
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 07/10/2021 at 18:45

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Results will be up shortly

(Of course, I couldn't pass up the playlist...)

The St. Émilie Tower - once a landmark in the busy, bustling central business district, the years gone by means it’s just one more high-rise building packed full of commercial and residential tenants alike. Identifiable really only by the massive words hanging over its glass-and-steel doorway, its many denizens pass by its doors, each with their own histories and stories. Of course, the variety means that its residents want for nothing: you have the residents, the galleries, the offices, the hotel, even a broadcasting studio located halfway in the building. One wouldn’t call it cozy, but it’s long been a slice of home or routine for any of its tenants. Nothing out of the ordinary, save for the occasional drama, inter-tenant problems, and the occasional technical glitch that might knock out a few Internet connections. But who knows what’ll happen when you look deeper?

******************************Finally! Yes, the St. Émilie Tower is open, albeit delayed no thanks to my onset of bad migraine over the last couple of days. That said, I think it’s about time to get started and to dive into the lives, the drama of those who live in the Tower. Or maybe there’ll be something to disrupt the balance - who knows?

For those who have already begun the contest last casting, the round details are below. For those who are just joining us, I have a little something for you further down in this post. But before we start - of course, the rules!



Escaping your locked room

Scouting Missions

If there are any questions, message me - I will get back to you ASAP, as with luck I should be relatively more stable so it shouldn’t take too long. Good luck, and most importantly - have fun!

Last edited by Jadis (08/11/2021 at 17:00)



#2 07/10/2021 at 18:47

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Inside the Tower, there’s a bit of a buzz going on: Vision Productions, subsidiary of the international conglomerate Luminer Holdings Limited, is hosting their movie premiere here next week. The movie in question is meant to be a "tentpole" - your summer blockbuster "Abandoned by Eternity". The swankiest stars have been invited, and of course, you each have your own roles to play here. For the employees, this means working double-time to make sure everything runs smoothly; for those that live and work here, it means extra hubbub and a lot of new faces you haven’t seen before.

To coincide with the move premiere, the Tower management have decided to run a few promotional events. In other words: promotions, promotions, promotions, until you’re so sick of it that you rather wish your employers did the promoting - specifically, the promoting of your position for your hard work. But that’s beside the point: it’s an excuse to relax, to party, and to meet and mingle. You might even meet a celebrity or two!

At the end of the week - think Saturday - the movie premiere takes place. Some of you are invited; some of you are working backstage; and some of you might be hanging around the fringes. Or maybe not - maybe you’ll decide to have a quiet night in, enjoy yourselves. Or with someone you’ve met during the week, who knows?

At 7:30PM, the premiere begins. The paparazzi line up, the stars, the directors… they’re all here, mingling, chatting, giving press interviews, and everyone invited goes in to watch the movie. Once they’re in, everything goes quiet: the bustle is gone, and for a moment, it seems all is normal. That is, right up until 10:00PM, where an low pitched whine echoes through the building and - that’s the last thing you remember, because for you, everything goes black.

On an OOC note, each of you will be receiving one additional PM from me with an extra little tidbit for your character by 8-9 October 2021 (yes, this has been edited, some snags came up). Whether or not you include all the information inside is up to you. However, do PM me your choice that I’ve given you, so that I can make the necessary adjustments. Thanks!

Round Requirements:
Face claim:
Age: (No less than 24, please.)
Role: (Please mark the one you already picked!)
Interests: (No more than 4)
1) The outfit your character is wearing for their day-to-day in the Tower; and
2) The outfit your character is wearing on the day of the red carpet show.
Please end your story at 10:00PM, when you hear the low-pitched whine. Where you end up and who you’re with won’t matter, so don’t worry.

If there are any questions, message me - I will get back to you ASAP, as with luck I should be relatively more stable so it shouldn’t take too long. Good luck, and most importantly - have fun!

If you missed the casting the first time around - well, I’ve got a few more roles for you to play around with. As before, you’ll get something different as the contest goes on. That said, your start will be somewhat different, so: please complete your casting form ASAP, and I’ll PM you where you start in the story. Why? You’ll see?

For your casting, the requirements are simple:
(1) Fill out the below casting form;
(2) Pick out your role from the ones I’ve set out below. Don’t worry if you repeat, I’ll adjust accordingly; and
(3) Give me an outfit your character normally wears.

Please also remember to PM me your answers to the questions I’ve included in the casting form below! No extras yet, but - don’t worry, you’ll meet them once the contest starts…

Casting Form

Pick a role - round two!

Last edited by Jadis (10/10/2021 at 07:45)



#3 07/10/2021 at 18:48

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

EDITED ON 10/10/2021: Added some clarification on who has been in the Tower for a while.


Tamara Luker

Brendon Steele

Anton Toklas

Marin Toklas


Cillian Edwards

Ingrid Piazzi

Joseph Baccarin

Kayin Soyinka


Nathan Hayes

Emma Carys

Orias Cross

Bryn Leyland

Last edited by Jadis (10/10/2021 at 09:28)



#4 07/10/2021 at 18:54

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Last updated: 21 October 2021


With the first round of scavenging and scouting, you've managed to set up the lounge room to be a saferoom and co-ordination centre of some sort. There's food, along with some of the information you've gathered during your initial search. You've also managed to barricade off the key points of entry - and converted one of the rooms into a makeshift sleeping room, if the need arises. For now, this is safe - secure. Let's hope it stays this way.

OOC Note: With each mission and each result, this map will be updated through the contest to reflect the changes and the information you have gathered. Of course, the more prepared you are, the better your chances of escape.

Last edited by Jadis (21/10/2021 at 16:50)



#5 07/10/2021 at 18:55

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Anton, Emma, Joseph, Marin (no order)

Day-to-Day / Red Carpet Show


Chapter I

Sorry if it is slightly rushed but RL happened

Last edited by schoggettchen (13/10/2021 at 22:44)



#6 07/10/2021 at 18:55

Posts: 143



― ⤫ ― Story ― ⤫ ―

Chapter 1 - Silly Paranoia

Chapter 2 - Unstable

Chapter 3 - Underrated

Chapter 4 - Mad Chase

― ⤫ ― Outfits ― ⤫ ―
Day-to-Day                                |             Red Carpet Show Day
Round Status:

Round 1: Done

Last edited by MistyMisty (14/10/2021 at 21:11)


#7 07/10/2021 at 19:32

Posts: 548

Name: Jade Marston
Face claim: Fahriye Evcen
Age: 33

Role: Resident
Traits: Spontaneous. Seeks excitement and adventure, new things. Impatient. Easily caught in the moment. Do-er, go-getter. Self-confident. Quick thinker. Self-aware. Strong-willed. Stubborn. Guided by her own moral compass. Competitive. Ambitious. Extreme, at times. Full of energy, most days. Understands the risk, willing to jump in anyways. Dislikes overwhelming emotional situations, runs from them. Judgmental, even if she tries keeping an open mind. Good liar, manipulative when she has a purpose in mind. Easily annoyed when not taken seriously. Often takes things personally. Resorts to humour when offended. Private to a fault. Shows emotion when she intends for you to see it. Independent. Sociable.

Interests: in no order Cillian, Ingrid, Kayin, Orias


Autumn Marathon

Early Spring

And While We Are Here

Last Night


Last edited by Zaralee (17/10/2021 at 00:01)


#8 07/10/2021 at 19:32

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977



Interests: Emma | Bryn | Nathan | Marin

“Lɪᴠɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀʀɢɪɴs ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ”

Theme Song: Twisted Nerve, Bernard Herrmann

The Looks
1) Work | 2) Red carpet event



Last edited by BambiFoxx (14/10/2021 at 14:30)



#9 07/10/2021 at 21:41

Place: The Forbidden Forest
Posts: 222

Didn't write for like two years - gonna give it a go. Won't be impressive but it'll make me write again. /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png



Name: Joey Blake
Nickname: Jo
Face claim: James Turlington
Age: 27

Role: ▻ The Repairman
Traits:selfish, stubborn, hormone-driven, crafty, skeptical, manipulative, gentle, patient
Personality: very snake-ish and cat-like, not keen on a positive outlook

Intersts: Cillian, Orias, Anton



Last edited by Tonkolina (14/10/2021 at 00:24)



#10 09/10/2021 at 14:48

Posts: 105


Special thanks to MistyMisty for this amazing baner <3




Last edited by MissKiki (15/10/2021 at 18:48)


#11 14/10/2021 at 14:42

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

When you wake up, you’re not even sure where you are, because you open your eyes and you’re looking at an - image. An image, viewed through white noise and static. There are things whispering in your ears, but you can’t make heads or tails of what they’re whispering. All you know is the whispering is trying to get into your brain, trying to convince you of -

What? What does it matter? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive, to listen?

That thought lasts for a grand total of a second before another screech bursts into your ears. When you come to, there’s blood trickling down your nose, but your head is blessedly clear. You can see again. The world is clear, no longer peering through a static filter. Except you’re not where you were when you passed out. You don’t know how you got here, and you don’t know when you got here. You can hear hissing outside the door. You try the nearest exit, and find the exit is locked.

You’re locked into here, and you need to figure out a way to get out - fast.

Once you escape, you find yourselves on a hotel room floor with what you can tell to be the rest of the people in the Tower. Well, most of the other people in the Tower, along with a few other newcomers. Some of these people have already made it here before you did, and found this floor to be safe, untouched by whatever monster that had been haunting you.

No one knows exactly what is going on, only that there is one commonality: everyone heard the low-pitched whine right before they passed out. No one knows what caused this, why there are monsters in the corridors, or why the entire Tower seems topsy-turvy, with rooms larger or smaller than they last remembered. For now, at least, the hotel room floor seems to be safe: your first duty now is to secure it against whatever may come.

A few things are quickly decided: firstly, that after a short rest, people will be sent out to make sure the floor is secure, and to bring in whatever they need to fortify this floor - food, water, maybe even a weapon. Re-acquaint yourselves with your fellow survivors(?), sit down, and gather your thoughts, because you all are about to be sent out on a small scouting mission to ensure you make it through this first few days, the very least.

Round Requirements:
Age: (No less than 24, please.)
Interests: (No more than 4)
Mission: Please pick your mission you wish to go on
Outfit: (The outfit your character is wearing once you escape)
Story: A story of your escape from your locked room, your arrival at the safe space, and a short brief on your scouting mission.

On an OOC note, onwards to your newest set of mechanics, my favourite thing in a contest!


Escaping your locked room

Scouting Missions

If there are any questions, message me - I will get back to you ASAP, as with luck I should be relatively more stable so it shouldn’t take too long. Good luck, and most importantly - have fun!



#12 14/10/2021 at 14:43

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Note: Personal interactions has been deliberately left out, due to the timescale. You all will be in the lounge room/safehouse for a week along with the missions, so during this time, the most you can do is to mill around, chit chat, and try to get some sleep. More will open up in the next round.

Léa Chevallier (Schoggettchen)

Briella Kenna  (MistyMisty)

Jade Marston (Zaralee)

Ivy Knox (BambiFoxx)

Joey Blake (Tonkolina)

Gabriella Torrez  (MissKiki)

Last edited by Jadis (19/10/2021 at 20:55)



#13 14/10/2021 at 14:45

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Within the first week or so, plans are being drawn up: no one knows why they’ve been dumped here, but there are more pressing needs: food and survival. Of course, some are more capable than others to take care of things, so for now - the missions have been divided up. You are free to pick a mission, or to stay behind with those staying behind.

Mission 1: Scouting
Going on the mission: Orias, Bryn, Tamara, Anton, Nathan
Recommended skills: Physical fitness, combat ability
Time frame: Days 1 - 3 after arrival

The first week you all arrive at the safehouse, one thing is clear: no one knows if the entire floor is safe, if there are monsters, or if the static is bleeding in. No one can deal with the static, but the sharper, more physical people could probably definitely deal with checking out the floor, making sure it’s relatively monster-free. The de facto mission is simple: starting from your lounge, head out through the corridors and see where the portal’s dumped you guys - and if there are any monsters in the hallways.

During your mission, you will run into some hooded, glitching figures, but an accident with a stereo system will reveal that a single, consistent tone will temporarily dissipate the figures. The problem is, there’s only two of these things to go around. Split your groups up carefully, and clear the floor.

Mission 2: Scavenging
Going on the mission: Brendon, Marin, Ingrid, Emma
Recommended skills: Observational skills, stamina
Time frame: Days 4 - 7 after arrival

With everyone seemingly cooped up in the room, one thing becomes clear: yes, the lounge has some supply of food, the fridge and stove and staff bathroom is working, but people need other things: food and clothes, for one. With the information back from the scouting team and the cleared rooms, your job now is to go through the floor and see if there are things you can pick up: snacks from the mini-fridge, water, first-aid kits, fire extinguishers - anything and everything.

You will also be looking for things to at least form a choke point: if the monsters come, you want to be fully prepared for it.

Mission 3: Taking stock
Going on the mission: Kayin, Cillian, Joseph
Recommended skills: Data entry, record-keeping
Time frame: Days 4 - 7 after arrival

Of course, with everyone being grouped up and gathered up, a few things have emerged: firstly, that most likely, people will need to ration and take stock of what is being brought in; secondly, that there are people who were injured in their attempt to escape (in this case, Kayin, sporting several nasty scratches); thirdly, someone needs to at least have some overview of the information being brought in - or the stuff they found when they were escaping their rooms. No one is in any mood to put the pieces together yet, but it would be a good idea to start cataloging, piecing together a theme, and - more importantly, making sure at least there’s enough food and water for everyone to go around within this week.

Last edited by Jadis (18/10/2021 at 04:58)



#14 14/10/2021 at 14:47

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Anton, Emma, Joseph, Marin (no order)

Mission: Mission 3: Taking stock


Chapter II


Last edited by schoggettchen (23/10/2021 at 01:31)



#15 14/10/2021 at 14:58

Posts: 143



Interests: Orias, Bryn, Tamara, Kayin
Mission: Scouting
Group divide: Orias, Bryn and Tamara

― ⤫ ― Story ― ⤫ ―

Chapter 5 - The Cell

Chapter 6 - Run

Chapter 7 - Safe

Chapter 8 - The Stereo

― ⤫ ― Outfits ― ⤫ ―
Escaping      |       In the Lounge
Round Status:

Round 1: Done   |   Round 2: Done

Last edited by MistyMisty (24/10/2021 at 21:26)


#16 14/10/2021 at 15:32

Posts: 548

Name: Jade Marston
Face claim: Fahriye Evcen
Age: 33

Role: Resident
Traits: Spontaneous. Seeks excitement and adventure, new things. Impatient. Easily caught in the moment. Do-er, go-getter. Self-confident. Quick thinker. Self-aware. Strong-willed. Stubborn. Guided by her own moral compass. Competitive. Ambitious. Extreme, at times. Full of energy, most days. Understands the risk, willing to jump in anyways. Dislikes overwhelming emotional situations, runs from them. Judgmental, even if she tries keeping an open mind. Good liar, manipulative when she has a purpose in mind. Easily annoyed when not taken seriously. Often takes things personally. Resorts to humour when offended. Private to a fault. Shows emotion when she intends for you to see it. Independent. Sociable.

Interests: in no order Cillian, Ingrid, Kayin, Orias


Match Point

A Walk on the Moon

Last edited by Zaralee (29/10/2021 at 11:12)


#17 14/10/2021 at 15:38

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977



Interests: Emma | Bryn | Nathan | Marin

Mission: Mission 1: Scouting

“Eᴠᴇʀʏ ᴅᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪs ᴀɢᴀɪɴsᴛ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟsᴇ”

Theme Song: Panic Room, Au/Ra

The Look



Last edited by BambiFoxx (17/10/2021 at 18:04)



#18 16/10/2021 at 18:50

Posts: 105


Mission scanvenging

Last edited by MissKiki (19/10/2021 at 10:40)


#19 17/10/2021 at 17:52

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Hello darlings!

Because of my absolutely abhorrent week (yay, rhyme!), I've asked EmmyAna for an additional one-day extension for Round 2. She's been lovely enough to grant it, therefore:

Round 2 now ends on 20 October 2021, 17:00 forum time

Don't worry, the impressions will be coming shortly, so you won't miss out too much. And let me also take this opportunity to reassure everyone: no, I am not turning anyone into monsters or killing them off. Yet.

Have a good Sunday!



#20 20/10/2021 at 20:18

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Now with playlist! Took me long enough, please click here?

You watch as the days tick by, as everyone in the room try to figure out what is happening, what is going on. When the next Saturday comes, at midnight sharp, there’s a long, whining drone in the distance - like a church bell, except heavily distorted. You look down at your watch: yes, it’s a Sunday, but your date has been reset to the start of the week.

A few brave souls venture out to the rooms that have been scouted and scavenged, and report back: whatever had been taken has been replaced. As if it had been respawned from thin air. However, certain things remain: your barricades and chokepoints, for one. The food you’ve stored. The people you’ve gathered. Small comfort, given no one knows what the hell is going on.

Still, there’s good news after the initial scout: the floor is clear. This means the lounge room, along with the hotel rooms on the same floor, are free for you to use. That’s about the only bright spot, because the rest…

The fire escapes, for example, no longer work. Instead, barricades have sprung up overnight, sealing you all in the floor. You cannot communicate outside the Tower - while you can access things such as Google or Wikipedia, you cannot make phone calls, you cannot message anyone, you cannot fax. You haven’t tried sending messages via carrier pigeon, but the plaza below is completely, utterly devoid of life.

Then, late one evening, you hear the noise of the elevator. You hear it slide up, and its “ding” echoes through the room. The doors slide open. There’s no one there, but there are four numbers lit up: 21, 45, 72, 89. It stays there, doors open, waiting for its next passenger.

(They’re waiting for you to come play.)

Your first line of duty is, of course, to escape. Common sense dictates that you should try and escape through conventional means, but nothing here is conventional. Your other option now is to see if you can get out, see where you’ve ended up - and with luck, you won’t run into your personal circles of hell.

That said, there’s still a little time for fun - just a little. As an attempt to loosen the mood, Ingrid and Brendon have put together a sort of “icebreaking” session: music, drinking, mingling. Given the lounge room has a snooker table, it seems like a good time to have some fun. Someone even found a dartboard somewhere. Relax, unwind, and try to ignore the fact there are monsters downstairs waiting for you.

For this round, I want you to pick one of the three floors listed. Once you’ve done that, let me know, and I’ll send you the information you need ASAP.

Timeline reference:
From now on, the timeline will be calculated by weeks. Week 1 was Round 2, so all matters start in Week 2.
▻ Week 2: Exploration of the 21/F and 45/F
▻ Week 3: The “icebreaker session” - relax, unwind, try not to panic.
▻ Week 4: Exploration of the 72/F and 89/F

Round Requirements:
Age: (No less than 24, please.)
Interests: (No more than 4)
Floor you want to pick: Please pick the floor you want to head to
Outfit: (The outfit your character is wearing once you escape)
Your reaction to realising you’re trapped here, your chosen mission and interactions with the extras. The time frame here is about three weeks.

Last edited by Jadis (28/10/2021 at 19:55)



#21 21/10/2021 at 16:23

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Léa Chevallier (Schoggettchen)

Last edited by Jadis (27/10/2021 at 16:09)



#22 21/10/2021 at 17:55

Posts: 143



Interests: Orias, Bryn, Tamara, Kayin
Floor Choice: 45/F

― ⤫ ― Story ― ⤫ ―

Chapter 9 - The Elevator

Chapter 10 - Red

Chapter 11 - ?

Chapter 12 - ?

― ⤫ ―  Outfits ― ⤫ ―

Exploring               |               Ice-breaker Event
Round Status:

Round 1: Done   |   Round 2: Done

Round 3: In Progress

Last edited by MistyMisty (31/10/2021 at 18:43)


#23 21/10/2021 at 18:31

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Marin (RI), Joseph, Anton & Emma (all FI)

Floor: 89/F

Round Status: R1 & R2 Done; R3 DONE

Icebreaker / Floor 89/F

Cred to Google & Nina

Chapter III


Last edited by schoggettchen (02/11/2021 at 23:06)



#24 24/10/2021 at 20:42

Posts: 548

Here here. Just slow. And having vodka.


#25 27/10/2021 at 16:17

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Another week, another loop. Your ventures the last three weeks have been - fruitful, if it can be called fruitful. You have a base set up. There are devices that you can at least use to protect yourself: radio waves, and stereo. There’s food, there’s water, and there’s some extra materials scavenged, meaning you don’t have to live in the same outfit every day.

The bad news is: bodies have been found. No one knows what these things are - or how to go back. On top of that, in the late of night, you’ve begun to hear things: footsteps, and on the airwaves, faint, garbled messages you can barely make out. Some of you have begun to hear voices - but are they for good or for bad? No one can tell, but at least those static - creatures - haven’t breached your safe room, and you can all sleep semi-comfortably in bed.

When Week 5 rolls around, four more floors open up: 6/F, 35/F, 93/F, and 105/F. This causes some consternation and excitement: 105/F is the top floor of the building, and it’s just opened up. Of course, what’s up there is anyone’s guess, but the consensus is: that floor will be explored last, just in case there is something waiting for you, and after everyone has pooled their knowledge, their notes. There’s a quiet, logical part of you that says if there was something there, you could’ve argued the same for the whole Tower, but - not now. Not when everyone is so much on the edge.

All this goes swimmingly: as you all are stuck in a loop, stuck in the Tower with no way out, there’s time to plan, to read, to look over information. You explore the first three opened up floors, each with their own misadventures. That is, right up until Week 8: you wake up to a loud, awful screeching sound. It sounds like a creature - shrieking in agony, protesting against its treatment. The entire Tower rumbles, as trying to shake off whatever is happening. When you all rush out, everything seems the same, until you reach the elevators.

The second elevator door is open, but instead of a lift cabin, you’re face-to-face with a glowing, silvery-white portal, energy swirling into its core. Blasting it with stereo doesn’t work. When you bring a radio close, you hear a soft giggle: “S-s-silly. D-d-don’t b-b-e afraid”. Another pause. “H-h-help. We’re - we’re - we’re here to -”

Plans have to be re-made, re-jigged. The top floor is no longer a priority: the portal is. Teams will have to be made. But by this point, no one is any closer, and even if the offer of help is too good to be true…

Timeline reference:
From now on, the timeline will be calculated by weeks. Week 1 was Round 2, so all matters start in Week 2.
▻ Week 5: Exploration of the 6/F, 35/F, and 93/F
▻ Week 7: Roundtable discussion and preparations
▻ Week 8: Exploration of the strange portal

Round Requirements:
Age: (No less than 24, please.)
Interests: (No more than 4)
Floor you want to pick: Please pick the floor you want to head to
Will you join the portal investigation team?: Y/N - once I have your answer, I’ll let you know where you’ll be splitting to, and what happens
Outfit: (The outfit your character is wearing once you escape)
Your chosen mission, as well as interaction with your interests and anything else that catches your fancy. Please note you do not explore the 105/F in this round.

Last edited by Jadis (27/10/2021 at 17:30)



Topic closed

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