First : AllaPayne She's won 12,000 Fashionista Dollars
Second : day6 She's won 8,000 Fashionista Dollars
Third : anissia She's won 4,000 Fashionista Dollars
Who will be tomorrow's Fashionista?
Forum-, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
Pages : 1
#1 15/12/2023 at 15:01
#3 15/12/2023 at 16:40
「 DeviantArt ✧ My candy love ✧ Amour Sucre ✧ Amor Doce ✧ Instagram ✧ Eldarya 」

#4 15/12/2023 at 23:44
thank you, as always... i somehow end up on these podiums every time there is an event going on and although i know it must be due to the lack of player base rather than my own creativity only, it always makes me (and the little girl still in me playing this game at age 10) very happy. i don't have much time to come on the forum side of this site anymore but i just wanted to say thank you for appreciating my looks on here.
i wish you all happy holidays whatever you may celebrate !
Pages : 1