
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 18/06/2014 at 14:48

Welcome Fashionistas!
Posts: 1 360

Hello Fashionistas,

Here are some basic rules about how the Like a Fashionista team goes about warning and banning players in any of the forums:

Banning a player is not done randomly, there are guidelines.
Here is a clarification on the functioning of the system:

Sanctions Guide :

Important Terms:
Ban: If a player receives a Ban, they will not be able to access the Forum, their Private Messages, their Comments, or edit their profile.
Immediate Ban: An Immediate Ban can be given to a player that doesn’t necessarily have 3 warnings.
Block: If a player’s account is blocked, they will no longer be able to access their game or edit their account in any way. They can simply log in to see the reason for the block.

Flooding on the forum / not respecting the rules
- (Flood / Double post / Being Impolite / Re-asking a question / TEXT language / Only Smileys/ talking about secret levels)>
>> A punishment comes with the 3rd warning. <<
1st ban > 2 day ban
1st relapse > 1 week ban
2nd relapse > 2 weeks ban
3rd relapse  > 1 month ban
If more > Definitive ban if necessary.
Insults / rude or inappropriate remarks/Trolling 
- (religion, sexual content, etc.) >
Immediate Ban > 1 month ban or block
1st relapse > 3 month ban or block
2nd relapse > 6 month ban or block
3rd relapse  > 1 year ban or block
If more > Definitive ban if necessary.
Insults through PM :
If a player insults another player through PM and the message is reported to the moderation team, the author of the message will receive a ban or block. (For period of ban, please see above.)
If a player falsely reports a private message to the moderation team, they will receive a warning or ban if necessary.
Theft/plagiarism >   
2 weeks to 1 month ban or block. (depending on the situation)
1st relapse  > 1 month ban or block
2nd relapse > 2 month ban or block
3rd relapse > 3 month ban or block
If more > Definitive ban if necessary.
Attempt to cheat / Asking for player’s private info 
- (Requesting votes, FD/FA, bank codes) >
Immediate Ban > Two week ban or block
If more > Definitive ban or block if necessary.
Multiple Accounts
Depending on the situation:
Simple deletion of multiple accounts and/or 2 weeks ban or block.
Inappropriate profiles 
- (photo of a minor/ plagiarism, etc.) >
Players will be asked to remove inappropriate information (or it will be removed for them depending on the content).
If a player refuses to remove the information or re-posts the content after it has been removed by a team member, the entire profile will be cleared.
Players who try to pass for a team member or someone they are not (identity theft) will be sanctioned on a case by case basis.

The moderators and admin will leave the following messages in the forum when you are warned:

This is a warning message from the following moderator: MODERATOR USERNAME

Subject: Your post [LINK] violates one of the points of the either the Section rules or the Game and Forum rules. Please read the the Game and Forum rules, this is your [number] warning, you will be punished on the third warning.

This message can be posted in the following situations:

-    Impolite player. We are real people after all! Being polite (Hello, Thanks, etc.) is always recommended.
-    Flood / Double Post / Off Topic. Please respect the forum rules.
-    TEXT Language. Please respect our beautiful English language!
-    Question already asked. The forum is full of information and answers, please run a search and read a little before posting.

This is a message from the following moderator: MODERATOR USERNAME

Subject: Your post violates one of the points of the either the Section rules or the Game and Forum rules. You will be banned from the forum for a period of [duration of ban]. Please refer to your banishment message.

This message can be posted in the following situations:

-    3 warnings in the game/forum. Yes, the moderators are aware of everything^^!
-    Repeat offense. Already received a ban.
-    Insults
-    Trolling
-    Not respecting others

Thank you for your understanding!



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