Forum-, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
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#28 11/10/2022 at 01:53
Paparazzi D

#32 14/10/2022 at 02:00
♕|♔ R3 ♕|♔
♕|♔ Paparazzi A = Local University
Sapho, Saby-chan, Michty
♕|♔ Paparazzi B = Shopping Village
Woonbutterfly, Schoggettchen, Tricole
♕|♔ Paparazzi C = Business Office
Dare, SexyAnnie, FashonistaAnastashia, J3zab3ll, DDA2882, Shanaria
♕|♔ Paparazzi D = Boyfriend's House
ElsB, BambiFoxx, NinaJones
♕|♔ Round 3 Length:
Friday, October 14th 0200 to Wednesday, October 19th 0200
♕|♔ Information:
You are ready to be seen, interviewed, and photographed. You're ready to take on the paparazzi! How do you look in the environment from Round 2? Your outfit must match the environment, but of course all Fashionistas add an air of celebrity flare to everything.
♕|♔ Variations:
Paparazzi A:
Mid-term exams are done! Now it's time to show up and look marvelous. You're still a student working to graduate at the top of your class, but you're also a Fashionista. Show us how smart and fashionable is done!
Paparazzi B:
The surprise packages are safely tucked away in the vehicle. But there's always more shopping to do! It's time to treat yourself. The shopping village may be quaint, but you aren't. Show us how to shop in style!
Paparazzi C:
Negotiations were rough, but you got everything you wanted and more. Now it's time to emerge looking like the mogul you are. Show us how a real Fashionista looks when she is making the big deals!
Paparazzi D:
After spending some much needed quiet time, it's time to go out and be seen! You're going to dine on the beach. At first glance, it looks like a romance movie set on the sand. The elite adore this place. The paparazzi are sure to be there. Show us how a true Fashionista gets them to notice her and forget about everyone else!
You are the same person from Rounds 1 and 2.
You still have the same eye, skin, and hair color.
#38 14/10/2022 at 16:39
I know the bg is a bit repetitive from the previous round's outfit, but I think it's nice having them connected in some way for the cohesion between the two contexts.^^

#43 15/10/2022 at 09:46
Paparazzi D

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