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#1 08/08/2016 at 02:30

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

What's your favorite part of Steampunk City?
What's your favorite item/s?
Anyone finish ALL of the levels yet?
What are your thoughts on the level prizes?

Feel free to post your Steampunk inspired outfits here as well!


#2 08/08/2016 at 02:36

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 448

I don't know much about Steampunk, at all. The outfits online & offline that people come up with are mind blowing to me, though. I did enjoy being able to go to Steampunk City to make a Fashionista version of Becky Lynch the wrestler.

Link to external image

https://i.imgur.com/3nMBG3d.png https://i.imgur.com/2pPJh3x.png


#3 08/08/2016 at 02:42

Place: The clown nest
Posts: 1 501

I am hoping that Steampunk city opens up soon. I had my eye on some clothes there last time which I couldn't afford.

I can't claim to know much about Steampunk but I do really love how it looks. Coma often dresses quite dark and quirky so the steam punk clothes fit her aesthetic quite well.



#4 08/08/2016 at 06:12

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

comawhite wrote

I am hoping that Steampunk city opens up soon. I had my eye on some clothes there last time which I couldn't afford.

This pretty much sums up my experiences with most limited edition voyages. My french doll is pretty set because she's a level 107 and makes more money than my LAF doll, and can get way more stuff, but I'm level 58 now so I'm slowly catching up.

I get a lot of Steampunk stuff on my Facebook newsfeed, I'll share a few of the things that popped up today.




All images credit to The Violet Vixen facebook page:


#5 08/08/2016 at 06:45

Place: The clown nest
Posts: 1 501

I am quite a few levels higher than I was when I was last there so am hoping to be able to get more stuff /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Those items are amazing, I loved the patterned boots!



#6 10/08/2016 at 10:18

Posts: 551

I love Steampunk, and I would love to have all the items you guys posted above! I've not been to Steampunk City yet, and can't wait to see it!

Here are some items I found on Pintrest:
I think it would be cool to have both dark and light Steampunk City items.

Here is my poor, literally poor in clothing items, attempt at a Steampunk outfit I did a while back:



#7 10/08/2016 at 11:22

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

MM, your profile says that you registered in 2014, were you just offline during the times that Steampunk City arrived last time?

I am LOVING all of the items in your picture!  /modules/forum/img/smilies/bimbo/amoureuse.gif


#8 11/08/2016 at 04:19

Posts: 551

Answer To Cinder's Question


Last edited by MissMelinda (06/09/2016 at 08:05)



#9 11/08/2016 at 23:09

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

As far as Steampunk is concerned today, I love some of the themes that they use. Butterflies are timeless, and an octopus makes everything better! /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png

Link to external image
Link to external image


#10 12/08/2016 at 03:28

Posts: 551

I absolutely love your Steampunk items! Are they like pocket watches, or like a necklace? I love butterflies; we live in the wilderness, lol, and there are butterflies on all the wildflowers in our fields! The octopus one makes me think of Johnny Depp, Captain Jack, hehe. I am nuts for Mr. Depp; he is still so adorable! And as Captain Jack, he is like a pirate - gone steampunk - gone wild  /modules/forum/img/smilies/sourire.gif

Johnny Depp and Steampunk

Wouldn't it be cool to have Johnny Steampunk items in Steampunk City for our boyfriends?!

Last edited by MissMelinda (12/08/2016 at 07:53)



#11 17/08/2016 at 04:48

Posts: 0

My fashionista is based generally on Victoria from Brian Kesinger's Walking Your Octopus series, so I really love buying steampunk-specific goodies. I've been neglecting to level up so that I have more FD for the trip.

Also, the trip came on August 21st of last year, so I'm hoping to have a similar release date. Especially now that the My Candy Love/Sweet Crush boutique is closed, there may be another promotion to get the bank used before the English release of Eldarya. Fingers crossed!

Last edited by Pinky13 (17/08/2016 at 04:48)


#12 17/08/2016 at 07:04

Place: The clown nest
Posts: 1 501

I love steam punk owls so it would be cool if we could have one as a pet (well accessory  anyway.) Unless of course there already was one and I have forgotten. Oh well, here is an excuse to post pretty pictures anyway.

Link to external image

Last edited by comawhite (17/08/2016 at 07:05)



#13 17/08/2016 at 08:27

Posts: 551

As I mentioned before, I've never been to Steampunk City. So, I have no idea what is already there. But I hope it is okay to showcase some Steampunk furnishings that I would love to have.

  //photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/35/moy/27953.jpg  //photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/35/moy/27954.jpg



#14 17/08/2016 at 21:25

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

comawhite wrote

I love steam punk owls so it would be cool if we could have one as a pet (well accessory  anyway.) Unless of course there already was one and I have forgotten. Oh well, here is an excuse to post pretty pictures anyway.

If I recall correctly, you get an owl for completing one of the Steampunk City levels. It's called "Small mechanical owl".

Spoiler Click to display


#15 17/08/2016 at 21:32

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 448

Cinder wrote

comawhite wrote

I love steam punk owls so it would be cool if we could have one as a pet (well accessory  anyway.)...

If I recall correctly, you get an owl for completing one of the Steampunk City levels. It's called "Small mechanical owl"...


https://i.imgur.com/3nMBG3d.png https://i.imgur.com/2pPJh3x.png


#16 18/08/2016 at 02:11

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

Loving the pictures you guys!
Lets see, I think Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands are both Halloween stars.
And I definitely love having a choice of real and mechanical owls. /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png
MM the furniture you posted would be so amazing to have around!!
I found another couple of cool designs from The Violet Vixens page, check em out! Tops with maps on em and matching boots!
Also, these are called Gatsby corsets, but I love the pattern on them and I think they would look great with Steampunk items  /modules/forum/img/smilies/bimbo/amoureuse.gif

Last edited by Cinder (18/08/2016 at 02:14)


#17 18/08/2016 at 11:04

Posts: 551

You're right Cinder, about Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands, I didn't even think about that /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png And I am loving the map tops and boots!

The owls are cool /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/cool.png

EmmyAna, I don't know her, but your Fashionista version of Becky Lynch the wrestler looks exactly like the picture!



#18 18/08/2016 at 11:58

Im poor girl with big smile ^^ -> Im not so poor anymore, still with a big smile :D
Place: Country of the best chocolate
Posts: 909

I love steampunk style in real , and the travel here in the game. This Time I have some money to finish all the quest I think. I forget where Iam , hope not so far.

Click to my pets will give more experience for them :

https://gothicat-world.com/simple.php?id=4606440&dim=120 https://gothicat-world.com/simple.php?id=6290416&dim=120&rounded


#19 22/08/2016 at 00:05

Posts: 551

Yeah, Steampunk City is open!! But the dates on the opening screen say in April; I think they meant August!? Anyway, the price is free!!



#20 22/08/2016 at 00:49

"I'm ice cold, baby, on an ocean of glitter" ___________________
Place: On your lips, Asbjorn ♥
Posts: 339

Yeeah , i love Steampunk /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/wink.png



#21 23/08/2016 at 10:55

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

So, now that Steampunk City is actually here, does anyone want to share their favorite items from this trips batch of new clothes? I'm definitely loving those Lady Shutterting skirts!!

Also, I am really hoping that they come out with more Ikeshop stuff, I'm on the final level and I STILL don't have enough furniture even though I own everything  /modules/forum/img/smilies/bimbo/en-colere.gif


#22 24/08/2016 at 10:17

Posts: 551

I think I've gone overboard buying so many Steampunk items! I've spent at least 40,000 FD, but I'm not regretting a bit of it, and now I am almost broke, hehe.

I also love the Lady Shutterting outfit, and the train/locomotive!! So most of that FD went to Nineland and Ikeland; I only completed three Missions, so that's a bummer.

There are still so many things I want to get, but I've got to get some self-control /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png

I think I still have 7 or 8 days left that I can stay, but does anyone know if leaving early will cause me any penalties? I mean will I lose anything, that is, other than the extra time there that I would lose? There is no telling how long it will be before Steampunk City returns /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/sad.png But I think someone said that it was available twice a year?



#23 24/08/2016 at 11:00

That escalated quickly.
Posts: 295

It's available twice a year, and as far as I know you can go back and forth as often as you want, that's how people manage to play that "sort your bag" airport game once a day.
I haven't spent much yet, I'm waiting until they update so that I can decide what I want the most.
Edit: Oh, and I'm also saving money in case they release more Steampunk City stars!

Last edited by Cinder (24/08/2016 at 11:00)


#24 24/08/2016 at 14:10

Posts: 551

Cinder wrote

It's available twice a year, and as far as I know you can go back and forth as often as you want, that's how people manage to play that "sort your bag" airport game once a day.
I haven't spent much yet, I'm waiting until they update so that I can decide what I want the most.
Edit: Oh, and I'm also saving money in case they release more Steampunk City stars!

Thank you Cinder /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png I really need to save money too, and usually do rather well at it. But, this time I lost all control, lol!



#25 24/08/2016 at 21:40

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 17 448

I'm loving the teacups. I adore being able to have anything that adds interest to the changed pose.

I usually don't shop much, but this time I went wild, too.

https://i.imgur.com/3nMBG3d.png https://i.imgur.com/2pPJh3x.png


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