What's your favorite part of Steampunk City?
What's your favorite item/s?
Anyone finish ALL of the levels yet?
What are your thoughts on the level prizes?
Feel free to post your Steampunk inspired outfits here as well!
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
#1 08/08/2016 at 02:30
#2 08/08/2016 at 02:36
I don't know much about Steampunk, at all. The outfits online & offline that people come up with are mind blowing to me, though. I did enjoy being able to go to Steampunk City to make a Fashionista version of Becky Lynch the wrestler.
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#3 08/08/2016 at 02:42
I am hoping that Steampunk city opens up soon. I had my eye on some clothes there last time which I couldn't afford.
I can't claim to know much about Steampunk but I do really love how it looks. Coma often dresses quite dark and quirky so the steam punk clothes fit her aesthetic quite well.

#4 08/08/2016 at 06:12
comawhite wrote
I am hoping that Steampunk city opens up soon. I had my eye on some clothes there last time which I couldn't afford.
This pretty much sums up my experiences with most limited edition voyages. My french doll is pretty set because she's a level 107 and makes more money than my LAF doll, and can get way more stuff, but I'm level 58 now so I'm slowly catching up.
I get a lot of Steampunk stuff on my Facebook newsfeed, I'll share a few of the things that popped up today.

All images credit to The Violet Vixen facebook page:
#5 08/08/2016 at 06:45
I am quite a few levels higher than I was when I was last there so am hoping to be able to get more stuff
Those items are amazing, I loved the patterned boots!

#6 10/08/2016 at 10:18
I love Steampunk, and I would love to have all the items you guys posted above! I've not been to Steampunk City yet, and can't wait to see it!
Here are some items I found on Pintrest:
I think it would be cool to have both dark and light Steampunk City items.
Here is my poor, literally poor in clothing items, attempt at a Steampunk outfit I did a while back:

#7 10/08/2016 at 11:22
MM, your profile says that you registered in 2014, were you just offline during the times that Steampunk City arrived last time?
I am LOVING all of the items in your picture!
#8 11/08/2016 at 04:19
Answer To Cinder's Question

Last edited by MissMelinda (06/09/2016 at 08:05)

#9 11/08/2016 at 23:09
As far as Steampunk is concerned today, I love some of the themes that they use. Butterflies are timeless, and an octopus makes everything better!
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#10 12/08/2016 at 03:28
I absolutely love your Steampunk items! Are they like pocket watches, or like a necklace? I love butterflies; we live in the wilderness, lol, and there are butterflies on all the wildflowers in our fields! The octopus one makes me think of Johnny Depp, Captain Jack, hehe. I am nuts for Mr. Depp; he is still so adorable! And as Captain Jack, he is like a pirate - gone steampunk - gone wild
Johnny Depp and Steampunk
Wouldn't it be cool to have Johnny Steampunk items in Steampunk City for our boyfriends?!
Last edited by MissMelinda (12/08/2016 at 07:53)

#11 17/08/2016 at 04:48
My fashionista is based generally on Victoria from Brian Kesinger's Walking Your Octopus series, so I really love buying steampunk-specific goodies. I've been neglecting to level up so that I have more FD for the trip.
Also, the trip came on August 21st of last year, so I'm hoping to have a similar release date. Especially now that the My Candy Love/Sweet Crush boutique is closed, there may be another promotion to get the bank used before the English release of Eldarya. Fingers crossed!
Last edited by Pinky13 (17/08/2016 at 04:48)
#12 17/08/2016 at 07:04
I love steam punk owls so it would be cool if we could have one as a pet (well accessory anyway.) Unless of course there already was one and I have forgotten. Oh well, here is an excuse to post pretty pictures anyway.
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Last edited by comawhite (17/08/2016 at 07:05)

#14 17/08/2016 at 21:25
comawhite wrote
I love steam punk owls so it would be cool if we could have one as a pet (well accessory anyway.) Unless of course there already was one and I have forgotten. Oh well, here is an excuse to post pretty pictures anyway.
If I recall correctly, you get an owl for completing one of the Steampunk City levels. It's called "Small mechanical owl".
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#16 18/08/2016 at 02:11
Loving the pictures you guys!
Lets see, I think Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands are both Halloween stars.
And I definitely love having a choice of real and mechanical owls.
MM the furniture you posted would be so amazing to have around!!
I found another couple of cool designs from The Violet Vixens page, check em out! Tops with maps on em and matching boots!
Also, these are called Gatsby corsets, but I love the pattern on them and I think they would look great with Steampunk items
Last edited by Cinder (18/08/2016 at 02:14)
#17 18/08/2016 at 11:04
You're right Cinder, about Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands, I didn't even think about that And I am loving the map tops and boots!
The owls are cool
EmmyAna, I don't know her, but your Fashionista version of Becky Lynch the wrestler looks exactly like the picture!

#19 22/08/2016 at 00:05
Yeah, Steampunk City is open!! But the dates on the opening screen say in April; I think they meant August!? Anyway, the price is free!!

#20 22/08/2016 at 00:49
Yeeah , i love Steampunk

#21 23/08/2016 at 10:55
So, now that Steampunk City is actually here, does anyone want to share their favorite items from this trips batch of new clothes? I'm definitely loving those Lady Shutterting skirts!!
Also, I am really hoping that they come out with more Ikeshop stuff, I'm on the final level and I STILL don't have enough furniture even though I own everything
#22 24/08/2016 at 10:17
I think I've gone overboard buying so many Steampunk items! I've spent at least 40,000 FD, but I'm not regretting a bit of it, and now I am almost broke, hehe.
I also love the Lady Shutterting outfit, and the train/locomotive!! So most of that FD went to Nineland and Ikeland; I only completed three Missions, so that's a bummer.
There are still so many things I want to get, but I've got to get some self-control
I think I still have 7 or 8 days left that I can stay, but does anyone know if leaving early will cause me any penalties? I mean will I lose anything, that is, other than the extra time there that I would lose? There is no telling how long it will be before Steampunk City returns But I think someone said that it was available twice a year?

#23 24/08/2016 at 11:00
It's available twice a year, and as far as I know you can go back and forth as often as you want, that's how people manage to play that "sort your bag" airport game once a day.
I haven't spent much yet, I'm waiting until they update so that I can decide what I want the most.
Edit: Oh, and I'm also saving money in case they release more Steampunk City stars!
Last edited by Cinder (24/08/2016 at 11:00)
#24 24/08/2016 at 14:10
Cinder wrote
It's available twice a year, and as far as I know you can go back and forth as often as you want, that's how people manage to play that "sort your bag" airport game once a day.
I haven't spent much yet, I'm waiting until they update so that I can decide what I want the most.
Edit: Oh, and I'm also saving money in case they release more Steampunk City stars!
Thank you Cinder