Andrei stood by the window overlooking the park, which he is sure would have been very impressive back in the day when the park still resembled the image usually shown in history books. A quick check of his watch, he pulls his sleeve down, uncertain of what's happening - it's almost 10 minutes past the meeting time, and Adnan is late. He worries, for a moment, considering what to do next, before turning around to head to the door. Same moment, the man walks in, opening both sides of the glass-paned doors. He flashed a rather warm smile to Andrei, brows darting up.
"Please don't tell me you got worried."
"It's 10 past."
"Trust me, you'll be as curious as I am when you hear this," Adnan makes his way behind the desk, Andrei sits in front of him. "It's about the Loot." A spark of curiosity makes Andrei's eyes light up, Adnan smiles at him. 
"Talon's Loot?"
"The only interesting one, with a promise to become even more interesting."
Before he could continue, Balram walked into the room, closing the door behind him. Adnan looked at his son who found his way to the sofa, leaning back in it. "You're late, son."
One short sigh leaves his lips as he holds back from rolling his eyes. "You were late coming in, I just missed your entrance. So, catch me up and I can go pack?"
"Pack?" Adnan is a little bit surprised.
"I asked B if he could take over the shipment coming into-"
Adnan raised his hand, shaking his head. "No need to explain more," he replied, glancing at his son. 
"We might take a few days while we're on the island," Balram announced with a smile. "So, before I go, tell me about this, well, whatever it was."
"Talon's Loot," Andrei says, curious to find out more.
"Run by who? Verity's dead, sadly, the winner was never elected." Balram leans in, a bit more interested. 
"A winner from the past," Adnan says, replaying the words as he heard them this morning. "A returning champion coming to be a one-man jury."
Andrei's curiosity was peeked, but Balram seemed bored already.
"Amazing story, I believe, but I have to leave. You'll catch me up once I'm back, yes?"
He left before the reply could come from either, doors behind him closed, Andrei glancing over to Adnan expecting a bigger reaction. Instead, his brows furrow to reveal some deeper lines on his forehead. "What do you make of this?"
"Nothing," Andrei is serious and very calm about it. "Until someone comes out in the open, I think there's nothing to think about."
"Sounds like something," Adnan replied. "Feels like the past is coming to bite us in our ass after all."

One short blow and Liesel is on the ground, hand in her face as Antonida helps her up.
Blonde stretches her lips into a wide smile, but the brunette is not as happy. "Please remind me again what this means for us."
"Some traditions die hard, Antonida, but this one might be a fun one,"
"Despite this being the opposite of us," Antonida shrugged, helping Liesel get up. "Honestly, where did you even get this from?"
"I talk to people," her voice is light, unlike the topic.
"People who talk about the past, instead of the future?"
If Antonida hadn't known better, she might have interpreted this as a green-eyed banter. Luckily for both, she knows better. Liesel fixes her hair, pulling her gloves up a little bit, gesturing for another round.
"We're here to stay, aren't we?" Liesel asked.
"I suppose."
"In which case, we might need friends outside our own ranks." Liesel pushes her hair back, cracking her neck. How she got the information was completely irrelevant - if it pans out, it means they might have an alliance in this place. "Don't you think?"
"I guess. I'm happy to see you making friends," Antonite replied, throwing a punch when they returned to their positions. "I just hope," she continues, slowly, "that you've been making the right type of friends."

Doors flung open as she made it into the room, a flowy dress following her as she did. 
"What is that perfume you're wearing?"
"Oh, you noticed," Nera grins, finding a spot on the cushy ottoman behind him. Leo lies on his stomach, a towel covering his ass, as someone she doesn't recognize gave him a very tough massage. "Vanilla, tonka beans and something else, I forgot." 
"Still smells nice," he mused from the table. "What brings you here today?"
"I just got back from a very nice lunch," she started. "The word is out. Apparently, it's not a secret anymore."
Leo propped himself on elbows, glancing at her. "The Loot?"
"They had a very cute name for it," she continues. "Re-do Loot, yes, I think. I mean, saying an old winner is hosting all previous contestants who did not win."
"Perhaps," she replied.
"Giving the public a chance to vote on it, too."
"So, it's no longer a secret, then."
"Apparently, not."

"There's been another one," Rawley stepped into the greenhouse, seeing Santiago sit there. What he did not expect was Enzo sitting there with him, almost as if hiding in the shade of a palm tree. 
"It's how gossip starts," Santi says, trying to ignore the sudden change in mood Rawley had.
"Please," Enzo smiled. "Don't stop on my account, please continue."
"It's nothing," Rawley says, looking for a way out.
"Come on, old man," Enzo chuckles. "Share."
"It's a stupid rumour," Santi rolled his eyes. "Apparently, word on the street is that there's a Loot coming."
"What?" Enzo chuckled. "What do you mean?"
"Yeah," Santi nodded. "People Rawley is talking to say that an old victor is returning from the dead, or retirement, or both, to host another loot, according to their own rules."
"Oh, wow," Enzo mused. "Where's this coming from?" He turned to Rawley when asking, giving the man no choice but to talk to him. Reluctantly, he does.
"A few of my informants shared it, and now others are saying the same thing. Old winner, a new batch of nobodies, with other winners selecting their heir."
"Sounds almost poetic," Enzo deliberates after a long pause. There's a bit less mockery in his voice than normal, but the smirk remains.
"Sounds like a pathetic attempt to revive something that should have died a while back," Santi remains unimpressed, rolling his eyes. 
"Preposterous," Rawley says. "The Loot was always..."
"An insane tradition?" Santi throws another annoyed comment.
"Don't be so bitter," Enzo cuts in. "I hate to agree with the professor, but there was something enticing about the game."
"Hell froze over." Santi chuckles. "You two finally agreed on something."
"Which is my cue to leave," Enzo says. "Let me know when you get the thing, Santi, okay?"
"Or if the Loot starts, whichever comes first."

Verena speaks loudly, leaning on the table as he sister picked through a destroyed gun, pushing her lips together, focusing. "I asked you, where'd you get that information from?"
Alicia looks up with a smirk. "Some things should remain unspoken."
"You cannot open this topic only to shut me down, it's a mean thing to do."
"Get over it, Vere, that's basically all I know."
"I find that hard to believe," Verena disagrees, rolling her eyes. She believed that her sister always knew more than she let on. Maybe she was projecting, maybe not. "So, another Loot?"
"Do you think C could be behind it?"
"I could be behind what?" Saint surprised them both, entering the room.
"The Loot rumours," Alicia replied coldly. "Are you planning an event without us?"
"I hate to disappoint, but I have no intention of butchering the Loot like that," he replied.
"So, you heard about it," Verena continued. "Why butcher?"
"The whole point was to have the best decide on the best, there is a hierarchy, and for a good reason," he continued. "You do not let the mice decide on what cats should do next." 
His tone went cold towards the end, both of them knowing not to poke the topic open at this point. 
"Please go get ready, I have something new I would like to show you."

What happens next is different in each story, but you are all still sharing the same place of existence in this universe, so let me announce it takes place in March, around 2 weeks into March, and while your stories should have different things happen, it should culminate in the one single event where, accidentally or not, the key players will have a chance to rub elbows together.

As per usual, this goes into your plot which is incoming! 

 (first, last, code - whatever you wish)
Interests (up to 3)

Last edited by Zaralee (02/04/2024 at 22:38)


#10 29/03/2024 at 07:18

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147


Name - Ostara “Tara”
Role - Sanctum, recruiter
FC - Mica Arganaraz
Age - 29


Interests - Saint, Santiago, Verena







Last edited by Mimira (03/04/2024 at 20:52)


#11 29/03/2024 at 08:44

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Adnan, Andrei & Rawley

Cred to Nina

The Legacy of Talon's Loot

Last edited by schoggettchen (03/04/2024 at 18:04)



#12 29/03/2024 at 14:41

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


Vitti's deets...

Belram | Adnan | Enzo

The Legacy of Talon's Loot - DONE



Last edited by BambiFoxx (08/04/2024 at 07:02)



#13 30/03/2024 at 11:46

Posts: 500




I. Going, buying, gone

II. Talons

III. Cheek

IV. The first act


Last edited by tricole (05/04/2024 at 17:38)


#14 03/04/2024 at 19:24

Posts: 549

Round 1 is now closed, and Round 2 is (about to be) open.

Round 2: Memory Lane

Well, the secret meeting between key players seems to be less than secret, there's very little anyone could hide in a place like this. So, the Loot seems to be worrisome for the big shots which never was super shocking nor very weird, but given this is still an alleged situation, why worry?

Adnan might be checking his house top-down, trying to figure out if someone is attempting a bluff. Enzo seems to be unbothered, while Rawley is checking in on all of his informants relentlessly. Liesel seems to be happy to address the challenge, while Saint seems to be eager to avoid the repetition of the previous Loots which is strange, given he is a winner of one of those, and on another hand, who in the world could figure out what's happening in his mind. Then, Leo & Nera seem to be looking forward to whatever is happening, or about to happen.

The first week, things seem to be heating up - the three different versions all tell a whole different story on what is about to happen, but they all agree on one thing: an old champion making a comeback. Eyes seem to point at Saint, Verity is dead, the last Loot remained without the winner and some of the contestants managed to vanish without a trace. Unless things go further back - there's no public service keeping track of them or what they do once the warm sunshine of the Loot victory no longer shines on them - but, who wants to go that far down the memory lane? Maybe you might, maybe you'll have to.

The second week, things seemed to be boiling over. You're all trying to do whatever you need to get to your individual tasks and make sure everyone is happy, alive and thriving (in your house). Or make sure no one else is? Who knows, this is why we're doing these things individually. 

The third week in, the dust has settled, and just as someone has made a way down with a rag, ready to remove the thin layer from wherever it has fallen, but slowly. A perfect time for a party, don't you think? Those usually mean so much more - or less, but this particular Saturday, a birthday celebration will coax out a lot of people who might avoid these occasions normally. You'll get into your car and drive a bit outside the city, a large guarded mansion complex, guns left at the door, rules of guests imply protection, and so much more. Adnan turns 50 in style and apparently, in peace. Edit: Adnan decides to announce he is stepping back from the leadership position during the evening, basically crowning his son right there and then. Saturday slips into Sunday, you return to the city at some point.

Oh, but we'll end with a very nice delivery already waiting for you as you return to the residences of Angelmakers, The Midnight Club residence, the Savaş building overlooking the park, the Avalon brownstone & Saint's suite at the One66 Hotel - wherever you might go to.
Deep green coloured metal box, fingerprint opening, one short card addressed "Read me first" written in old cursive, a few precisely picked words written inside it. 

I have what you're looking for. Choose your champion & you might have a chance to win it.

Under that, deep green metallic-looking paper, a black wax seal with a golden leaf, and an invite to the 82nd Talon's Loot.

 (first, last, code - whatever you wish)
Interests (up to 3)

Please let me know when your round is finished.
And snippets are incoming, each with a timestamp. I'm hoping to finish them with a bit more stories coming in from you, so Angelmakers go first.

Last edited by Zaralee (05/04/2024 at 21:25)


#15 03/04/2024 at 20:43

Posts: 549

Snippets - make sure you check the timestamp.

Liesel & Antonida, last Sunday of the round

Alicia & Verena, sometimes during week 2

Nera & Leo

Snippets incoming!

Last edited by Zaralee (05/04/2024 at 17:03)


#16 03/04/2024 at 20:57

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Taking this one


#17 05/04/2024 at 17:38

Posts: 500



Lunch  /  Rooftop dinner  /  Party

V. 101-time

VI. A conceptual trinity

VII. Out with the old...

VIII. ...in with the new

/modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif A wee bit rushed but done! /modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif

Last edited by tricole (12/04/2024 at 13:34)


#18 07/04/2024 at 10:40

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


Vitti's deets...

Belram | Enzo | Nera




Last edited by BambiFoxx (08/04/2024 at 07:05)



#19 09/04/2024 at 11:45

Posts: 549

Round 2 is closed, and Round 3 will be open in the evening.

Considering there's a delay as a general mindset (host included haha), we might take it a bit lighter/easier in Round 3 with a wrap-up/conclusion/set-up for more (doubt it) in Round 4.

I'll take the rest of the day to adjust it slightly & accommodate you with a bit more time /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Edit: Hi, I'm sorry, I crashed last night after a very, very long day at work. Will publish the new round within this day.

Last edited by Zaralee (11/04/2024 at 08:30)


#20 11/04/2024 at 10:53

Posts: 549

Round 3: The Invite

This round will be taking place over 2 weeks.

By the time you've gotten the invite, you can safely conclude you haven't been the only one. A few calls are being made in the meantime, strings pulled, while there is now a public countdown to the Loot, noting it will start in around a month, other invitees are showing up and new groups will appear.

There will be one host, one judge & different groups can claim a champion (person to go to the Loot) & try to win the contest for them.

But, this might be a bit aside from the point - you should focus on your little circle and if they accepted their invite to join the Loot. It will be explored more with each contestant, but to give a short overview of what has happened, here we go:
x Savaş family RSVP hasn't arrived yet, rumour is Adnan is regretting his decision to step down from the leadership position as Balram is eager to leave some of the old traditions behind (this one included), while Adnan might have ulterior motives for keeping the family in the competition.
x Sanctum seems to be keen on joining, with one of the questions being if they would go with their previous winner, or if Saint is not keen on putting himself into the new game while the rules are still unknown.
x Angelmakers' Liesel is keen on joining, although rumours say she is trying to get Antonida to see her side before she accepts the challenge.
x The MC seems to be the group whose leadership seems to be unanimously happy to participate - motivation aside, it feels like a good start. Their RSVP arrived the very next day.
x Avalon accepted the challenge, quite quickly, but the rumour has it there have been some changes to their leadership structure - or something is yet to come.

The good news is that some players might reemerge into this Loot, at least this is what everyone claims to know. Some claim the new Collective, the Latvian faction, will join the challenge. The Sicario delegate has arrived at the One66 hotel, allegedly with a little bit of a different hierarchy this time around. A few others stepped up since, but this is a topic of another moment or contest perhaps.

Round is - as per usual - paced to fit personal plot - but as every time so far, it will end with a chance to gather everyone in the same place, this time as a host announcement party.

It will take place upstate, a short drive from the city. The theme fits the invites if you wish to dress up. Once you arrive, once everyone on the list is there, Leo will step out as your Loot host. You'll find out Nera will step into the leadership of Avalon during the Loot to avoid any bias accusations.

It should be fun to understand, the reactions won't all be positive, but the whole thing seems to amuse Leo. He'd make sure everyone who wanted a word - positive or negative - had their time to speak to him (publicly or privately). Enzo seems to be as amused as Leo, liking this new version and he'd also ask more questions on the rules (with Leo avoiding to go into detail, not to uncover too much before time), before Enzo jokes he would not even begin to decide who MC will send as he has never seen eye to eye with Rawley, believing they could only join if allowed to join with two people. Surprisingly, Leo will like the idea, nod and announce this is the first rule change: each group will send 2 champions.

You can end your round there.

(first, last, code - whatever you wish)
Interests (up to 3)

Please let me know when your round is finished.

Last edited by Zaralee (11/04/2024 at 10:59)


#21 12/04/2024 at 00:14

Posts: 500




Game plan

Last edited by tricole (19/04/2024 at 17:22)


#22 17/04/2024 at 07:26

Posts: 549

Round 3 is now closed, and Round 4 opened.

Round 4: The Loot, Reimagined

There's quite a huge market now opening for champions - Leo seems to be enjoying the whole thing, taking Enzo's suggestion very seriously - and the number of those joining seems to be growing.

While things seem to be escalating on most fronts, the MC seems to be doing well - two champions have been selected and preparations are on the go. The rest doesn't seem to be going as well - Liesel accepts the invite to the games, making sure that her SIC is nowhere to be found at the time as Antonida took a trip to Europe at the time. On her way back, Antonida's plane gets lost in somewhere over Atlantic, with little hope of anyone's survival. Adnan & Balram still cannot see eye to eye, but eventually (and very reluctantly), Balram offers their participation in the Loot. In the end, Sanctum joins the Loot, still no champions in sight.

(most likey a bit of info here)

Please end your round & contest at the very beginning of the new Loot, with a gathering that might make you recognize some of the forgotten faces & old players.


#23 19/04/2024 at 17:25

Posts: 500





#24 22/04/2024 at 00:54

Posts: 549

Got home a few minutes ago, but let me announce the contest is closed! Thank you for sticking out till the end! Banners incoming in the belated section once I'm back from my vacay!

Thank you xx


Topic closed

Pages : 1