(in case you don't know Bonjour means Hello huhuhu)
My name is Mathilde, but call me Edgarette :3. I'm 13 years old and i'm french!
I'm also on the french version of the game and i'm here to test my English (that means no Google Translate...)
I love mangas, animes, video games and Youtube!
I really really love youtubers like grav3yardgirl, CutiePieMarzia and PewDiePie!
I listen a lot to Vocaloids and songs from Disney's Frozen!
I'm currently watching The Big Bang Theory and Supernatural (watched the season 6 over nine thousand times)
As you can see with my profile pic and my signature (about it, i created it for Cromimi (this game is translated in English but for the US) where i'm called EdgaretteAllanPug, so the "Poe" may be weird i tried to edit it without having to use Photoshop LAZINESS), i have some knowledge with MMD (i made the models with PMDeditor and created the pose with MMD!) On the left, it's me, and on the right is Hatsune Miku! The models themselves are mine i guess but the bases, the clothes, their hair, the stage and the textures aren't mine!
My favorite animes are Naruto, Mirai Nikki and POKEMON (i mean like duh of course)
I reallyyyyyy like drawing and singing and i love Hello Kitty and Frozen.
About My Fashionista, i don't have a style preference but i LOVE tattoos and dying hair. My favorite Color is the black and i may be kind of inspired by grav3yardgirl's style hehehe. About my name on this game, i can't say i really like Edgar Allan Poe i only own and read one of his books but i really liked it so i thought of it.
Some may say i'm crazy, and the others will just think it and use telepathy to send it to my mind.
I don't know what i could sayyy so i'm gonna stop there :3
EDIT: I hope there aren't too many mistakes or typos >_<
Last edited by EdgaretteAllanPoe (01/12/2014 at 22:38)
~Je Suis Charlie~
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