So, this is my first time making banners again for a while and I am VERY out of it with cold so please forgive me for any ineptitude.
Your endings are based on your heroes individual goal and their final XP score; yes there are some ones resembling bad endings but I guess it depends on what you constitute as bad. I'm sorry if any of you are unhappy with what you got but I did have a limited knowledge of character to work with, if you get what I mean. I hope you all enjoy your banners and I'm super pleased with your stories
Who knows, I might even do another one soon
Now, in ascending order we have lowest XP first!
Dare: Unanswered Questions
Dare knew she needed to confront The Godmother- whether she was ready or not. She approached The Godmother’s house with Sam and Cyn in tow, ready for whatever was waiting inside, be it the truth or something else. Her mother was close and she knew it.
However, when Dare approached the house a funny haze descended over her. She felt sick and dizzy, struggling to stay upright. When the distortion had finally passed, she turned back to her companions and said only two words:
Let’s go.
A while after that the presence of her mother dwindled, before stopping all together. For once in her life since the fire, she could walk freely without her every step being watched. It never once occurred to her what she could have lost, or gained. She just didn’t care anymore.
Sam left soon after that, realizing that Dare no longer intended to find her mother. Cyn disappeared to wherever spirits go when their time on Earth is up.
Dare wandered.
She soon noticed herself aging; not exactly rapidly, but just enough. Her immortality had dissolved along with the presence of her companions.
Eventually, she settled in a small town. She set up a potion shop, married a local and had two children. A mother herself, Dare rarely wondered what exactly had happened to the woman who gave birth to her- and even if she did, that thought was cut short in her head.
In her painted white living room, all The Godmother could do was smile.

Aimee Trahetta: Tearful Goodbye
Aimee had realised the trap too late. Dr Jenkins rushed the two of them with such force; Aimee barely had time to duck out of the way. Scott managed to slip away behind some crates, a criss-cross of burns running up and down his arms.
A mental battle ensued between Aimee and Dr Jenkins. He was able to strike with much more practised precision than she had- after all, he’d spent almost twenty years training. Aimee had supressed her powers as much as possible; the last she’d used them was to save that poor girl from being run over, and even that was taxing…
The battle ended all too quickly. Aimee was left on the floor, exhausted.
Dr Jenkins hadn’t even broken a sweat.
He presented Ruby victoriously to the two of them, fast asleep in the small cage he’d prepared for her. Aimee felt sick at the sight of it; angry tears threatened to spill forward but she managed to keep her composure.
Knowing that there was no other alternative, Aimee offered a trade.
Her life for Ruby’s.
Whilst Dr Jenkins was reluctant to accept, Aimee pointed out that a child would be far more difficult to control than a mentally capable adult- especially one that was willing to comply. Scott tried to object but Ruby was quickly thrust into his arms.
With one last sad smile, Aimee commanded him to go. He obeyed.
Aimee remained with her captor, watching with tear-filled eyes as they disappeared back out into the night. With this, she would be safe forever.
Or at least Aimee hoped.
Ruby didn’t really remember what happened to her, just that her ‘daddy’ came to save her. Amber was incredibly relieved to see Ruby safe and sound; she held back her tears over Aimee’s sacrifice until she was alone.
Neither of them knew exactly what happened to Aimee. At least, not until three years later.
Ruby was eight by this time, growing up to be a lovely little girl. She enjoyed playing with her Barbie dolls, dressing them up with loving care unusual for someone her age. Amber often sat on the rug and played with her, whilst Scott watched television in the background. It was one piece of idyllic normalcy that Amber so desperately craved.
It was on one of these days when the broadcaster showed the report.
Dr Jenkins had been arrested for malpractice and was in the process of being transferred to a maximum security prison. His final test subject- Aimee Trahetta- had been removed from his private ‘torture dungeon’ as the broadcaster had dubbed it.
They had filmed her being pulled from the warehouse. Amber had to look away at this point, covering her eyes with a hand.
Aimee was conscious, but she was by no means awake. She stared out into the world with a vapid, confused gaze. Amber heard Scott let out a sob.
The video footage clipped away, back to the broadcaster. He was announcing the number of dead bodies found in addition to Aimee. Some of them had already been identified using DNA analysis.
One of the names read out was Kyle Trahetta.
Amber felt her blood run cold.
The television turned off with an abrupt crack as its screen shattered.
The two of them looked directly at Ruby, who was clutching one of her dolls closely to her chest.

Scylla: Sisterly love
Just as Liz was preparing to do terrible, unspeakable things to the two girls, Topaz finally decided to stroll in. She scolded her sister for her unkindness, to which Liz replied with a shrug and a smile before stating she’d been born unkind.
After waking the girls up with a special serum, Topaz explained the situation to the two and apologised profusely. You see, the lab that had ‘created’ Scylla and Misery had been ransacked years ago in a Reaper raid, conducted by Topaz herself (which she noted very proudly). Liz had just been messing around with the remains before deciding to play a little prank on some of the survivors.
Before Scylla and Misery left, Topaz insisted on taking a photo for the family album- just to commemorate all the good laughs they’d had. Unfortunately someone spilled hot sauce on it a couple of days later.
At least, that is what the Wonders sisters would tell you.
If you lived long enough to ask.

Elena Lexis Elderin: Practical Improvement
Agatha Elrose had been easy enough for the three of them to take down together. When she was finally defeated, the girls quickly ransacked her lab looking for information about the cure. They found it easily enough, stored in several of the computers in the region. Reading through it was simple enough; Elena could tell what was important and what wasn’t, even if the others couldn’t.
But then they came across the case files.
There were thousands of them: mutant children across the globe whose powers had prevented them from leading normal lives. Just like the three girls reading the documents from the other side of the screen.
This prompted Elena to think of her own childhood, filled with fear and pain and anger. Yes, she wanted revenge. She wanted it more than anything.
But maybe… Maybe they had a point.
Maybe it wouldn’t be fair to let the mutant gene continue on as it had, destroying lives across the globe due to bizarre brain malfunctions that occurred in mutants. Agatha herself had lost her own child to one of these outbursts. Maybe it was time for a bit of control.
Axelle thought her friend was crazy to suggest such a thing, but Liliana seemed to hesitantly accept it. After all, if they could prevent at least one child from living the lives they had to…
They spent months working on a treatment. Not a cure, a treatment- something to supress the outbursts of power that put so many lives at risk. They worked backwards from Agatha’s notes, holing themselves up inside her laboratory that had more than sufficient supplies to last them.
And then they were finished.
Five years later, the treatment was widely distributed amongst mutant communities. The laws were changed so that former anti-mutant groups could be classed as hate groups and the more extreme of them (which had hunted down and killed mutants) were arrested and put on trial. Many were found guilty. Mutants were declared equal citizens with the right to receive their treatment and live beneficial lives as best they could.
Elena, Axelle and Liliana set up a charity organization to help mutants integrate into society and let go of the resentments of the past, whilst still being proud of who they are. Elena knew in her heart it wasn’t the revenge she so deeply wanted, but it definitely filled a void in her being. After all, justice had been served and people could live freely once again without the risk of anti-mutant groups breathing down their necks.
Elena vowed that as long as she lived there would never be another child like her.

Gloria Bones AKA Cutlass Rattler: Forever sailing (or a treatise in how I should never be creative again)
The battle between Gloria and Vince was… Terrifying. Sword against hammer in a violent flurry of intense action. Reina may not have been able to see, but she knew things were getting desperate. She implored every deity she knew to tilt the scales in Gloria’s favour, hoping that the day wouldn’t end in her friend’s funeral.
It was around that time Catherine Denton came riding in on one of those big scaled lizard-beasts native to her town. Apparently they had landed only a few miles away from her town in order to conduct their big fight. Reina was surprised, but not shocked. She knew fate was a tricky business.
She just hadn’t known those damn lizards were tameable.
Catherine let out a battle screech and the lizards attacked, grabbing Vince in their large jaws and tugging him away from Gloria. She was covered in blood and bruises, but she was still standing. Panting, she walked over to where Vince was struggling with the largest beast that had its teeth clamped firmly around his arm.
Gloria turned to Reina with questioning eyes, obviously hesitant to finish him off while she was still there. Reina could sense the movement, even if she couldn’t exactly see it. She shuffled herself along to where Gloria was standing, stroking her arm along one of the lizards to keep her balance. Shaking her head no, she knelt next to Vince and laid a hand on his chest.
And then, oddly enough, he turned into a woman.
Gloria, Catherine and Reina decided never to think too much about how exactly that had happened- instead, they put it down to an act of divine justice. The now female Vince had looked at himself in despair, uncertain of what exactly to do without his favourite toy. Catherine simply laughed and patted the poor girl on the back before pointing to his- her- discarded hammer. It was still available for her to use and she could still swing it like nobody’s business.
So Catherine eagerly offered her a job in helping with the town’s construction, to which Vince reluctantly agreed.
All four of them returned to Catherine’s town together to have celebratory meal as she explained joyfully that she’d thought the two of them would need her help again. After the celebratory meal, Gloria and Reina headed off to have many more adventures on the high seas before Gloria finally realised she wasn’t as young as she used to be and promptly retired to a small mansionette with Reina in Catherine’s bustling city (which had expanded very promptly with Vince’s expert hammer skills).
Vince settled down with Catherine’s father before bumping him off for his money and was promptly banished for being a gold digger (hey, you might change the gender but you can’t change the person). Her current whereabouts are unknown.
A big well done to Chockolate for winning and a congrats to everyone else. You all did super amazing

Final XP
Dare: 4500XP
Aimee Trahetta: 5250XP
Scylla: 6200XP
Elena Lexis Elderin: 7400XP
Gloria Bones AKA 'Cutlass rattler': 10320XP