
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 12/11/2022 at 15:09

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Round 3 ends 28 November 2022 at 15:00GMT


Inspiration Board | Playlist | City Guide

Khoyesa - capital and the heartlands of the Khivalon Empire, with trade routes, diplomats, merchants, artisans and more passing through its city gates day in, day out. This is a world where magic and technology marry and intertwine, creating spectacles and wonders that defy explanation and physics. In the midst of this place, however, sits a burnt-out building, still magnificent and imposing despite its ruined facade: the Risskov Theatre.

Once Khoyesa’s pride and joy, it held host to the Circus of Marvels, a troupe of performers whose show drew dignitaries across the Empire, turning it into one of the hottest attractions in the City. Five years ago, the Circus was due to perform what it called “the show to end all shows”. Its theme? To showcase the eternal. Which mostly sounds pretentious and grandiose, but such was the Ringmaster’s proclivities.

All this came to a screeching halt on dress rehearsal night: a fire broke out, claiming the lives of several, vanishing into the twisted, blackened beams and the inferno. It has lain dormant ever since, and its resident troupe scattering to the winds. No one has stepped forth to tear it down: officially, it is stuck in bureaucracy, competing interests trying to claim the land for their own. But unofficially, workers say so much setting foot into it makes you uneasy, and one could hear faintly music playing away.

You are one of the many whose lives orbited the Theatre, and have picked up your lives ever since. Then one day, five years after the tragedy, a cream envelope arrives at your address, penned in flowing, golden script: The Ringmaster requests the honour of your presence at the Risskov Theatre…

Welcome back! This time, the contest starts in earnest. Khoyesa is a city I dreamt up a long, long time ago, a mixture of magic and technology - but I like to think mostly grounded in earth. As mentioned, you will get to pick out locations to investigate, as is usual. The stories are mostly self-contained, but if you wish, you can interact with other writers. Swapping clues and mysteries are, as always, highly encouraged. Explore. Speak to your interests. See what you can find - and see if you can piece together the mystery of the Risskov Theatre.




“Places to Investigate”

On Magic

Contest rounds
Round 1: Ends 17 November 2022 - 15:00GMT
Round 2: Ends 23 November 2022 - 15:00GMT
Round 3: Ends 28 November 2022 - 15:00GMT
Round 4: Ends 3 December 2022 - 15:00GMT
Round 5:  Ends 6 December 2022 - 15:00GMT

Last edited by Jadis (23/11/2022 at 16:29)



#2 12/11/2022 at 15:10

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365




Anette Eifagem, the Ringmaster

Ganz Coldwell, The Concertmaster



Cyprien Ledrau, the Investor

Isabel Melloy, the Accountant



Reeva Panayi, the Playwright

Kelsahn Boudec, the Set Designer



Venezia Hayward, the Diva

Rochelle Ohlsen, the Vaudevillian


Olledi Rokir, the Starlet

Ronan Ohlsen



Kialmirn Almassi, the Escape Artist

Tajun Yinro, the Acrobat

Nemal Dinaer, the Daredevil


Lyra Shillmoor, the Contortionist

Andrei Sola, the Strongman



Lenn, the Fan

Moren Lockwood, the Critic

Vivi, the Urchin

Last edited by Jadis (14/11/2022 at 14:13)



#3 12/11/2022 at 15:11

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Sometimes, your life at the Risskov Theatre seems like a half-remembered dream. You remember where you were when the flames started spreading, how the rafters smouldered above the auditorium. You remember the gasps, the applause from the audience, who all thought it was part of the show. But none of the rehearsals ever involved pyrotechnics or fire magic quite the same way as this one. No - these were different - something very off…

But the shouts of Khoyesa draw you back to the present, to where you are. Your new routine, built five years after the Risskov Theatre burnt down, reduced to a grand, blackened ruin in the Borough of the Welcoming. You go about your day as usual - and then when you return, there is an envelope waiting. Cream-coloured. You look - and you recognise the insignia. It’s the crest of the Risskov Theatre, and when you open it, your heart stops: Anette Eifageim, the Ringmaster of the Circus of Marvels, has invited you to join the opening night of Aeternalis. That is, the show you were meant to be rehearsing for…

You review the invitation. It seems legitimate. Clear, even - come in your finest wear. Out of curiosity, you wander by the old, burnt out ruin, and you realise with a start: it’s whole again. Intact. And no one seems to be paying attention to the fact that the Theatre is clean, sparkling again. And fully built. There’s even a functioning ticket booth, and when you approach it and present your invitation, you’re reassured that it will be coming, and that it will be an occasion not to miss.

The next day, one of your old compatriots from the Theatre pays a visit, asking if you’ve received the invitation. So it’s not just you: by the sound of it, the old crew is being called back to the burnt out ruin. There’s talk of it being a hoax, a prank of course, but something in the back of your mind is niggling at you, as if tempting you to go and see for yourself…

The night you arrive, the Theatre is back to its glory: blazing lights, musicians playing in the wings. There are theatregoers flooding into the gates, exactly like you remember it. You are ushered into the auditorium, where a dancefloor has been set up, couples waltzing. You mingle, chat, reconnect - and then onto the stage comes Anette Eifageim, resplendent in her tailored suit, welcoming you all. She invites you to chat, to mingle, before the show begins. Then she just - vanishes, like an illusion, to the applause of all.

The drinks and reception stretches on, but as it approaches midnight, no one has called you to the main auditorium for the show to begin. Everyone is now looking a little worried, hushed voices. This is atypical, you hear someone say, receptions have never run this long. You know it’s never run this far overtime. Never mind that there’s a question of whether the show is even a thing. Then, a bell starts to toll - far, distant, and a strange electric hum fills the air.

The next thing you know, you’re back in your bed at your home. The clock is no longer at midnight, but at ten in the evening. You’re still in your finery. You sit up, wondering what had just happened - but you’re in your finery, nowhere near the Theatre. When you stand up, head to the mirror, examining yourself: then you see it. There’s a faint flower-shaped mark on your wrist, with no explanation…

Timeline Reference:
For this round, you’re going by weeks. The time frame will be stretched out in the next rounds.
✬  Week 1: The arrival of the invitation
✬  Start of Week 2: Reconnecting with your chosen interests before the premiere of Aeternalis
✬  End of Week 2: The opening night of Aeternalis, and the appearance of the strange flower-mark

Round Requirements:
Face claim:
Interests: (No more than 3)

Outfit: The outfit that your character wears to the premiere
Story: (Please end your story with discovering the mark on your wrist)

If there are any questions, PM me - due to time zones, I might take a bit, but I’ll get back to you ASAP. Good luck, and most importantly - have fun!

Last edited by Jadis (12/11/2022 at 15:12)



#4 12/11/2022 at 15:12

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365






Last edited by Jadis (13/11/2022 at 14:09)



#5 12/11/2022 at 15:20

Posts: 143



Interests: Tajun, Kelsahn, Andrei


Night of the Premiere


i - Ghosts of the Past

ii - Not Quite Dead

iii - Phantoms of the Theatre

Round Status:

Round 1: Done

Last edited by MistyMisty (17/11/2022 at 20:30)


#6 12/11/2022 at 15:26

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


Let me introduce myself...

Interests: Cyprien, Ganz & Venezia

Act I

https://i.ibb.co/MSNCZFV/Done-Morgan.pngFinally! Edit: Fixed some typos and added two small things

Last edited by schoggettchen (22/11/2022 at 18:13)



#7 12/11/2022 at 15:43

Posts: 548


Name: Beatrix Seagrave

The Dancer: traits updated, she feels more flashed out now

Interests: Moren. Ronan. Cyprien.



spilling (wine)

(You're The) Devil in Disguise


Last edited by Zaralee (19/11/2022 at 08:04)


#8 14/11/2022 at 18:48

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 7 223


Behind the curtains

•Meeting Key// •Premiere

text here

Last edited by NinaJones (14/11/2022 at 21:34)


#9 17/11/2022 at 15:00

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

On the first day after you wake up, everything feels like a dream. You head back to the Theatre again during the day, and are faced with a sooty, blackened ruin, its edifice staring at you. There’s a chain on its gate, held together by a padlock. The ticket booth is disused, its sideboard vandalised. When you peruse the papers, sit at cafes, no one is talking about the Theatre’s premiere. If anything, if you ask about it, you get stared at like a madman. The message you get back is the same: the Theatre is shut, has been shut for the past 5 years. The only thing - the proof you have that the whole thing wasn’t a mass hallucination - is the flower-shaped mark on your wrist and the finery you woke up in.

For the first week, you go about your business as if nothing is wrong. For most part, everything is fine. Then the second week rolls around, and you notice that your flower-shaped mark, ever so slightly, has turned into the shape of a tiny flowering bud. On the first night of that week, you dream of a waif-like figure, backlit against a burning Risskov Theatre.

“You have it, don’t you?” they ask, their voice quiet, plaintive. “They’re fixing what they started.” When you ask have what, they grab your hand without any preamble. Their touch is cold, barely there, and on the back of their hand you can make out a black tattoo of sorts: almost like a lace glove, black bands extending around her wrist.

“Your mark,” they say by way of explanation. They trace their fingers over it, and for a moment, you watch as your hand goes translucent, ghost-like, even. Before you can process it, she lets go, and you’re whole - solid again.

You can’t see the figure’s features, but you think they might be frowning. “They got it wrong,” they say, apropos to nothing “You have six months.”

They breathe another sentence, soft, quiet. “Before they bind you to the Theatre. Before everyone’s bound to it. For good. ”

But before you can ask another question, there’s a scream - triumphant, and the figure jumps back. You open your mouth and try to form a question.- but the figure holds up a finger to what you think is their lips, stopping you. Their head turns, casting a glance back as if they’re watching out for something - someone.

“Gotta run,” they murmur, and you can now definitely see a flicker of a smile on their face. Then there’s a howl of wind, a thunderclap - and you awaken in your own bed, more questions than answers. The next to contact you verifies your dream, tells you of your suspicions, and now you know: you are marked.

There is research to be done, you learn - chief among themwhat is happening, and how to get rid of the mark. But life in Khoyesa goes on - and there are events to attend. For one, in this month, the Summer Solstice Festival is about to go into full swing: a week’s worth of revelry, drinking, and general shenanigans. You are free to go alone, or pick out someone to attend with. Then the next: the Flower Show, taking place in Maidentear Park, where the doors of the Khivalon Royal Botanical Gardens are thrown wide open. You are free to attend - or skip, as you will. And don’t forget, there is investigating and research to be done.

On a hosting note, this round introduces “Places to Investigate” - and a little bit of the balancing act. The theory is, if you go to these events, you get to socialise a bit more - but you lose out on investigating, and vice versa. You might get clues from investigating locations, or you might chat with an additional interest to get more information. Both will lead to solving the mystery (and affecting the ending, actually).

For each event you attend, you get one extra interest, but lose out on one location to investigate - and vice versa. So you can max out at four interests but at a cost of having only 2 locations to investigate, or you can have 4 locations to investigate, but only have 2 interests. You can also do a 3/3 split, but that’s entirely up to you.

For this round - and the rounds going forward - make your choice: either you can attend these events, or miss out on them to do more research on your condition and what is going on. The deeper into the contest you get, the more places open up and that you can investigate.

If you’re worried about your connection with the characters, however, the rule remains the same: quality over quantity. So don’t fret too much!

Timeline Reference:
✬ Month 1 - Weeks 1-2 - Summer: The Aftermath and the Dream
✬ Month 1 - Weeks 3-4 - Summer: Summer Solstice Festival
✬ Month 2 - Weeks 5-6 - Summer: The Flower Show
✬ Month 2 - Weeks 7-8 - Summer: Peace and quiet (at last!)

Round Requirements:
Going to the Summer Solstice Festival and/or the Flower Show?: Yes (if yes, which one(s))/No
Interests: Minimum 2, if you choose not to attend any events; maximum 4 if you choose to attend both the Festival and the Flower Show
Places to Investigate: Minimum 2, if you choose to attend both events; maximum 4 if you choose not to attend any
Outfit: (One minimum for your research. Others you can add as you wish!)

Feel free to finish up your Round 1, though I ask if it’s at this stage, finish up whatever chapter you have left and move on to Round 2. There’s always more mysteries to explore! As always, if you have questions - ask. Or if you need a different time frame, also let me know so I can adjust accordingly!

Last edited by Jadis (17/11/2022 at 15:05)



#10 17/11/2022 at 15:01

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Note: as the contest progresses, more and more locations will be posted for you to choose from. For now: feel free to pick from the ones below. If you want more information about the city proper, I put together a little something. Feel free to ask me about anything on here as well!


Accessible locations


Accessible locations

Last edited by Jadis (17/11/2022 at 15:23)



#11 17/11/2022 at 15:03

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365






Last edited by Jadis (23/11/2022 at 16:01)



#12 17/11/2022 at 21:25

Posts: 143



Attending Festival: The Flower Show
Interests: Tajun, Kelsahn, Andrei
Places to Investigate:
- City District - Borough of the Enlightened - The Perandir Library
- Front of House - The Stadium
- Front of House - Concert Hall 1


Research at the Library              |               Flower Show

Checking out the Theatre


Month 1

Month 2

Round Status:

Round 1: Done   |   Round 2: In Progress

Last edited by MistyMisty (26/11/2022 at 12:37)


#13 18/11/2022 at 08:26

Posts: 548


Name: Beatrix Seagrave

The Dancer: traits updated, she feels more flashed out now

Interests: Cyprien. Moren. Ronan.
Investigating: St. Danserd Institute. Concert Hall 2. Box seats.

Last edited by Zaralee (21/11/2022 at 11:11)


#14 18/11/2022 at 10:49

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


Let me introduce myself...

Interests: Ganz, Venezia & Cyprien

Attending: Sommer Solstice Festival; going with Ganz

Places to Investigate: Maidentear Park, Gazebo & Audience Stands


Act II

Last edited by schoggettchen (23/11/2022 at 23:34)



#15 21/11/2022 at 11:44

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 7 223

Still here and will start catching up. My apologies for the slowness.


#16 22/11/2022 at 00:52

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


Just a quick note that EmmyAna has kindly approved my request for an extension, so Round 2 now ends 23 November 2022 at 15:00 GMT.

Happy sleuthing!!



#17 23/11/2022 at 16:25

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

https://images2.imgbox.com/1b/ff/Kk6rWgJI_o.pngIt’s in the start of the third month that the effects of this “binding” begin to show, but it’s alarming all the same: some evenings, when you open your eyes, you’re not in your home. You’re in the Theatre, preparing for a show of some sort, and all around you are the people you know - knew - worked with, lived with for a good long while.When you reach out, brush your hand against their shoulder to catch their attention, they do not react. It’s as if you aren’t there.

Then the gong goes - the loud crash of cymbals that signals the start of the performance, as you knew so, so long ago. The other people snap around, and their faces are frozen in a rictus smile: beautiful, perfect, eternally paused in that moment. And then in the very distance, you hear a voice - almost like Anette’s, except there’s a desperation you’ve never heard before: “Where is she, unless she comes back I’ll never be able to - I don’t want to have to - No, I can’t allow that to happen, I - must - live.”

You never stay in that space long enough to hear that tail end of the conversation, but the vehemence, the fury stays with you even, ringing in your ears. You wake up, not very well-rested, and the flower mark on your wrist has begun to grow - spread. Its petals have, very gradually, begun to unfurl, peeking a faint purple in colour, almost bleeding red. It’s almost beautiful, if not for what you know right here, right now - or rather, what you suspect.

The third month means the dreams get more frequent. By the fourth, in some lights, you catch yourself looking almost translucent - but when you look up, stare at the mirror, you’re there - whole and hale and alive. Still wandering around the city, going about your business of your own free will. But in the fourth month, you dream again. In the still of the night, you can hear a soft, almost scared voice murmur, “Tick tock. She needs to make up her mind.” Nothing more, nothing less. Then the vision clears, and you can see the Theatre grow brighter  - more windows lighting up. You think if you went back, you might find new places to explore.

Of course, given Khoyesa and the rather personal side of the predicament, not many seem to notice. Autumn, after all, is the season of harvest, and the Khoyesans do know how to celebrate the season - with as much gusto and cheer and a little bit of supernatural superstition for fun. Because everyone knows during autumn, the gates to the underworld are thrown open and… that sort of superstition. Not that anyone minds, because everyone knows the magical academies throw open all sorts of odd portals and gates all the time. As before - attend or skip, whichever takes your fancy.

Two events take place, during this time: firstly, the Dance of the Lanterns, an odd sort of tradition unique to this part of the Khivalon Empire. Paper lanterns are hung from every door at night, with night markets set up: people peddling their wares, and making wishes on small, glowing baubles to be set free into the night sky. Then comes the Harvestide, the week-long celebration of the end of harvest - and to play mischievous tricks on others. Or take a walk through the many, many so-called “haunted houses” that are a new fad in Khoyesa.

*****************Timeline Reference:
✬ Month 3 - Weeks 9-10 - Autumn: Peace and quiet - before the festivities
✬ Month 3 - Weeks 11-12 - Autumn: Dance of the Lanterns
✬ Month 4 - Weeks 13-14 - Autumn: The Dream - and the Theatre
✬ Month 4 - Weeks 15-16 - Autumn: Harvestide Celebrations

Round Requirements:
Going to the Dance of the Lanterns and/or the Harvestide Festival?: Yes (if yes, which one(s))/No
Interests: Minimum 2, if you choose not to attend any events; maximum 4 if you choose to attend both the Dance of the Lanterns and Harvestide Celebrations
Places to Investigate: Minimum 2, if you choose to attend both events; maximum 4 if you choose not to attend any
Outfit: (One minimum for whichever event you want to use in your story. Others you can add as you wish!)

As always, feel free to bug me, ask me questions, or ask me for clarifications. At the end of the day, the goal is for you - you, not the character - to fully understand what is going on. And if you’re struggling with bits of the story, again, do let me know!

Last edited by Jadis (23/11/2022 at 16:33)



#18 23/11/2022 at 16:27

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Note: as the contest progresses, more and more locations will be posted for you to choose from. For now: feel free to pick from the ones below. If you want more information about the city proper, I put together a little something. Feel free to ask me about anything on here as well!


*UPDATED* - Accessible locations


*NEW!* Accessible locations


*UPDATED* - Accessible locations

Last edited by Jadis (24/11/2022 at 13:57)



#19 23/11/2022 at 16:28

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365







#20 23/11/2022 at 23:41

Posts: 143



Attending Festival: Dance of the Lanterns
Interests: Tajun, Kelsahn, Andrei
Places to Investigate:
- Front of House - Ticketing (Day)
- Backstage - Library (Night)
- Backstage - Attic (Night)


Dance of the Lanterns        |        Visiting Risskov Theatre


Story TBC

Round Status:

Round 1: Done   |   Round 2: Almost Done

Round 3: In Progress

Last edited by MistyMisty (26/11/2022 at 15:19)


#21 24/11/2022 at 06:19

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633

Working on R2

Locations for R3: Venezia's dressing room (Night), Restaurant (Night), The Khoyesan Catacombs (Day)

Last edited by schoggettchen (24/11/2022 at 13:58)



#22 29/11/2022 at 00:32

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365


So, after some chatter and having a look at the calendar, I will be closing this contest earlier as mentioned before. This is so (1) it won’t delay the entire running of the calendar, and (2) so everyone actually has time to catch up/write.

I will open the second half once there is enough time to fit it in, and I believe after that, Night at the Theatre will be the last contest I will be hosting - and joining - for a very long time.

Thank you for staying and being so enthusiastic about the contest, the people, and I’m sorry for the abruptness.

Till next time!



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