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#1 15/10/2024 at 01:15

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 16 314

Your escape attempt failed.
The Bounty Hunters caught
½ your duo.



#2 15/10/2024 at 01:16

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 16 314

☍ Round Description
Despite the duos living a double life, The Bounty Hunters captured one member of each duo.

☍ Post Requirements
⚯ Show your duo disguised as law-abiding citizens.
⚬  What does the captive look like now?
⚬  How does the remaining criminal look?
⚯ Include a caption stating how one was caught and what each one is doing now.

☍ How to Display Your Entry
⚬  Do not lengthen your post.
⚬  Do not edit the images together.
⚯ Post the duo disguised as law-abiding citizens side-by-side.
⚯ Post the captive and the remaining criminal side-by-side.
⚯ Place the caption at the bottom.

☍ R2 Length
Tuesday, 15 October at 01:15 to Sunday, 20 October at 01:15.
Winners will be announced by 30 October.
☍ Reminders
All rules and reminders posted in R1 apply.
You must have participated in R1 to be eligible for R2.



#3 16/10/2024 at 00:10

Posts: 9

https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66688.jpg  https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66687.jpg
When these two magicians are not stealing, they try to always blend in and act, but even with all the acting and tricks, their plans won't go as they expected.

The magicians were running, she held a bag full of gemstones, and both were trying to get to the escape route. He tripped on a rock, but for her, knowing that time was running out for their escape. She looked back at him for a moment, before she ran and was able to escape. For him, he was caught as he couldn't get back up in time.

During his time locked away, he was left to think about what he had done, and had thought about an escape attempt, before noticing it was impossible. She knew he was caught and knew that it was time to leave and move somewhere else. She left and traveled to another town, living under another identity.

Last edited by c0rly (16/10/2024 at 00:16)


#4 16/10/2024 at 17:22

Posts: 138

https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66692.jpg https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66693.jpg
There`s really not much knowledge, only legends, about the Demons of the Seas and no official record what they did when they were not terrorizing and ransacking the ships with their precious cargo. Rumor goes “the King” was a fur trapper in the coastal forests, because there lived a red-bearded scar faced man with an eye patch. It’s said the man had with him a bag that made a clinking sound which was odd if the content of it was really furs. He disappeared about the same time the Demons were caught. Last time he was seen he was selling furs to the crew of the Black Skull in the north harbour.
The fur trapper-story is also supported by rumors that the Demon ship was often seen heading to north after they had had a feast on the spoils in the taverns of the south. Some people believe the Demons hid their treasures up north but nothing was ever found there.

About “She” the story is as vague as with Demon king. Years before the capture of the Demons,  Admiral Bluebuttons ship called Dove was ransacked by Demons and the whole crew was brutally murdered expect for admirals wife, Mrs. Bluebuttons. People rumoured she became mistress for The Demon king and was saved and brought back to the city for that reason. Admirals widow was very wealthy and donated large amounts of money for charity, hospitals, schools, prisons and especially to orphanages which had many children who´s father had been executed for piracy. But then again she hired  former prison guards to watch over her and the late admirals mansion. People wondered how the widow seem to get more wealthier and wealthier, she even founded a zoo specialized in exotic birds. The legend tells she ran off with an actor from Commedia dell ´arte theater pretty much the same night everything else happened. And her money, jewelry or other assets had also vanished into thin air.

https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66680.jpg https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66681.jpg
There are different stories about the Demons of the Seas, one being that a rival pirate captain “Black Skull” gave away him and the Demons, that they were ambushed and caught when the crew were partying at a local tavern. In captivity, “the Demon King of the seas” was given two options: To be hanged or to become a hangman himself. And if his heart would not be broken enough for hanging his friends and fellow criminals, he also had to make a deal that if “She” ever would be caught, he would have to hang her and only then he could walk away as a free man.

“She” avoided getting caught  because of her love for theater. That night ”the Demon Queen of the seas” was attending her favourite commedia dell’ arte performance when she was told what had happened. She knew one actress of the troupe was known for always wearing a mask because of her crossed eyes. Being cruel and quick witted, the same horrible night after the news about the ambush and the performance “She” lured the actress to the dock, drowned her and took her identity. Columbinas body was never found. Her family who lived by hunting didn't get a chance to have her buried in her home region in the coastal forests of north.
So beyond anyone’s doubt “The Demon Queen” was hiding in plain sight playing “Columbina”. She became very famous and was often seen at stage with her bright colored parrots she trained to do tricks and misdeeds.

But there are other legends about the Demons. One tells that the Demon King loved the real Columbina and was the informer himself and wanted to catch and hang the Demon Queen. Other story is about the parrots, how “She” trained them to drop poison to drinks of law-makers and prison guards to have the King free. Some rumors give totally different kind of roles for the Black Skull (was he actually admiral Bluebuttons?), fur-trapper (was he the actor who the rich widow ran off), the widow (wasn't her family from the north coast?) and for the real Columbina (her stage name means Dove, does it?), also there are various myths questioning were the King and the Queen enemies or allies in the end, what was the real meaning of the parrots and who did what and who was really who.. And where on earth is the treasure of the Demons???.


#5 16/10/2024 at 22:56

Place: Amore amore lieto disonore
Posts: 1 835

https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66694.jpg  https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66695.jpg
Moritz Vanderseele , producer, filmmaker and businessman from New Zealand  is the name that the elite of the entertainment world is passing around  to their best friends only , if they want them in on how to make a lot of money very fast with a tax free investment. Moritz has the grandest parties and will only accept the creme de la creme as new investors in his projects , last one being a Movie Mecca resort in Florida.
He's also keen to reward his new partners with great tips and makes a perfect middleman .
His latest investor, CEO and edge fund tycoon Paul De Vris and his wife Elsa could not be more pleased with their new nanny, a sweet Ukrainian law student refugee named Olenka, that was personnally recommanded to them  by Moritz... She is a very dependable, reliable girl, well educated and rather shy . little Charlotte simply adores her. As she is a bookworm, Paul has even enlisted her for some easy tasks in his study, such as reorganizing his archives and helping with the backlog in the mail.
        https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66696.jpg  https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/84/moy/66697.jpg
When it turned out that Moritz was in fact a shameless scammer going by the name of Mickael Crebs , everyone in the movie industry and super rich circles were shocked to the core to have been fooled so easily. So of course they expected Judge Nathaniel Millbank to make an example out of him and not let him bail out. But for some unfathomable reason ( unless you have access to the judge's private mail box) Moritz aka Mike was slammed with a lenient sentence, pending further investigation of this complex financial scandal. He is serving his sentence at home with an electronic bracelet , and wonders if there might be a future for him as an influencer specializing in cooking tutorials for hipsters.

Little Charlotte is disconsolate since her Nanny has gone . Her parents are having loud arguments on the phone all the time.
Well , she won't miss nanny forever.
Some day she will have to come back from her luxury cruise around the world with her doting newhusband, little Charlotte's own grandfather and retired tycoon Hector de Vris who thought it would be a pleasurable way to spend their honeymoon .
Tonight on the most private deck of the yacht the happy couple is celebrating the third month since their love story started. Hector knows how to enjoy himself and is a big amateur of champagne and liquors, so Olenka expects things to go overboard . Literally.



#6 20/10/2024 at 01:17

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 16 314




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