
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 09/05/2022 at 18:56

Posts: 1 848

Following the release of an explosive tell-all memoir by Xavier VanHelsing detailing his exploits of more than thirty years spent as a vampire hunter which included his outing of prominent vampire families, there is now incontrovertible proof that vampires are in fact real. While daily life has gone largely unchanged, after all vampires have existed for countless centuries in the shadows with little to no impact on the lives of average citizens, one significant shake-up (for you anyway) is that Silus VanDrake, the co-founder and current headmaster of the VanDrake Academy has made the decision to open the doors of the world’s preeminent vampire college to human students for the first time. You’ve received your letter of invitation. Who or what will you find by accepting? Welcome to the VanDrake Academy.

A few IMPORTANT notes about the contest mechanics Please read before proceeding. I know it’s a lot of information

Some insight about the world you’re entering – PLEASE read this before proceeding as it’ll likely answer at least some of your questions

An important note about the extras

Basic Rules

One entry per participant with a consistent look and personality throughout the contest (any major alterations e.g. hair color change must be explained in the story in some way e.g. you don't have to detail the process of dying your hair but another character should notice it).

This contest is 5 rounds, every round will last 120 hours

The contest is both edit and non-edit

Round 1: A High Stakes Beginning

Your invitation letters to come to the VanDrake Academy at the start of new school year have all been sent out, and while you may debate whether or not you’re going to accept, of course you say “yes” in the end.

For the contestants entering as students:

This round will take place in September. Following your acceptance of the invitation to come to the Academy you’ll have the opportunity to go on a  group excursion on September 8th.There will be a midnight mixer taking place on September 13th. On September 15th classes will start and while they’ll be largely uneventful you may hear whispers about something being amiss, but no one will be forthcoming about what’s exactly wrong terms like “fang bang”, “Dracula’s folly” and “Sire fire” may be heard (if you want to ask an extra you’re interested in about one of these things PM me about how/where you plan to bring it up and I’ll give you some information regarding their response). On September 20th there will be a disturbing discovery made in the late afternoon: a male vampire will be discovered face down in the swimming pool, and while the weapon is nowhere to be found it will be clear that he’s been staked through the heart.. Details about each of these events are as follows:

The Group Excursions

The Midnight Mixer

For the contestants entering as faculty:

This round will take place in September. Following your acceptance of the invitation to come to the Academy you’ll need to attend a mandatory staff meeting on September  10th with a midnight mixer taking place on September 13th. On September 15th classes will start and while they’ll be largely uneventful you may hear whispers about something being amiss, but no one will be forthcoming about what’s exactly wrong terms like “fang bang”, “Dracula’s folly” and “Sire fire” may be heard (if you want to ask an extra you’re interested in about one of these things PM me about how/where you plan to bring it up and I’ll give you some information regarding their response). On September 20th there will be a disturbing discovery made in the late afternoon: a male vampire will be discovered face down in the swimming pool, and while the weapon is nowhere to be found it will be clear that he’s been staked through the heart.. Details about each of these events are as follows:

The Staff Meeting

The Midnight Mixer

In your entry please include all of the following:


Age Please make the age between 18 and 23 if you’re entering the Academy as a student and 29+ if you’re entering as a member of the faculty

Face Claim

Personality Traits Please make this a mix between positive and negative traits, there’s no minimum or maximum in this regard just please make it realistic. If you’re insistent on writing a Mary Sue type then by all means go for it but heed the warning now that they’re solely going to exist this way in their own minds as none of the extras are going to believe the hype, which realistically could be fun if you’re up for the challenge.

Interests You can select up to 3 extras and indicate if they’re romantic or friendly. The exception to this is to anyone playing as a faculty member as those characters are limited to two interests of their choosing, and one extra associated with the role. If you list someone as an interest please note that your character must interact with them in some way. While you’re of course free to have glances across the room or notice an extra noticing you, this isn’t really meaningful and so your impressions will reflect that if it’s the route you choose to go.

Story Your story should have the following elements:

For students:

1. Please briefly indicate your feelings about receiving acceptance to the VanDrake Academy (please don’t spend an excessive amount of time on this, seriously aim for around 1-2 short paragraphs max as your focus should be on what happens after your arrival).

2. Your time on the guided excursion.

3. Your time at the midnight mixer

4. Your reaction (if any) to the rumors about something being wrong (remember to PM me if you want to approach one of the extras). If your character doesn’t care about the rumors that’s completely okay, just indicate that somewhere in your story.

5. End your story with your reaction to hearing that a vampire had been staked and include where you were when you found out.

For Faculty Members:

1. Please briefly indicate your feelings about receiving a job offer from the VanDrake Academy (please don’t spend an excessive amount of time on this, seriously aim for around 1-2
short paragraphs max as your focus should be on what happens after your arrival).

2. Your time at the staff meeting

3. Your time at the midnight mixer

4. Your reaction (if any) to the rumors about something being wrong (remember to PM me if you want to approach one of the extras). If your character doesn’t care about the rumors that’s completely okay, just indicate that somewhere in your story.

5. End your story with your reaction to hearing that a vampire had been staked and include where you were when you found out.

Outfits Please include 2 total looks. One look should be an everyday look or your guided excursion look  (student) / staff meeting look (faculty) and one look should be your look for the midnight mixer which should be cocktail attire.

When your round entry is done please write R1 done or something similar.

R1 ends 19:30 forum time Saturday May 14

Last edited by Dare (10/05/2022 at 00:02)


#2 09/05/2022 at 19:09

Posts: 1 848

Introducing the Extras

Virgil Drake

Silus VanDrake

Theodore Kirkwood

Charles Galloway

Dalton Galloway

Samuel Parrish

Phillip Kirkwood

Eve VanDrake

Christian Wolfe

Anna Holloway

Adrian Park

Nathaniel Webb

Thomas Hamilton

Lawrence Woods


#3 09/05/2022 at 19:56

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME My Prerogative; Britney Spears


Interests: Samuel | Philip | Christian

Excursion #2




Last edited by BambiFoxx (14/05/2022 at 03:17)



#4 09/05/2022 at 21:06

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Theodore & Silus

Staff Meeting / Midnight Mixer
https://i.ibb.co/bBKHMRg/39-Eden-R1.pngCred to MB & Nina

Chapter I


Last edited by schoggettchen (14/05/2022 at 20:45)



#5 11/05/2022 at 10:16

Posts: 548


Name Carmen Delano

Age 22

FC Lizeth Selene

Traits Confident. Creative. Adventurous. Loyal friend. Smart. Selfish, somewhat spoilt. Firmly believes you can, and should, start anew whenever you want. Messy, but always knows where her things are. Balances between introverted and extraverted quite nicely. Binger - food, media, people. Versatile, and happy about it. She loves to get praise and recognition for whatever she is doing.

Carmen exudes that main character energy: she’s confident, loves the spotlight, and doesn’t mind a bit of drama. She’s a hedonist through and through, usually dives headfirst. Carmen grew up in a gated community, silver spoon and overprotected mindset from both her parents, but it never kept her from marching to the beat of her drum. She’s neither optimistic, pessimistic nor realistic, creating her own space where she goes into life/world/everything without any expectations to the outcome other than thinking what she set her mind to will come through - or she never actually wanted it. She’s not afraid of confrontations but has enough sense in herself to let people be stupid if they choose to do so. Loves to start things, new beginnings are everything, but she normally gets lost in the process, or simply becomes bored with it. She’s not the most hardworking person, but she has the drive and spark if she likes something. Carmen is generally indecisive when it comes to things that don’t matter, and can know things straight from the start when it’s some big, life-changing call. She loves organizing things and hates putting labels on people - everyone is neutral until proven otherwise. She can easily love anything if presented in a meaningful way, and/or if there is a huge payoff at the end of the process. She’s anxious in relationships - she goes head first, but when she doesn’t get her level of reassurance, she easily pulls back. Carmen is bi-curious, although she rarely discloses it to anyone, not even her friends. It used to bother her being alone - or rather, doing things alone - but now, she adores catching a movie on her own, getting coffee, and food, or getting some work done somewhere, on her own.

Interests Adrian. Nathaniel. Silus.

outfit credit: my old MissB stash & some editing. first outfit is for the maze, second is for the mixer.

chapter I. high by the beach

nothing safe is worth the drive

i hate to make this all about me, but...

honey, there is no right way

damn (posted after you posted the round)


Last edited by Zaralee (16/05/2022 at 14:17)


#6 13/05/2022 at 04:31

Posts: 517


Interactions Lawrence, T Kirkwood, Eve
Excursion #1

Everyday look ~~+++++&&&&&~~~~~£££££~~~]Mixer

Part 1. Done

Last edited by J3zab3ll (13/05/2022 at 19:40)


#7 14/05/2022 at 20:58

Posts: 1 848

Pencils down, hands up. Round 1 is officially closed. Round 2 is open

While dead bodies aren't exactly common on the VanDrake Academy estate this isn't the first time one has appeared but it is the first time a vampire has been staked with humans present and Professor Kirkwood was all too happy to take the lead investigating. Too bad (at least as far as he's concerned) he couldn't prove any of the new students were guilty, and because the victim was ultimately identified as a half fang none of the old families were truly angered by the mishap and after a few days of extra security and a few dozen cases of very expensive and very rare alcohol was sent out all was (at least for now) forgiven. Moving forward fall is in full swing. Aside from the odd fire in the arcane biology classroom, a few dead bats found in one of the libraries by a few drunken freshmen, and a rumor of an odd looking dog on the loose things have been relatively uneventful...at least they look that way on the surface for now...

October 31st doesn't only mark all Hallows Eve which the vamps effectively view as New Year's Eve but it's also the arrival of a special, albeit controversial, new student. Where you'll be and/or who you'll be with when they arrive is (mostly) up to you.

November 17th is Sires day which is the vampire equivalent of mother's day or Father's day and highly significant at the Academy. What a shame that the traditional brunch had to be canceled although it's difficult to say exactly why, maybe it's all the humans on campus, more likely it's the fact that one loose dog has steadily turned into a small pack stationed at the gates...

December 3rd there'll be an unseasonable snowstorm that leaves the estate blanketed under several feet of snow. The emergency generators kick in and just as suddenly give out. For some of you this may be fun for a while but where will you be when the once distant howling gives way to very real screams... and not everyone will make it in one piece through the night.

In your entry please include all of the following:

Your character form from R1

Interests (up to 3 selected from the extras, indicate if it's romantic or friendly)
**If you list someone as an interest please note that your character must interact with them in some way, it can be anything from a shared glance across the room to a full on conversation, but it has to occur, otherwise I don’t have anything to base impressions off of.**

Story Remember that this is episodic and focus on where your character was on the key dates listed above. Use your impressions to flesh this out as well as for insight regarding how your relationships are currently going. Please end your story with hearing the sounds of the screams in the distance.

Outfits I love to see them but moving forward outfits are 100% optional and if you choose to include any it's up to you where they fall in the story

When your entry is complete please write R2 complete or something similar in your entry.

Round 2 will end 21:00 forum time Thursday May 19th

Last edited by Dare (14/05/2022 at 23:29)


#8 14/05/2022 at 20:59

Posts: 1 848


**Remember the episodic nature of this contest and focus on the days listed. If you absolutely must add additional information for your story to make sense or to build relationships, please keep it brief, and prioritize writing what I'm asking for first . Similarly pay close attention to times For example on October 31st unless explicitly specified you must pick one extra only to do something with (to be 100% clear you can see the other interests and interact with them but as far as the main activity options you can only pick one), the same is true for December 3rd as neither your characters or the extras can be in two places at once. The one date that there is some level of flexibility for is November 17th I know that this may not be an easy decision in some cases and encourage you to ask questions if you have them.





Last edited by Dare (14/05/2022 at 22:16)


#9 14/05/2022 at 21:10

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER2 - CHRISTIAN THEME The Bottom; Devour The Day

CHAPTER THEME Bad Girl; Avril Lavigne ft. Marilyn Manson


Interests: Samuel | Philip | Christian




Last edited by BambiFoxx (19/05/2022 at 04:59)



#10 14/05/2022 at 21:14

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Interests: Theodore & Silus

31st October
Cred to Google

Chapter II

Last edited by schoggettchen (18/05/2022 at 08:23)



#11 14/05/2022 at 21:43

Posts: 548




blindly raising armagedon

one track mind, one track heart

Everything else is almost done, too!

Last edited by Zaralee (19/05/2022 at 01:41)


#12 17/05/2022 at 00:22

Posts: 517


Interactions Lawrence (R), T Kirkwood(F), Eve (F)

Part 2

Last edited by J3zab3ll (20/05/2022 at 15:43)


#13 19/05/2022 at 17:51

Posts: 1 848

Sorry for closing a bit early but I have real life stuff to handle and didn't want this to be late.

Eyes open, it wasn't all a dream (or nightmare). Round 2 is officially closed. Round 3 is open

With the dawning of a new day the snow continues to fall outside but the maintenance team has managed to get the issue with the power sorted and the dogs are gone so those are wins, too bad that rather than celebrate you'll have a front row seat to counting the losses...

December 4th Everyone will be rounded up by the domestic staff and taken to the main dining room. You may see bloodstains on some of the walls, slashed paintings, and scorch marks on some of the carpets. Additionally, there will still be a chill in the air. As you scan the room you may notice that the group is smaller than you remember it being and notable absences include Eve, Dalton, and Christian and among those who remain there are some clear injuries: Phillip is covered in what looks like soot with a hastily wrapped bandage obscuring his left eye and Silas's shirt is tattered, revealing deep scratches on his back. The mood will be somber as Silas tries to assure everyone that things will be okay but after a few minutes he realizes how futile his words are and instead dismisses you telling everyone that in lieu of their individual suites a dorm of sorts has been set up in the adjacent ballroom.

December 18th Two weeks have passed and to say things are back to normal would be a bold-faced lie, a lie that has been told to the old families as communication has been largely cut off with the outside world under the guise of obscure vampire customs. In reality classes have been suspended indefinitely and the estate is effectively on lockdown as both Silas and the Vampiric council try to figure out what to do because while they've been able to keep the full extent of the events quiet for now they know that they won't be able to do so forever, a decision that is complicated by the return of a strangely acting Eve who has an ultimatum: Count Dracula must be given control of the VanDrake Academy by no later than January 1st or it will be destroyed...along with everyone ever enrolled.

January 1st Count Dracula will hold a ball to celebrate his new control over the VanDrake Academy, a practice that occurs every time a new headmaster or headmistress takes control. The mood is one of forced festivity as no one is sure just who...or what...may be watching the scenes from the shadows. Several minutes before 11pm there's a clear commotion in the ballroom where the event is taking place, the outcome of which is Count Dracula lying on his back...a stake through his heart.

In your entry please include all of the following:

Your character form from R1

Interests (up to 3 selected from the extras, indicate if it's romantic or friendly)
**If you list someone as an interest please note that your character must interact with them in some way, it can be anything from a shared glance across the room to a full on conversation, but it has to occur, otherwise I don’t have anything to base impressions off of.**

Story Remember that this is episodic and focus on where your character was on the key dates listed above. Use your impressions to flesh this out as well as for insight regarding how your relationships are currently going. Please end your story with Count Dracula being attacked...

Outfits I love to see them but moving forward outfits are 100% optional and if you choose to include any it's up to you where they fall in the story

When your entry is complete please write R3 complete or something similar in your entry.

Round 3 will end 21:00 forum time Tuesday May 24th


#14 19/05/2022 at 18:52

Posts: 1 848


**Remember the episodic nature of this contest and focus on the days listed. If you absolutely must add additional information for your story to make sense or to build relationships, please keep it brief, and prioritize writing what I'm asking for first .





#15 19/05/2022 at 22:16

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME Candy Coated Su!c!d3; Night Club


Interests: Samuel | Philip | Christian




Last edited by BambiFoxx (24/05/2022 at 15:56)



#16 20/05/2022 at 13:33

Posts: 548




no better version I could pretend to be tonight

all i ever wanted was the world

there's something reckless about you


Last edited by Zaralee (24/05/2022 at 21:07)


#17 20/05/2022 at 17:32

Posts: 517


Interactions Lawrence, T Kirkwood, Eve

The Ball

Part 3. Done

Last edited by J3zab3ll (24/05/2022 at 16:45)


#18 24/05/2022 at 23:39

Posts: 1 848

Dracula is dead, the academy is in chaos and a new arrival isn't making things any better. Round 3 is officially closed. Round 4 is open!

Disbelief is the word of the hour as Dracula lies staked in the ballroom, Leticia bawling at his side, students and faculty scrambling, and the culprit taking centerstage with the vampiric council behind her and rather than rushing to restrain her they're cheering the name of Honor VanDrake, the newly minted head of the vampiric council after over a century of faithful service and the vanquisher of the Blood Traitor Count Dracula. Confused? Don't worry, you're in good company because everyone else is as well and things are just going to get weirder and more dramatic...

January 2nd Are you starting to feel like cattle yet? Everyone will be called out into the freezing front courtyard to pay proper tribute to Honor VanDrake, the estranged wife of your stoic headmaster and self-proclaimed HBIC at the Academy. According to your new headmistress there are going to be some changes ASAP. Vampiric law prevents her from directly harming the human vermin that have been invited and as such you're informed that while the humans will be able to stay until the end of the school year that things are going to very different and with that you'll all be dismissed with the human students being sent to their rooms where they will be kept under lock and key indefinitely...

Interlude Despite the lockdown you won't be left completely to your own devices and as such you may receive visitors or notes. You can write about these events or elude to them at but please prioritize writing in greater depth about the dates provided.

January 19th A little over two weeks have passed and what contact you've had with others varies (see impressions) however Honor has decided that since this is a school she may as well allow you the pleasure of learning. Modified classes will resume and new uniforms (black skirts, white shirts, and black shoes) are required for all human students as a way of encouraging segregation between you and your vampiric peers, some of whom are being far less civil now that Silas is no longer in charge and more than a few fights will break out between members of the two factions resulting in the human students being sent back to their quarters before the day is over.

February 2nd In celebration of her month running VanDrake, Honor will seek to renew her blood binding with Silas and will graciously allow all of you to watch the momentous event, and maybe, if you're really lucky become a sacrifice. The problem (you know there's a least one) is that Silas doesn't actually show up and if that isn't enough of a cause for concern there's a persistent rumor circulating that there's a bonafide slayer who's at the academy and someone has proof. This isn't the kind of drama Honor is interested though so leave it to her to create her own by flinging a few spells to lock the doors and windows and threatening to open a hell mouth if she doesn't get her groom, the slayer, and someone to eat, in that exact order, in the next fifteen minutes...

In your entry please include all of the following:

Your character form from R1

Interests (up to 3 selected from the extras, indicate if it's romantic or friendly)
**If you list someone as an interest please note that your character must interact with them in some way, it can be anything from a shared glance across the room to a full on conversation, but it has to occur, otherwise I don’t have anything to base impressions off of.**

Story Remember that this is episodic and focus on where your character was on the key dates listed above. Use your impressions to flesh this out as well as for insight regarding how your relationships are currently going. Please end your story with Honor giving her ultimatum.

Outfits I love to see them but moving forward outfits are 100% optional and if you choose to include any it's up to you where they fall in the story

When your entry is complete please write R4 complete or something similar in your entry.

Round 4 will end 21:00 forum time Sunday May 29th (this MAY be a little earlier or a little later, my niece is arriving to spend the summer with me on this date.


#19 24/05/2022 at 23:41

Posts: 1 848


**Remember the episodic nature of this contest and focus on the days listed. If you absolutely must add additional information for your story to make sense or to build relationships, please keep it brief, and prioritize writing what I'm asking for first .




Last edited by Dare (24/05/2022 at 23:42)


#20 25/05/2022 at 01:22

Posts: 1 848

For those of you who may be curious this is Honor VanDrake



#21 25/05/2022 at 02:15

Posts: 517


Interactions Lawrence, Charles, T Kirkwood, Eve


Part 4.

Last edited by J3zab3ll (31/05/2022 at 07:51)


#22 25/05/2022 at 03:14

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME Immortal; Marina & The Diamonds


Interests: Samuel | Philip | Christian




Last edited by BambiFoxx (29/05/2022 at 09:19)



#23 25/05/2022 at 07:07

Posts: 548



(outfit coming)

maybe things are waiting beyond the end

things get ugly way too quick

but i was late for this, late for that

i've read this scrip, and the costume fits, so i'll play my part

i think i've seen this film before...

a bit rushed, but DONE

Last edited by Zaralee (30/05/2022 at 02:39)


#24 31/05/2022 at 01:16

Posts: 1 848

Nothing like a little (okay a whole lot) of peril to make you take a long hard look at life. Round 4 is closed and Round 5 is officially open.

When faced with an ultimatum that may mean certain death 15 minutes can seem like an eternity or the blink of an eye. Luckily (or unluckily depending on your POV) Silas was able to set off a time quake. The magic has gone more than a little madcap though (that's what he gets for turning the pages so quickly) and rather than pulling you all to the same single point in time before the werewolf attack you're all straddling your own time lines needing to decide if you want to undo one of two pivotal points in your past or if you want to meet this moment "as is" and head on. Choose wisely.

To be 100% clear IF you make the choice to go back it's a redo and NOT a reset. What that means in this context is that you'll have all the knowledge (and in some cases skills or abilities) that you've gained and you'll be able to exploit or apply them to work towards different ends. Some things may stay the same while others change drastically. There's no right or wrong way to approach the road ahead.

In your entry please include all of the following:

Your character form from R1

Interests (up to 3 selected from the extras, indicate if it's romantic or friendly)
**If you list someone as an interest please note that your character must interact with them in some way, it can be anything from a shared glance across the room to a full on conversation, but it has to occur, otherwise I don’t have anything to base impressions off of.**

Story Remember that this is episodic and focus on the chosen date (see impressions)

Outfits I love to see them but moving forward outfits are 100% optional and if you choose to include any it's up to you where they fall in the story

When your entry is complete please write R5 complete or something similar in your entry.

Round 5 will end 21:00 forum time Saturday June 4th and a brief epilogue will follow.


#25 31/05/2022 at 01:34

Posts: 1 848

Impressions: You'll notice that these are written differently from the ones provided for earlier rounds. Please PM me ASAP with your initial choices.

If you choose to go back in time then you're the only one in your timeline who'll have any idea of what's occurring, (it's weird magic, just roll with it) BUT everyone is going to end up back to where they were when Honor made her ultimatum, what MAY differ is who you have by your side when it happens. Ideally if you go back in time I want you to figure out what you're going to do on your own BUT if you need some guidance PLEASE INDICATE THAT IN YOUR FIRST PM and I'll give you 2 choices about how you can potentially move forward.

**Remember the episodic nature of this contest and focus on the days listed. If you absolutely must add additional information for your story to make sense or to build relationships, please keep it brief, and prioritize writing what I'm asking for first .




Last edited by Dare (31/05/2022 at 02:16)


Topic closed

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