Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)

Hi again, as a matter of fact, I am a Sailor Moon fan since I was a child ♥ and I still love them and watch them until now ♥

Thanks a lot, so glad you like it :)
Yours is beautiful too, I really like the make up ♥

Hi! I found you by coincidence so I just want to wish a:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY My Algerian sister ♥
This is your big day so enjoy it ♥

Oh well, you know when I told you to not hate me because I ship FrUK, it's because usually FrUK shippers & USUK shippers aren't really friendly with each other é_è'
France x Spain ? I'll admit that I read some fanfictions about that couple but I don't ship it as hard as FrUK...
I guess it's true when you say I'm not the only one to like popular pairings... But BTW, do you think that there's a shipping war between AusHun shippers & PruHun shippers like the one between FrUK shippers & USUK shippers ?
So glad there's someone else who can't decide whether MakoHaru or RinHaru is better :3 No, but really when was Rin a uke with Makoto ? or with Haru ? xD I'm not talking about Sosuke, because I don't know why but I can't get to like him :/ Also, when I watched the 8th episode of Free! Eternal Summer, I found cute the fact that Rin brings a chocolate bar and a water bottle to Nitori when he's training :3

UK x Japan ? To tell the truth, I'm rather indifferent to this couple... Maybe if I read some good fanfictions about this couple, I'll get into it... You ship GerIta ? Me too :D
I also ship Spamano, FrUK [please don't hate me T_T], PruHun & RoGer :3 Yeah, I ship the most popular pairings, I guess xD
Oh, I like both RinHaru & MakoHaru, still can't decide which one is better ^^'
Rin a Uke ? o_o How that's possible ?

Is that Japan & England on the last picture in your profile ? :D

Oh la la !! Pour le podium, on va attendre... longtemps xD et c'est pas au programme.
Difficile en effet de créer avec 3 vêtements qui se battent en duel hihihi.
Pour l'anglais, le traducteur est mon ami (pas le votre xD). Mais pour le fofo, c'est un vrai handicap d'être une brêle :D.

I log in my account and I see your comment, my love <3 Thank you very much!
I was in low spirits but I feel better now thanks to you. It's amazing that you found me without I told you^^
My fashionista is ugly at the moment. I haven't money xD However, your fashionista is already cute <3
This time, I'm your first comment!
Kisses my dear <3 I love you <3