
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#26 27/10/2021 at 16:18

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

And holding...



#27 27/10/2021 at 18:09

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 627



Interests: Marin (RI);  Anton & Emma (both FI)

Floor: 35/F; with Marin, Emma & Anton

Joining the Portal Investigation: Yes

Round Status: R1, R2 & R3 Done; R4 TBA

Lounge / 35/F / Portal

TBA on the rest...

Chapter IV

Last edited by schoggettchen (07/11/2021 at 20:29)



#28 29/10/2021 at 17:51

Posts: 143



Interests: Orias, Bryn, Tamara, Kayin
Floor Choice: 93/F
Joining Portal Investigation: Yes

― ⤫ ― Story ― ⤫ ―


― ⤫ ―  Outfits ― ⤫ ―

TBA                       |          TBA

Round Status:

Round 1: Done   |   Round 2: Done

Round 3: In Progress   |   Round 4: Pending

Last edited by MistyMisty (31/10/2021 at 18:41)


#29 30/10/2021 at 16:57

Posts: 541



#30 02/11/2021 at 18:05

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


There has been progress - some. Meriel Descieux is apparently in the building, though why and where she is now, no one knows. There are devices that can help dispel the monsters lurking in the corridors. There’s been glyphs found, ones that you’ve discovered apparently running through the building. And there have been other discoveries, more private ones…

More importantly: the portal has an entity in it, urging you all to revisit past floors, to see if you can make sense of things. To follow trails you might not have seen the first time around. The entity has also given you a choice, and expects you to answer. The other elevator is open, and the floors you’ve explored have lit up. Perhaps you ought to take its advice, see what is waiting on the other side

In the next week, the doors re-open, and the white is there, waiting, inviting. Time to give your answer. And the week after? Well, it depends on how you answered, and why…

Timeline reference:
From now on, the timeline will be calculated by weeks. Week 1 was Round 2, so all matters start in Week 2.
▻ Week 9: Revisiting the past floors
▻ Week 10: The portal re-opens. Time for your answer.
▻ Week 11: To be confirmed…

Round Requirements:
Age: (No less than 24, please.)
Interests: (No more than 4)
Floor you want to pick: Please pick the floor you want to revisit - please pick one
Outfit: Optional
Your chosen mission, as well as interaction with your interests and anything else that catches your fancy. Also, your answer to the entity. Once you have your answer, I’ll throw up the task for Week 11.



#31 02/11/2021 at 18:06

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Holding, just in case we do use it.



#32 02/11/2021 at 18:21

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 627



Interests: Marin (RI); Anton & Emma (both FI)

Floor you want to pick: 21/F

Léa's answer: She will stay behind - even with her limited knowledge - and try to stymie the flow

Round Status: R1, R2 & R3 Done; R4 & R5 TBA

Outfits coming (one day)

Chapter V

Last edited by schoggettchen (07/11/2021 at 20:29)



#33 07/11/2021 at 18:05

Posts: 143



#34 09/11/2021 at 18:09

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


You left the entity behind - whatever it was - with your answer. There is quiet. A still, perfect quiet, as if everything in the Tower has just - stopped. A quick check at the elevator shows all the other buttons have switched off - only 105/F is there, lit up, waiting. Plans are made, as usual. There are scant trails, but you intend to follow it to the end.

Then one morning, you wake up, and you’re in your own hotel room. There’s a massive elevator dial outside your window. You feel your room moving upwards, further, further, and it goes from one, to twenty one, to eight four, to 105/F. There’s a ding. The dial swings open, and it reveals a sea of red  - static. Sparking. You can make out wraiths flitting in and out.

In the far-off distance, you can make out a figure, standing before an altar, a strange tower rising in the distance. You try to move, but you’re bound to the bed. Then, slowly, the red static spills out, turning to white, then as it reaches you, it turns to… gold?

Not that you can make sense of it. Your vision goes black, and then next you wake up, you’re in a military tent, lying on a cot. There are hooded figures next to you with clipboards. You can hear the bustle of people outside. You try to ask questions, but they only give you an impatient “Be quiet, you’ll be debriefed later”.

You’re poked at, prodded at, and you’re not allowed to leave your tent. You try to ask them if you’re out of the Tower, and you get a huff in response. You wait minutes. Hours. Days. Maybe. You might be exaggerating.

Eventually, after a while, a tent flap swings open. Kayin steps through first, followed by a tall, blonde man. For most part, he is sharp, gaunt - haunted, even, clad in a laboratory coat, you note. Then you see him pull his hands out from his pockets, and you realise his left arm has completely withered. Like something has sucked the life out of it.

He flashes you a small smile. It’s warm - warmer than you expect. He sits down on a stool, Kayin behind him.

“You got out, don’t worry,” he tells you. “But there are some matters we want to clear up and clean out before we - proceed.”

Kayin crosses his arms. You can see he has a leg in a cast, and he looks mostly grim. You ask what happened to the Tower, to everyone else.

“Those who were on the club lounge survived,” Kayin tells you, voice flat. “But as for the Tower…”

He pushes a small iPad screen towards you. You glance down, and - stare.

Where the Tower was, there is now a perfect rectangular block of black metal. It looks to be a monolith, carved from obsidian. And in its very centre, you think you can see…

“Don’t look too closely.”

The blonde man interjects, smiling wryly. “The class of thing is similar, and I learnt that lesson once a long, long time ago. It’s half a miracle you all survived. I can’t say the same about the rest of the inhabitants.”

And what makes him well-equipped to say this?

“Ah. Yes. Introductions, and our purpose, I think.” He extends a hand - his right one, his good one, and you shake it. The handshake is firm. Almost trustworthy.

“Dr. Zain Dawson. I was - ah, recently brought on for my experience. Now, I suspect you have questions, but I have a few of my own.”

He leans forward.

“What can you tell me about Meriel Descieux?”

Last edited by Jadis (09/11/2021 at 18:15)



#35 09/11/2021 at 18:15

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

And that's it! It's over. You can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

There's not much to say, because I don't think there really is much to talk about. Originally I envisioned this as a simpler contest for me, and in many ways it was. For one, there were a lot less branching paths for this. Maps were another thing - in the future, I need to figure things out.

Thank you to all of you who stayed, despite the chaos - even if I know the stories weren't completed in time. My bad, mostly, for throwing so many things at you! I loved reading every bit, the interactions, the characters, and probably freaking you out just a little.

As for what comes next? I'm not sure. TPOT and TSET are part of a world I want to explore (yes, they're connected, as if it wasn't obvious by now) , but I'll have a think about how I'll explore them, and when. For now - I'm going to take a long, exhausted break, and see you all around ^_^



#36 09/11/2021 at 18:44

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 163

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♡   ♡ ~ This thread will remain open for feedback until 18:15 on November 10, 2021. ~ ♡   ♡

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https://i.imgur.com/XK1Xbhh.png https://i.imgur.com/TOcn7kl.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/OPjaHdp.png


#37 10/11/2021 at 14:21

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 627

I know that I have already mentioned it a few times via Messenger but one last time... thank you for the contest and sorry for not finishing the last two rounds.

I had a blast writing Léa, exploring her relationships with Marin, Emma, Anton and Joseph and generally waiting anxiously and excited for whatever was going to happen next.

Though, I have to admit that without Nina's help, Léa wouldn't even have made it past her locked room XD

And because I had some free time on my hands, I wrote something...




#38 10/11/2021 at 19:25

Posts: 143

I absolutely love the contest and everything about it and I will absolutely continue writing the remaining rounds because I'm OBSESSED. There was so much chaos, so much fun and I can only blame RL for getting in the way D:

I can't wait for what else you will come up with


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