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#26 18/01/2023 at 04:07

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Name: Lady Dilara Grey, Marchioness of Dorset
Age: 22, October 18th
Fc: Melisa Pamuk
Household: Elizabeth’s liaison for the Turkish delegacy
Interests: Edward, Sophia, Selim

Bowling; Sophia
Billiards; Charles
Participates in pall-mall as well.














Last edited by Mimira (22/01/2023 at 16:59)


#27 18/01/2023 at 14:21

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


Anna Katharina von Brandenburg

Interests: John & Cecilia

May Games: Bowling with John; Billiards with Cecilia; Partaking in Shuttlecock & Pal-Mal

Cred to Nina








Rushed but it is FINALLY done. And now I take my well-deserved rest.

Last edited by schoggettchen (24/01/2023 at 08:37)



#28 18/01/2023 at 14:42

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


Lady Elisa has arrived - DONE

Prince Ferdinand | Princess Mariana | Lord John | Lord Richard

Bowling ~ Mariana | Billiards ~ Ferdinand | Pal-Mal

Chapter Four - The Queens of May - TBD



Last edited by BambiFoxx (20/01/2023 at 15:19)



#29 19/01/2023 at 15:45

Posts: 500



https://i.ibb.co/GPytFjS/leviniaround4-2.png https://i.ibb.co/YZ08MfC/leviniaround4-1.png<br%20/>


Through the window


A candle

A gruelling master

Lost stars

As finished as it will ever be, sorry for that, but I lost the momentum all too early for all too many reasons.

Last edited by tricole (03/02/2023 at 20:37)


#30 21/01/2023 at 23:02

Posts: 548

Quick announcement: I’ve been feeling under the weather (fever & headaches) so my plan to do the snippets with a mention of your characters only partly worked. So, I’ll try to do that tomorrow morning & postpone the closing of the round till late in the evening (very, very late).

Thanks for understanding!


#31 22/01/2023 at 21:27

Posts: 548

Round 5: Cloak & Dagger

Round 5 is the only round covering specific three weeks of the year, basically picking up right after the last round (with a few days of delay). It will cover the last week of May and the first two weeks of June.

There are only a few things that can be contained within a few days, but it feels like the following few weeks might prove themselves to be challenging.

Last week of May
For once, there is very little silent animosity left between the Bavarian arrivals at the court. While Prince Ferdinand might be betrothed to Princess Elizabeth, it won't stop Richard from still declaring his claim to the throne under the promise of the divorce papers and the marriage papers he claims his mother owns. While rumours fly about his engagement to Princess Mariana, there is news of new arrivals to England, and of course, the Whitehall Palace.

A ship coming from Spain allegedly sails under the joined banner of Queen Mary and Jane Seymour, with king Johann of Bavaria joining them as they arrive. The weather might postpone their arrival for a few days, but the word of their arrival already made quite a few supporters of the catholic cause restless, and old friends of the Seymour family, as well as Mary Tudor are rumoured to have gathered to greet them upon their arrival.

To make matters even more convoluted, King Edward is very publically enjoying the company of Lady Gray, who is not considered to be the perfect choice for the queen by everyone at the court, yet the voices of his council are not keen on supporting the marriage. The thing is, he seems to be highly disinterested in their opinion as the arrival of new portraits to the court has stopped arriving.

In the meantime, Lord von In der Maur has gotten the King's approval to marry Lady von Brandenburg of the Bavarian court. The rest of the engaged couples seem to be somewhat distant: while princess Mariana is spending hours doing pretty much anything else (sitting for a portrait, or perhaps practising her archery), lord Richard is doing his fair share of avoiding Mariana by spending his time with prince Ferdinand who is, in so many words, spending time with everyone else but princess Elizabeth whose social calendar seems to be full for the majority of the day - they do spend time together at suppers.

First week of June
Around the beginning of the week, there is news of some official papers found in the old wing of the Whitehall Palace, more precisely in the office belonging to Lord Francis Bryan, late king Henry's close friend - the papers allegedly show the said divorce between Anne Boleyn and Henry Tudor, signed by Henry and Francis Bryan, as well as Lady Jane Parker (now Lady Gascoyne). Midweek, there are both arrivals and departures from the court - Lord Stewart will depart from the court permanently, as will Prince Carlos, temporarily leaving in an unknown direction and the arrival of Sir Francis Bryan (with family), as well as Lady Gascoyne. While the court is swirling with rumours, the bigger shock will come at the Saturday feast when the King uses the occasion to announce his upcoming marriage to Lady Dilara Gray, Marchioness of Dorset. TBA on this bit!

Second week of June
Beginning of the week, the ships sail into the port and soon there is the arrival of Queen Mary (Tudor) and Lady Seymour, both greeted by their children upon arrival to the court - and as his nod towards the triviality of the information, Edward arrives to greet his step-sister, Mary, and invite her to take household at the court. In the presence of Lady Brandon, and now, Lady Seymour, the tensions are making it hard for everyone to do much else other than think about the two upcoming marriages approaching.

While Edward opts out of a joined coronation and wedding ceremony for himself, the decision is made that Elizabeth is to marry at the Bavarian court - and her departure is set for a week after Edward's wedding.

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, you'll gather at the Church for a ceremony befitting a king - and a queen - to celebrate the marriage of King Edward VI Tudor and Lady Dilara Gray, Marchioness of Dorset. While many have attempted to show their dismay at the choice Edward made, his circle and supporters are standing behind him. A wedding would be rather boring manner if there was no visit of Queen Mary of France or Lady Seymour there, as well as the alleged witnesses sitting there, but Edward seems to be dedicated to the wedding and, immediately after, the coronation.

The celebration is huge, the feast is the biggest so far, and from that day forward, England has a queen.

The good mood, however, might be cut short a little, as there is another wedding announcement said the day later. It starts with the rumours and ends up with a confession between the twins as Elizabeth does something very on brand for herself, secretly marrying despite her brother's plan to wed her to Bavarian prince.

Please end the story on a Sunday, with the news reaching the court of the marriage between princess Elizabeth Tudor and Lord Charles Compton.

(Full) Name

Optional, as promised, but if you do want to show something: royal wedding outfit.
The plot focuses on the events above, but considering your personal stories, it might differ. Mention the wedding, that'd be cool.
The real heir to the throne is...
...Edward or Richard? Do you believe Henry divorced, or not? Just to say this, it won't get your person in trouble, I'm asking for vox populi here.
Please let me know when you're done!

Round 5 ends on January 27th, evening.

Last edited by Zaralee (24/01/2023 at 21:35)


#32 22/01/2023 at 21:54

Posts: 548

Lady Gray

Lady von Brandenburg

Last edited by Zaralee (25/01/2023 at 08:56)


#33 23/01/2023 at 12:24

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Lady Dilara Grey — Marchioness of Dorset
22, October 18th
Fc: Melisa Pamuk
Household: Elizabeth’s liaison for the Turkish delegacy
Interests: Edward, Sophia, Charles

The real heir — Edward












Done I had more plans so many plans for this but it’s okay I also have plans to study today and it take’s president so this is done!

Last edited by Mimira (28/01/2023 at 07:13)


#34 24/01/2023 at 01:15

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


Anna Katharina von Brandenburg

Interests: John & Cecilia

Real Heir: Edward

Cred to Nina








Sorry if it feels rushed but RL hasn't been my friend.

Last edited by schoggettchen (28/01/2023 at 19:47)



#35 26/01/2023 at 21:01

Posts: 548

Extension follows!

As per recent development, we’ve been granted an extra day for the round, meaning we will close it on Saturday evening!

Happy writing, babes!


#36 29/01/2023 at 00:33

Posts: 548

Round 6: The King of the Rose Throne

The last round will consist of two parts: following days after the wedding(s) mess and then a short jump into the future, approximately a year later.

Part I: Days After
The wedding festivities have not even finished yet when things go to hell - the marriage between Elizabeth Tudor and Charles Compton is a slap into the treaty with Bavaria, at the same time Jane Seymour announces there is a witness to her marriage and simultaneously announces the engagement between Richard and princess Mariana, while the majority of the court is in shambles while attempting at some normality.

Three days later, things genuinely go foul and are the official sign the party is over.

King Edward - perhaps reacting to betrayal, possibly acting on his pride - banishes his sister and best friend from the court. Elizabeth, now a married wife, is aided by the dowager queen Anne, and both she and her new husband move to Hever Castle. While he is not keen on allowing that, Edward has other issues, not to mention he has just wed, and the issues escalate to a large argument when Jane Seymour seemingly calls Edward out and asks for an official hearing, asking to bring forth the witnesses. While Lord Bryan shows up almost immediately, Lady Gasoyne is nowhere to be found. The search goes on for a while more and despite the best efforts of Lady Seymour's account, Edward makes time to discuss the new terms of the treaty with prince Ferdinand, reaching a conclusion their children should marry instead - both men agree, with Bavarian delegacy ready to leave the court.

While everyone believes the issue with Richard is to blow over, some of the supporters of Seymour cause will threaten and raise their voices shortly, before Edward decides he will no longer put up with the mess, issuing an arrest warrant against Jane Seymour and Richard alike.

Despite his best efforts, Lady Jane is apprehended, but Richard manages to slip away with none other than his future wife, Mariana, and her mother. Despite hearing advice that such threats should be punished harshly, Edward refuses the harshest punishment for treason, instead sending her to live out the rest of her life in the Tower.

King Edward and Queen Consort Dilara attempt some normality at the court, making time for other royal families who are still at the court after they attended the wedding. Prince Ferdinand returns to Bavaria with his father, King Johann.

Princess Elizabeth, or now Lady Compton (the jury is still out) has left for Hever Castle with her husband, Lord Compton. Prince Erik is, as people claim, quite angry at his sister's actions, choosing not to bid his goodbyes before they departed, instead joining the Ottoman prince and his company in a hunt (basically, Selim, Melek and James).

Lady Cecilia, now disappointed in the recent turn of events, chooses to stay at the court, mainly to be at the service of the new queen, if she would have her, and Lady Sophia decides she would like to stay for a while longer, as well. The stay is short in term, so both of them depart from the court before the season is done.

Lord John is set to marry Lady Anna once she returns back to England, after having left with Bavarian delegacy - and they should marry at court, staying there in the following months, and after the wedding as well, occasionally travelling to John's ancestral home.

With the dismissal of princess Elizabeth from the court, the situation is still unclear with Sir William and his future.

Lord James remains at the court, spending more time with prince Selim and Lady Melek, who prolong their stay at the court for a while more.

Part II: A Year Ahead
King Edward seems to be dealing well with married life - the court moves a lot less, new delegations are arriving, and while there have been some changes in the court structure, things seem to go well. Despite the initial displeasure of the choice he made, the majority of the court has settled into the decision - the minority still whispers of the heir who sailed to Spain with the real queen of England. Before the year is done, the Queen Consort is with child, to great pleasure of the entire kingdom and especially Edward himself.

Prince Erik is taking a bit more responsibility, deciding to travel to the Ottoman Empire in the upcoming future to spend time with Selim and strengthen the relationships between the Sultan and the Empire.

Lady and Lord Compton have travelled to France, staying at the court under the patronage of Prince Louis d'Orleans and Lady Sophia. The couple is still unwelcomed at the court, despite their attempts to reach out to the king on many occasions.

Prince Carlos is back at the English court before the year ends, soon to be married, and utterly unamused by that fact. Lady Cecilia has decided shortly after the turn of events she will spend a season at the French court. Allegedly, there have been some disagreements between her and the new Queen consort, but the details are left to be guessed.

Lord James Fairfax decided to join prince Erik on his trip to the Ottoman Empire after befriending both prince Selim and Lady Melek, who are both reluctant to return home, but the mess happening at his ancestral court made Selim decide it might be for the best to return.

Sir William and his troupe have a steady place (theatre) to perform their plays, but new ones are delayed as William has travelled to France, allegedly under the familiar patronage, to spend some time both influencing and getting influenced by the French scene.

Within some months after their return to Bavaria, Ferdinand went from prince to King as his father succumb to fever. Established as the new monarch, Ferdinand decided to marry and found his future wife, the daughter of Duke of Cleves. With the marriage, Ferdinand will unite the Catholic and Protestant parts of the kingdom.

Lord John, now married to Lady Anna is still at the English court, getting ready to take over the Westerland soon. (TBA)

Lady Katherine Brandon returned back to her Suffolk, choosing to reside away from the court once again. She allegedly intends to

Princess Mariana and Richard Seymour married in a private ceremony months after their departure from England, and while no one is certain what they are up to, many doubt they will remain silent for long.

Lord Stewart remains in full support of his brother and has allegedly set to travel to Spain this time, another diplomatic mission he was not able to refuse.


Round Requirements
(Full) Name
Optional, as promised, but you can show me a random outfit you might have in store.
Please focus on the few days following the drama, and then Epilogue! What have you been up to in the year ahead?
Please let me know when you're done!

Round will end on February 3rd.

Last edited by Zaralee (29/01/2023 at 14:08)


#37 29/01/2023 at 00:38

Posts: 548

Impressions coming early in the morning. Sorry for the delay, but thank you for sticking around!

Queen Consort Dilara

Lady Anna von In der Maur

Last edited by Zaralee (29/01/2023 at 14:12)


#38 29/01/2023 at 10:40

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


Anna Katharina von In der Maur

Cred to Nina







Last edited by schoggettchen (03/02/2023 at 17:47)



#39 29/01/2023 at 16:02

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147




Last edited by Mimira (01/02/2023 at 21:55)


#40 03/02/2023 at 19:24

Posts: 548

And with this, I'm closing the chapter and the contest!

Thank you for sticking out till the end, I enjoyed reading the stories and where you took them!

It's been a pleasure being your host!


I'm leaving you with some epilogue snippets, August to August.














and I had no creativity in me to find new banner looks, but it might happen later? i hope.

Thank you, once again for sticking with me for the contest, writing the characters well into this world and finding your path. For the two storylines finished, one love match & one business match turning out the best way possible, I enjoyed your stories and the ups & downs you wrote into them. I enjoyed all four stories, so different and set in the same universe, thank you for writing into it and dedicating your time to the contest!

Once again, I loved all of it, and looking forward reading whatever you come up on this forum next <3

Last edited by Zaralee (04/02/2023 at 14:40)


#41 04/02/2023 at 08:56

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 147

Thank you for once again hosting for us!
Enjoyed writing Dilara as you know and trying to manage real life with the forum. As always you did an amazing job with the extras and the impressions for interactions was always fun to look forward to!

Hoping I’ll have more time the next time you host and explore even more dynamics. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions and just general chitchatting! <3


#42 04/02/2023 at 13:52

Posts: 500

It saddens me I wasn't able to engage with this the way I had wanted. Still, I'm really glad you made it happen!


#43 04/02/2023 at 16:05

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633

From me also a big Thank you for hosting this lovely and wonderful contest. I'm amazed everytime about the Paper People and world you manage to create ❤️

Thank you for talking and being honest with me right at the beginning because without you there wouldn't have been Anna and her story which I enjoyed writing ❤️



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