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42 Fashionista Comments - 46 friends
Ffcgg , - 29/12/2017 21:03 :

Merci beaucoup pour ton com' :3 J'aime bien le style de ta bimbo française aussi ^^ 

Historia , - 28/12/2017 15:51 :

Really!!! Well, i happy to be the first to tell you that in a comment and not a reply

WagsMcCormick , - 24/12/2017 20:12 :

I love the Christmas montage you did of our 'Nistas! Thank you very much!!

Historia , - 23/12/2017 18:09 :

You are very welcome *-*

Historia , - 23/12/2017 15:36 :

very well combined outfit, beautiful I love it *-*

Miss-B-Haven , - 19/12/2017 02:08 :

Thank you friend, you are beautiful and too kind!  

NatalieJunes , - 8/12/2017 14:13 :

oh thank you for your congrats! <3

WagsMcCormick , - 6/12/2017 13:30 :

Thank you very much for your kind comment! <3

Kitche , - 7/11/2017 13:22 :

Paradise65 , - 4/11/2017 15:35 :

Great my friend ,bisous ,have anice day 

Kymly , - 2/11/2017 13:11 :

Ohhh thank you! You also have an amaying deco very halloween

loulou7781 today is my birthday ♥♥ happpy Halloween !!
- 31/10/2017 19:28
Astriel , - 11/10/2017 15:47 :

Thank you very much for your comment ! ^^

I really like your nista's face !!! ❤o❤

Good luck and have a good day !!! ^^

travid117 , - 18/09/2017 23:37 :

Thank you for your lovely comment <3

FashonistaAnastashia , - 18/09/2017 13:53 :

Thank you try to do my best! you have very pretty doll ! ♥ 

Miss-B-Haven , - 17/09/2017 09:40 :

Thank you so much, that's very kind of you :) Your hair and makeup looks pretty! Hope you enjoy the game. 

CocoChanel34 , - 16/09/2017 21:07 :

Thank you very much for your nice compliment.

You too have a pretty doll. 

CandyBabydoll , - 16/09/2017 19:56 :

Awww merci beaucoup! J'adore la tienne aussi elle est sublime!! Bravo et bonne chance a toi aussi pour le trophée!! ^^


EmilySun , - 13/09/2017 23:36 :

           Resultado de imagen para simbolos sailor moon sin fondo

Thank you, precious you are a sweetheart.
I loved your ensemble, your doll is very beautiful!  <3
Kaena2 , - 12/09/2017 15:26 :

Thank you so much <3 Your fashionista is lovely !