Hi, I'm Coriander (Cori for short) I'm somewhat new here (2~3 days!!) and still getting hang of the ropes... It's a fun game
How I ended up here: 1. My Candy Love -> 2. Beemoov (their games are really good!) -> 3. Like a Fashionista
About me: I'm a Canadian cat lover (unfortunately I don't have any pets). I like all colours. I enjoy reading, writing, computer games and music. To be a programmer is my current dream job and to ride a horse is something I want to achieve <3
Hope to meet and make friends with the Fashionistas around here! ~Cori
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
Pages : 1
#1 15/09/2014 at 22:22
#3 16/09/2014 at 01:30
Hey, Cori. I love cats too, but I can't have any where I live so I feel your pain!!
Link to external image
Made by the fabulous ChromeHearts, thank you!!
#4 16/09/2014 at 05:06
Hello Cori, that's cool that you would like to be a programmer. I think programming and coding is interesting, and that was my major in college. I remember once we had to write an animation program that displayed a caterpillar/worm (sort of like and inch worm) moving across the screen. For some reason, my worm worked it's way perfectly across the screen...then it exploded. My instructor looked my coding over and over and couldn't find the cause. She even had other programming instructors look it over, and no one could figure out why my worm exploded. It was a mystery that was never solved, lol. I got an A score for the program anyway since no one could find any errors, haha.
I could write a few things about my experiences with horses too, but that's another story...
Sorry for the long story, it's just your intro made me think of it Anyway, it's nice to meet you! And I enjoy reading, writing, and music also
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