
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 22/11/2014 at 16:57

Posts: 61

Hoping to find some of my old friends /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png How are you call doing!

Name's Jess but I used to play under ShadowedThorn on MissBimbo and I'm also ShadowJess from Virtualpopstar.

Likes: Anime, Manga, Art, Mystery, Crime TV shows.

I'm currently doing a business administrator apprenticeship which I've nearly completed, however before this I was working within Childcare.

I tend to draw a lot within my spare time, mostly anime however I have lately been drawing more cartoons then sticking to the anime style such as Pokemon. So please excuse if I submit drawings into the forums.

I have a younger brother who is 14 as well as 3 dogs. My parents are foster parents back at home, so we tend to have a max of 4 dogs sometimes. We foster breeds such as the pitbull and terrier breed all the way king Charles.

(I'll write more when I get home. Sorry it's so brief right now)

Last edited by Shadowjess (22/11/2014 at 17:01)


#2 22/11/2014 at 17:01

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 108

Howdy, Jess♥! I remember you from MB. I was MianaE back then. Welcome to the site and to the forum! Check out the Introduction Guidelines. Then you can edit your post by clicking the edit option in the bottom right corner.

Remember, the more info you post, the more likely you are to make new friends who share your interests.

Have fun!!


#3 22/11/2014 at 17:36

Posts: 1 253

Hey, wow more MBs here. I used to be Justpeep on MB.


#4 22/11/2014 at 19:46

Posts: 61

Well hello to you both! It's lovely to see some familiar faces once again.

I'm craving designing right now, does anyone know if there has been a base released?


#5 24/11/2014 at 13:55

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 108

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