Game and Forum rules
General Game and Forum RULES
Like a Fashionista Terms of Service
Hello and welcome to the The Game, Like a Fashionista
This is a forum for discussing different subjects concerning LIKE A FASHIONISTA ONLY.
Want to start a discussion about the game? Want to join one?
Here are some rules to follow to keep this forum clear and functional.
✗ Make sure your subject has not already been talked about. If this is the case, your topic will be deleted without warning. If your topic is deleted, do not open it again, you may be punished.
✗ Question topics (asking for help etc.) will be closed.
➜ Go to the Assistance forum for questions, problems or information.
➜ Go to the ChitChat forums to discuss topics not related to Like a Fashionista
➜ Go to the Game Room forum to participate in forum based games.
➜ Go to the Creative Arts forum for art, literature, photography, drawings, etc.
Choose a correct title:
✔ Use a title that is interesting, clear and gives information about what you are going to talk about.
Good topics are often ignored because of an unclear title.
✔ Be careful about spelling and grammar.
The contents:
✔ Be careful about spelling and grammar and be as clear as possible.
✔ Explain your subject, be clear and understandable.
✔Don’t hesitate to explain the function of your topic.
➜ What do you expect from other players?
➜ Any specific advice for integrating the discussion.
➜ Anything you don’t want to see in your post.
✔ Keep your post well organized and well presented. Remember to include paragraphs, colors if you want...something nice on the eyes,
✔Images should not exceed 600px in width
✔ Once your topic is published, you are the host of the discussion.
We are entering your ‘house’ in sorts, so opening a topic should not be taken lightly
It is your responsibility to recenter the topic if it deviates from the original subject, etc.
If you do not do this, the topic will be deleted.
► ”Sensitive” Subjects◄
✗ Know that the following “sensitive” subjects are not tolerated in this forum:
➜ Politics, religion, sexuality, war, death, suicide, depression, drugs, etc. When in doubt, don’t hesistate to ask a moderator.
It would be a shame to prepare a long topic only to have it removed.
✔ For the rest, remember to look at the complete Forum Rules.
►Closing ⊱⊰ Deletion of Topics◄
✗ A topic is susceptible to being closed if it does not meet certain criteria:
➜ Obscure title, incompréhensible contents, no precise theme...
➜ Flood, off subject, abandoned subject.
A moderator will inform you of the issue, and you will have to resolve the matter.
If nothing is done, the topic will closed, then deleted.
✔ The following can be deleted without warning:
➜ Double posts (topics that already exist), any posts dealing with said “sensitive” subjects, any topics signaled as ‘stolen’.
➜ Any topics susceptible of being closed (if a moderator's message is not taken into account).
✔If your topic is closed, please do not re-open it or you will be punished. You can always write to the moderator in charge of the section to get an explanation, if needed.
► To all players : ◄
✗ Before posting a message::
➜ Choose the correct topic
➜ No flooding
➜ No "sensitive" subjects
➜ No cursing or vulgar words
➜ No advertising or promoting!
➜ Post constructive comments only
➜ Use good behavior
➜ Do not use the forum to resolve conflicts, but rather private messages.
➜ Always pay attention to and respect the remarks of any moderator/admin.
➜ Please read attentively the forum rules for further information.
✔ Any breach of the rules, depending on the gravity of the action, will be punished.
✔ The rules will be applied in accordance with the evolution of this section.
In case of any doubts, questions or problems after reading all the rules, please contact a moderator.
Thank you for your attention and have fun,
The Like a Fashionista Team. ♥
Forum-, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
Pages : 1
#1 01/07/2014 at 09:27
Pages : 1