EmmyAnna, this is possibly a silly question but because the site will no longer be updated, will the rule about multiple accounts be changed? I never wanted to break the rules and jeopardize this account but now that the site is being set aside maybe the rule would change? I've always been curious to start over and see what the beginning levels were like.
I am very sad that the site will not be updated, I am also an old user from Miss Bimbo and have been on LAF for years. I understand if my request is not possible!
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
#51 10/02/2020 at 06:47
#52 10/02/2020 at 13:02
I guess that multiple accounts could still be used to cheat and vote for the fashion and decorating contests, which have a FD prize, so wouldn't be changed. But whether it would be monitored and punished, I don't know.
#53 10/02/2020 at 14:59
Fairydoll wrote
EmmyAnna, this is possibly a silly question but because the site will no longer be updated, will the rule about multiple accounts be changed? I never wanted to break the rules and jeopardize this account but now that the site is being set aside maybe the rule would change? I've always been curious to start over and see what the beginning levels were like.
I am very sad that the site will not be updated, I am also an old user from Miss Bimbo and have been on LAF for years. I understand if my request is not possible!
Eliagh wrote
I guess that multiple accounts could still be used to cheat and vote for the fashion and decorating contests, which have a FD prize, so wouldn't be changed. But whether it would be monitored and punished, I don't know.
I've passed this question on to Admin. Despite the site's status, neither rules, monitoring, nor the possibility of warnings/sanctions have changed.
#54 11/02/2020 at 15:13
EmmyAna wrote
Fairydoll wrote
EmmyAnna, this is possibly a silly question but because the site will no longer be updated, will the rule about multiple accounts be changed? I never wanted to break the rules and jeopardize this account but now that the site is being set aside maybe the rule would change? I've always been curious to start over and see what the beginning levels were like.
I am very sad that the site will not be updated, I am also an old user from Miss Bimbo and have been on LAF for years. I understand if my request is not possible!Eliagh wrote
I guess that multiple accounts could still be used to cheat and vote for the fashion and decorating contests, which have a FD prize, so wouldn't be changed. But whether it would be monitored and punished, I don't know.
I've passed this question on to Admin. Despite the site's status, neither rules, monitoring, nor the possibility of warnings/sanctions have changed.
Suggestion denied.
Admin said the rules will remain the same.
#55 11/02/2020 at 16:21
I tried this last night because game coding interests me and I've run all kinds of tests on MB and LaF. I logged on immediately after the new day started, went on vacation immediately and then returned after well more than an hour (2+ here, 17 in France).AmelieAmes wrote
If you go on vacation as soon as you get your earnings (mine comes at 5pm) and stay on vacation for at least an hour, by the time you leave your vacation, you won't have to feed or bathe your fashionista. It will still say 100% for the 'bathe' and 'eat' feature and won't drop down. If you go on vacation 1 hour before you get your earnings for the next day (for me it would be anytime from 4pm to 5pm), you actually won't get any earnings for the next day and you'll be stuck on that same day (you won't move up a day). Just a trick that I've been using to not waste any FD. But it would make it easier if they just took out the bathe and eat features.
Not sure what the effect was on my hunger or cleanliness since they didn't start at 100% so I didn't have a good benchmark, but I did notice that the game thought I had already watered my plants. Had no effect on brushing my horse or (in France) using my shower. So it was a fun experiment, but I won't be doing that again.

#56 11/02/2020 at 18:38
can you please add surprise chest costumes in nineland store?
#57 11/02/2020 at 19:51
BinniSh8 wrote
can you please add surprise chest costumes in nineland store?
→ → → Currently Under Review Items
#58 11/02/2020 at 22:16
It makes me nervous that it's been this long and we haven't heard about the lands yet. I'm afraid they might've been locked up for good.
#59 11/02/2020 at 22:51
nuclearseasons wrote
It makes me nervous that it's been this long and we haven't heard about the lands yet. I'm afraid they might've been locked up for good.
You have to remember that the decision making process isn't made by just one person and it's not for just one site. The requests have been put in the hands of the Game Team and hopefully we'll hear or see something soon.
Hang in there. ❤
#60 11/02/2020 at 22:54
nuclearseasons wrote
It makes me nervous that it's been this long and we haven't heard about the lands yet. I'm afraid they might've been locked up for good.
I wouldn't worry yet. They are slow at making any decisions and even slower at communicating, that's the way it is even with the rest of their games. We get fast replies regarding the other questions probability because our admin Cookie is the one who can make the decisions/already knows what the answers will be.
#61 12/02/2020 at 00:55
Yeah I also loved running tests on MB. It was tedious sometimes but it was nice figuring out new tricks
WagsMcCormick wrote
I tried this last night because game coding interests me and I've run all kinds of tests on MB and LaF. I logged on immediately after the new day started, went on vacation immediately and then returned after well more than an hour (2+ here, 17 in France).AmelieAmes wrote
If you go on vacation as soon as you get your earnings (mine comes at 5pm) and stay on vacation for at least an hour, by the time you leave your vacation, you won't have to feed or bathe your fashionista. It will still say 100% for the 'bathe' and 'eat' feature and won't drop down. If you go on vacation 1 hour before you get your earnings for the next day (for me it would be anytime from 4pm to 5pm), you actually won't get any earnings for the next day and you'll be stuck on that same day (you won't move up a day). Just a trick that I've been using to not waste any FD. But it would make it easier if they just took out the bathe and eat features.
Not sure what the effect was on my hunger or cleanliness since they didn't start at 100% so I didn't have a good benchmark, but I did notice that the game thought I had already watered my plants. Had no effect on brushing my horse or (in France) using my shower. So it was a fun experiment, but I won't be doing that again.
#62 12/02/2020 at 23:51
EmmyAna wrote
nuclearseasons wrote
It makes me nervous that it's been this long and we haven't heard about the lands yet. I'm afraid they might've been locked up for good.
You have to remember that the decision making process isn't made by just one person and it's not for just one site. The requests have been put in the hands of the Game Team and hopefully we'll hear or see something soon.
Hang in there. ❤
That's good to hear! Fingers crossed!
#63 13/02/2020 at 03:57
Oh no, my worse fear is confirmed.
My computer broke and was in the shop for a few weeks. But for some reason, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen to this game. I am really very sad to hear that the game will no longer be updated. I started playing it back in 2015 after searching for a design game, after being inspired by the outfits in My Candy Love. (Unfortunately, I dislike the direction My Candy Love took with University Life, and no longer play it, except for some outfit events.) Even after all these years, and searching for other games like it, Like a Fashionista is still the best for me, for both outfit design, and house decor. I've honestly never found another design or fashion game that has ever been as fun and easy to use. So many of the fashion styles, and the housing decor styles, are so close to what I love in real life. It's always been a pleasure to log on, and play around on here everyday. I have to give a huge shout out to the artists that worked on all the outfits and room decor over the years. So many of your creations are so beautiful! And I really will mourn not being able to see what more you will come up with in the future. The whole site has always been a huge source of inspiration for me.
I also love seeing what other players have created themselves, with the items and tools given. There's always someone out there that I find that does something so unique with the items, that I'm often awe-struck by their creativity as well.
I would also love for the holiday vacations and Steampunk City to become permanent, along with the surprise boxes released into the stores. I was also hoping I could continue leveling up, but I have a bad feeling as well, that I will not get the opportunity to.
I have to ask, does any of this have to do with browsers not supporting Adobe Flash anymore? I think a few of the mini games still run on Flash. If that's the case, some of the levels are dependent on doing the mini games, and I wonder that if Flash doesn't work, then the games won't work either. That would mean leveling up will be impossible.
Anyway, my heart is truly broken hearing this news. I'm slightly relieved that it will remain open, but I don't want to get too comfortable in thinking it will always be around. So I will take as many screen shots as possible. However if it does finally close, I will miss it so incredibly much. It obviously became a bigger part of my life than I realized. I must be such an idiot for loving a game this much. Either way, I'll be here to the end.
#64 13/02/2020 at 09:35
The question about flash has been asked in the french version...waiting for an answer too.
#65 14/02/2020 at 10:58
So... it is Valentine's day... does anyone know if the valentine's stars will open up? Like this is literally the only part of the game that I do not have finished ... collecting the stars... I surely hope they continue to leave this option available to us... they should not need updates to open them I would think... it isn't a new feature
fingers and toes crossed here!

#66 14/02/2020 at 18:06
I honestly doubt it. Just checked Star Avenue and there's no special Valentine stars
BambiFoxx wrote
So... it is Valentine's day... does anyone know if the valentine's stars will open up? Like this is literally the only part of the game that I do not have finished ... collecting the stars... I surely hope they continue to leave this option available to us... they should not need updates to open them I would think... it isn't a new feature
fingers and toes crossed here!
#67 14/02/2020 at 21:31
I think someone manually tells events to happen, they aren't on a timer, so turning them on would be working on the site.
The only way we are getting those missing stars and event features is if they have it all accessible by putting it all on as one last update.
I'm not holding my breath, but I do hope it happens.
#68 15/02/2020 at 16:09
I really hope they open up the holiday lands, it'll be such a waste to the hard work put into the clothes and furniture there if players can't continue to enjoy them.
I've been a player since this game was owned by a different company and I was so happy when Beemoov opened this version of the game. So it's really heart breaking to see it close again. This game has been so unique from other fashion games which aren't updated as much or force players to spend real money on items.
So, I'm really thankful that this LaF is staying open for now so we can still enjoy dressing our fashionistas, completing the rest of the levels and stars and of course the community
#69 15/02/2020 at 17:16
I feel so sad there are soooo many event stars I am missing since i just started this game last year. I reaaly hope the event lands are opened up for good.
#70 18/02/2020 at 22:14
Thank you for providing a great game,and for so long!
#71 19/02/2020 at 01:30
I'm really hoping all lands and stars become available!
#72 19/02/2020 at 12:39
me too!
#73 25/02/2020 at 08:03
Dare wrote
Jadis wrote
Thank you for confirming what I think most of the players - both French and International - suspected for a long time. Unsurprising, but I wish Beemoov every luck in continuing with Eldarya, My Candy Love, and maybe Moonlight Lovers. Maybe.
To add onto Dare’s point, I have two more questions:
1) Will the team consider re-releasing all the content in the “surprise chests” that were previously on Like a Fashionista? This is more or less in the same vein as making available content that was already on Like a Fashionista.
2) Will the team consider shutting down the Bank function on Like a Fashionista? The game is no longer being updated with any content, and it will be strange for players here to keep paying for a site that is essentially on life support, save to resolve bugs and occasionally update the website code. I also have no doubt with the new focus Beemoov seems to be having on their visual novel/dating sims and the larger playerbase there, maintenance on Like a Fashionista will be a pittance in comparison and will not necessarily need the funding from the Bank here.
Thank you again!
Thanks so much for mentioning the surprise chests! I'd completely forgotten about them but you're right that they do count as existing content. I'm assuming that could work just by making it a permanent side bar since it's possible that adding the items directly to Nine's would could as an update; which is why I didn't ask them to release the Advent items from the most recent Christmas event into Nine's the way they'd been released in years past since that seemed like it would technically require updating the site.
You also make a good point about the bank, because while some players may still be tempted to use it if they're on lower levels and want to still level up to unlock new items that may not be available to them, their money would technically be going to improve other games.
Well said, thank you ladies! I totally agree.
Last edited by Angelaz (25/02/2020 at 08:20)
#74 25/02/2020 at 20:51
Do you have plans for a future similar game? Maybe old nistas can have bonuses in a new game (or even costumes ported) - we've spent a lot of time and money on this game, no regrets. I'd just love to have new projects from you guys, with some added goodies from long time nista users. Any such plans?
#75 26/02/2020 at 02:51
I would love to know about that too!
Kiel wrote
Do you have plans for a future similar game? Maybe old nistas can have bonuses in a new game (or even costumes ported) - we've spent a lot of time and money on this game, no regrets. I'd just love to have new projects from you guys, with some added goodies from long time nista users. Any such plans?