Round 4
Time seems to pass quicker in the new year and before you know it, it is already the beginning of March. Which means it is time for the premiere of “And Then There Were None”. There will be several performances over the month though only the premiere really matters. Not only the families will be invited also a few producers and casting directors have announced their coming. So you better show your full potential because who knows somebody might show interest in you.
In the last rehearsal everything seems to go wrong though with costumes being in the wrong color, parts of the scenery have gone missing or have been painted over… whispers in the hallway seem to know who is to blame. (A little hint: She usually gets a role expect this time). But no proof is found and there isn’t much the teachers can do. Luckily the premiere happens without any incident/accident.
Afterwards, there will be a small party, feel free to mingle and if you want you can try and impress one of the producers or casting directions. Be careful though not to try too much since they are looking for someone with talent and not someone who is good with compliments.
Families coming to the Premiere: Thomas’ father; Fiona’s parents; Oliver’s parents and his sister Livia; Edward’s mother; (Mario did invite his parents but they couldn’t come to an emergency; he won’t be too happy about it)
April comes with a bang or better said with a Movie/TV Character party It will happen during the first weekend and like you can already guess from the Theme it is time to dress up. You can pick any character you like.
Please check the Updates & Rumors for any incidents happening in from the beginning of the new year until April.
Livia’s pranks or her ideas for them have left quite the impression. So don’t be too surprised if you suddenly find yourself covered in glitter after taking a shower or if you are suffering due itching powder. Paige did consider cutting or shaving the hair of a few rivals but luckily for you, Lindsay and Sasha could persuade not to go through with her plan.
Round 4 Requirements
* Name and age of your character
* Round Status
* Romantic Interests (at least 2 and maximum 3; you are allowed to change them)
* Please state if your family is coming to the premiere and who is coming
* Story about the messed up rehearsals - was she freaked out by the happening? Was she one of those with a ruined costume? Did she know who might be behind it?
* Story about the play’s premiere - How did you feel before the premiere? Were your nerves handling the tension or were you ready to freak out? How did it go for you? Did you mess up any of the scenes? What happened afterward during the party? Did you try and talk with one of the important people?
Important Note: You DON’T have to describe the whole play. I’m totally fine if you only pick out one scene or a few including your character. If you want to mention some of the actual text →
* Story about the Movie/TV character party - Did you enjoy yourself? Did something happen between you and one of the extras? What did you think of the theme?
* Story about the pranks - Were one of those that got pranked? If yes what happened to you.
* Story about the beginning of the new year until March; Reaction to the newest Rumors and Updates; How is your character feeling now more than a half a year has passed? Are the classes going good or does she have any problems?
Outfits: Play (remember the time and setting, the play is set in the the 1930's; you are allowed to genderbend the roles); Premiere Party and Movie/TV Character Party; Optional Outfits: Any other outfit you would like to add
Round 4 will close at 9 pm (Forum Time) on the 21st November
Last edited by schoggettchen (18/11/2017 at 23:42)