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74 Fashionista Comments - 42 friends
paulakiss101 , - 29/09/2014 22:28 :

Your fashionista's face is just so gorgeous!

Miss-B-Haven , - 26/09/2014 08:11 :

Hello fellow Canadian :D I didn't realize you were MM2007 until I came to your profile and knew straight away (I had left the Bimbo site about 2 years before it shut down). Glad to see you're on here, and can't wait to see more of your creations! 

Judiette , - 24/09/2014 22:47 :

Oh my god, how do you make those cute "doll" avatars? Is it in a special website, or do you do it yourself? Tell me your secret !!

Horatia , - 22/09/2014 06:25 :

Yeah, can't say I'm missing the stress and drama ;)

Neriah , - 22/09/2014 04:16 :

Yeah Ian wouldn't mind............But i would you twat. Lmao. Stay away :p

Neriah , - 22/09/2014 03:38 :

Wifey!! LOVE the new MLP avas ♥.♥ Squeeeee! Luv yew!! 


Also, yes, Ian Somerhalder is GOD. *swoon*

Horatia , - 19/09/2014 06:40 :

Whereabouts do you live now?


And I know what you mean. The part of MB that I miss the most is the forums.

Horatia , - 15/09/2014 20:28 :

Hello lovely! I missed seeing your beautiful avatars and signatures, although I didn't realise quite how much until I was scrolling through earlier - nostalgia hit me like a kick in the teeth. How have you been? Are you enjoying this new site?


I'm a bit regretful that I've lost some of my signtatures from when I first started on MB. They were gothic-y awesomeness :D Never mind. At least I've got our little Elsa for my avatar ^-^

paulakiss101 , - 10/09/2014 21:44 :

Thank you xx

paulakiss101 , - 10/09/2014 20:47 :

Katie can I use your ariel mermaid avatar? BTW loving your artwork xx

Andre-90 , - 9/09/2014 19:17 :

Wow, your makeup is so cool, it remainds me a MissBimbo pose. 

Melinoe , - 7/09/2014 09:11 :

Thank you for your kind comment :)

ElizabetaFryingPan , - 4/09/2014 17:02 :

Thank you very much :3

AmbeeFox , - 2/09/2014 23:17 :

Hope you don't mind, but I took your Jasmine avatar to use. I think it's soo nice that you have offered up avatars for people to use :) I espcially love anything disney princess and couldn't resist taking one of your Princess avatars. I can't wait to see what other avatars you make!


BTW love! your diva, is she Jem and the Holograms inspired?

unnie , - 1/09/2014 05:56 :

You're welcome, I hope it's a fantastic day!

EmmyAna , - 1/09/2014 05:27 :

~♥~ Happy Birthday!!! ~♥~

EmmyAna , - 26/08/2014 20:01 :

Howdy! ♥ I posted your drawing in the "Show Us Your Drawing" thread. Hope you're having a great week. ♥

Missbestfriend , - 20/08/2014 22:27 :

Thanks, I also love yours.

Corazie , - 20/08/2014 09:11 :

I was sat there thinking I'd replied... I'm so forgetful! Belle is a Lancashire Heeler cross Jack Russell, so adorable :)

MissMelinda , - 18/08/2014 05:53 :

Hi again, I'm doing okay for an old lady, hehe. I will be glad when the forums are more open...I suppose we have to get more active players though. :)