Codename: Demon's Eye
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Age: 19
Sex: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Favorite quote: "Hang on to your morals and die, or do what it takes to survive"
In a near future, humans are beginning to evolve back to their basic instinct: survival. As such, bizarre cases have started to appear of people developing... powers... a physical reaction on the molecular level, when put under intense stress or mortal danger. The power depends on the situation, on the environment, on the mindset of the person, as well as many other factors, making it so no two powers are exactly the same. The people who develop these powers are proof of a gigantic step in the evolution of the human race, or as others seem them, simple abnormal mutants. Here is the story of one in particular:
***Warning: super depressive story ahead with lots of triggers. Do not read if sensitive to... well anything really***
One day, or rather night, a baby girl was born. Pale, delicate skin, a few dark hairs at the top of her head, and big deep blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way; healthy, smiling and under the care of a loving young couple. However, nothing is ever really perfect. A few weeks after her birth, the baby started showing signs of an infection, and not just any infection; she had gangrene in her right eye.
The young couple was left in shock. They had to stop the infection by all means before it could affect the brain, but the risks of preforming surgery on such a young child were so great, that they feared for the life of their baby. In the end, though, they didn't have to do anything; the baby healed on its own. It was an impossible feat and yet it had been preformed.
However, the baby was not the same after that; only one of her deep blue eyes was left. The other had become so much more. Swirls of different shades of purple were in constant movement in the child's right eye, a beautiful yet disturbing sight.
The baby's parents were forced to admit what their child had become; a mutant, and at such a young age. Though, this did not matter to the couple. They had already feared losing their child once, they weren't going to simply abandon her after that.
-8 years later-
Throughout her childhood, Elena's powers became more and more apparent. She was able to see... everything. Be it details like fingerprints or a simple muscle twitch, to things scientists still reject exist, like auras. Her visual perception was 20 times more rapid than normal, and still becoming faster every year, making her able to spot a floating spec of dust. However, with her enhanced sight, all her other senses became dulled. She saw odors and sound vibrations in the air, could easily read lips and her body simply adapted in consequence.
The more Elena's power became apparent, the more she was rejected again and again by schools, doctors, children and other people in general for her difference. Yet, somehow, she managed to stayed untainted. Running around, laughing, forever loved by the only two people in the world that cared or mattered: her parents.
But then, they were taken away.
It happened one evening, while the small family was eating supper. A loud knock on the door, more demanding than asking for entry. Elena's father stood up and cautiously advanced towards the door, all the while motioning his wife to bring Elena into the other room. Elena already knew something was wrong, the dirty brown auras, a mix of red hatred and green wickedness, was seeping through the cracks of the door frame.
Hidden in the other room, Elena wasn't sure what was going on. Loud sounds were coming from the dining room, but she couldn't make out what they meant. It was only when she saw the faint wisp of red vapor in the air that she realized and yet refused to accept what was going on.
Vibrations on the hardwood floor, louder and louder, followed by three large men... one of which was covered in blood. Why were they here? What exactly had they done to her father? Elena started crying, her mother hushed her gently, the men started demanding for the young girl. Of course, her mother refused, hiding her child behind her. The mens' demands got louder, the threats more threatening, until they simply grabbed Elena's mother, her hand slipping out of the small child's grasp. It was then that Elena noticed the knife one of the men was holding; what happened next, no one, especially not a child, should ever have to witness.
That was the day Elena broke inside. The events that followed made sure she stayed that way even up until this day.
A cage. That was where the mutant haters put her, because that was what they were: mutant haters. That was why her parents were killed and that was why she spent the next 6 months of her life in a cage. All because these people hated mutants, said they weren't human.
Elena grew to like the cage. As long as she was in the cage nothing bad happened. No, the bad things happened when they took her out of the cage. Unspeakable things. They only ever took her out for tests, torture or... other deeds. She began to think this would be her life, that she would never get out. However, she did. Someone helped her, helped free her. Though even when she left that cage, that lab, she still wasn't free not yet. The men who had killed her parents were still alive, and she wouldn't be free until they weren't.
-11 years later-
In the years that followed, Elena grew stronger. An orphan, and an outcast, she grew up on the streets, doing whatever it took to survive. Everything had already been taken from her, so she didn't mind selling away the nothingness that was left. The only thing that kept her alive was her thirst for revenge. She trained herself physically, learning to fight, to use weapons, building up her endurance, and mentally, discovering and exploring the reaches of her power, the new things that appeared in her vision, as her power evolved everyday.
When all of this was over, when the men will be gone, only then will she be able to rest in peace.
However much Elena seems only built up on getting her revenge, the reality is that she's subconsciously looking for something, no matter how small, to give a meaning to her life. Something to prove that her life isn't only what she's lived up until now, that it's something more than just pain and suffering.
So long...
I'm really sorry for whoever takes the time to read all this... It got super out of hand with everything I wanted to include, plus it's really sad and depressing...
Elena is actually a character of mine I've had for a while now and I simply wanted to share. Anyway, I hope that at least some of you enjoyed that!
Last edited by Axaressa (13/09/2015 at 07:20)