Arthur Morgan
Name: Arthur Morgan
FC: Aristotelis Bolovinos
Age: 40
Job: Investment Banker at Lemoyne & Co
Traits: Introverted. Loyal and caring when he genuinely likes someone. Calculating & Precisely at his job. Falls hard but not easily. Stubborn. Down to earth. Awkward with his emotions & feelings. Weird humour. Sarcastic. Honest. Charming when he wants to be.
Fun Facts:
* a few smaller runs into with the law as a teenager
* prefers Whiskey over Beer & Wine
* loves dogs, old western movies & a good steak
* hasn't gone to the Bank's Christmas Party in years
* used to smoke
Growing up in various foster families who haven’t always been too kind to Arthur, and made him wary of new people and more than once he had to learn how easily trust and friendship can be broken. He can be a bit of a mystery for people who don’t know him too well. Those who work with him describe him as precise, calculating and almost ruthless. He never smiles as he deals with his co-workers, partners and clients. In private though, Arthur does smile and even crack a few jokes if he feels comfortable enough… he does have a weird humour though. He tends to be more introverted and has never been a fan of bigger crowds of people. Arthur prefers to observe, trying to get a better impression of something before approaching them. Showing his emotions is still not his strongest suit but he is loyal and caring when he genuinely trusts and likes someone. He can be a little awkward when he has to express his feelings and will often use gifts and gestures instead. Arguing with Arthur can sometimes feel like fighting a battle… stubborn to a fault and hardly admitting that he is wrong.

Arno Dorian
Name: Arno Dorian
FC: Benot Marechal
Age: 43
Job: CEO at Unity Enterprise
Traits: Charismatic. Sarcastic. Witty. Ambitious. Playful. Confident. Proud. Selfish. Cunning. Opportunistic. Calculated. Hedonist... enjoys the fine things in life. Discreet. Unapologetic. Resourceful. Manipulative. Doesn’t always play by the rules. Spoiled.
Fun Facts:
* Polyglot – speaks English, French, Italian & Spanish
* owns a vineyard in French
* usually goes jogging in the early morning
* allergic to shellfish & doesn’t drink any coffee
* doesn’t have the best relationship with his father
Arno was the first one in his family to break with tradition when he decided not to pursue a career in politics. Instead, he chose to study Business Management and now he runs a successful company specialised in Marketing. His charismatic and playful nature easily draws people to him and he did have his fair share of one-night-stands during his time at university. Over the years, Arno has gotten less will once he realised how important a good reputation can be…and how quickly it can be destroyed. Arno worked too hard and risked quite a lot to be where he is now in life and he will do anything not to lose it and he doesn’t shy away from using unethical methods if needed. He enjoys the finer things in life… art, music and wine to name a few. Arno likes to spoil himself and those that he cares about. Easily connects with people and he does enjoy a good conversation but the circle of people who truly know Arno is surprisingly small.

Solomon Reed
Name: Dr Solomon Reed
FC: Idris Elba
Age: 41
Job: Cardiothoracic surgery at Westbrook County
Traits: Level-headed. Intelligent. Well-educated… reads a lot. Mischievously mean, never past a point of good humour. Perfectionist. Analytical. Highly efficient. Result-oriented. Honest… unfiltered at times. Brooding… especially at bad workdays. Separates work from personal matters. Prideful.
Fun Facts:
* thinks that any kind of medical drama is trash
* impressive book collection… either related to Medicine or Crime
* can’t cook and even capable of burning water
* losing a patient still hits close
* has a sweet tooth & always carries candy with him
Solomon knew from a young age what he wanted to reach in life and while there were a few setbacks along the way giving up wasn’t an option for him and he kept pushing until he reached his goal. Perfectionist and he will always strive for more... not stopping once he has his mind set on something. Still feels slightly bitter that he wasn’t considered for the Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery but he knows better than to let a defeat have too much of an influence on him. At work, Solomon prefers to keep to himself and he always makes sure to separate work from anything related to his private matters. He has a rational outlook on life, he likes to do the best thing possible and normally balances this by taking small pleasures for himself. Solomon has a good heart... often joking that he hides it well behind a layer of sarcasm and dark humour. He can be broody and moody at times and in those moments, it is better to leave him to his thoughts. Solomon doesn’t always hold back on his opinion… borderline unfiltered at times but he believes sugarcoating might only make it worse.

Laura Kearny
Name: Laura Kearny
FC: Astrid Berges-Frisbey
Age: 38
Job: Gallerist
Traits: Adores art and history. Bookworm. Vain. Dramatic. Eloquent & well-spoken. Creative. Impatient. Quick-witted. Blunt. Likes to have control. Headstrong. Independent. Flirty. Ambitious. Impulsive. Charming. Open-minded & eager to explore
Fun Facts:
* likes to binge-watch random documentaries
* has no green thumb and even killed cacti
* would like to own a Monet one day
* wears High Heels most of the time
* absolutely adores Christmas & Easter
Art has always been Laura’s biggest passion… graduating with a degree in Art History and worked in different museums before accepting a position in a Gallery only three years ago. With her recent promotion, she has taken over more responsibility and she enjoys having more money to afford her rather luxurious lifestyle. Never been afraid to speak her mind or to point out mistakes by others… it had been too long since she last truly cared if her words might others or if she offended someone. Laura is more of an ‘act now and think later person’ which has gotten her into trouble a few times but nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a charming smile or a compliment... Laura often jokes that they are her best weapon. She likes to be in control over everything, likes having the last word in every argument, and admits that she did something wrong never happens... and she doesn't take too kindly to others pointing out what she did wrong. She likes to be the centre of attention and yet also knows when to take a step back and let others enjoy the spotlight for a few moments.

Sadie Adler
Name: Sadie Adler
FC: Rebecca Ferguson
Age: 37
Job: Owner of the Adler's Plaza
Traits: Organized to a fault. Smart and kind. Understanding. Low tolerance for lazy people. Reads people well. Hardworking. Loves her routines, she’s basically dependent on them. Not too talkative, but always pleasant company. She can as easily blend in, as she can stand out. Competitive. Quick-thinker. Dedicated to her own goals.
Fun Facts:
* loves to spend her holidays in a cabin in Vermont
* used to do horse riding in her youth
* loves a good spa day, baking, yoga & hiking
* drinks coffee like it is water
* swears like a sailor if she is stressed
Inheriting a hotel at the shy age of 24, Sadie was suddenly thrust into a role that she wasn’t prepared to take yet. Torn between responsibility and going her own path, she chose her freedom and decided to let her uncle run the hotel… a decision she would learn to regret later. Taking back what was meant for her wasn’t easy but Sadie put up a fight and now she has grown into her role and she works hard to make sure that the Adler’s Plaza stayed the top Hotel it always has been. Sadie has always set high standards for herself... she is aware of the privileges she had while growing up and she works hard to prove that she is more than a rich heiress. She does expect the same work morale from her employees and while she can be strict at most times, she can also be understanding of occurring personal situations. She is smart and observant and while she still doesn’t enjoy social gatherings she has learned to use them to her advantage… connections are almost everything these days.

Evie Frye
Name: Evie Frye
FC: Lea Seydoux
Age: 39
Job: Defence Counsel at Starrick and Roth
Traits: Serious. Focused. Hardworking. Has a hard time letting loose. Responsible. Overprotective of her family… especially her twin brother. Calm but can be very explosive when pushed too much. Organised & plans ahead. Intelligent. Awkward when approaching people. Romantic… but she hides it well. Perfectionist & Detail-oriented. Passionate.
Fun Facts:
* most of her wardrobe consists of dark clothes
* likes a glass of red wine & a good book
* a fan of old black & white movies
* has an impressive collection of speeding tickets
* listen to music when she is preparing for her cases
The decision to become a defence counsel was born the day she saw her brother’s lawyer struggling in court... Jacob got 6 months in youth prison and Evie had a new goal set on her mind. It was hard work but she never gave up and pushed till the end. Still close with her brother despite their different lifestyles and social circles and she knows that she can trust him blindly. Evie does love her job and she is aware that she tends to put it first sometimes but knowing that she is able to help innocent people does give her a good feeling. Social settings with people she doesn’t know make her feel nervous and awkward and she usually tries to avoid them as much as she can before embarrassing herself by stumbling over words or laughing nervously. Evie likes to believe herself to be in control of her emotions but if she gets pushed too much, she gets loud, and explosive and loses the last bit of her usual calm demeanour. She is a romantic in her heart… a side she rarely shows as she is afraid of getting hurt.

Claire Redfield
Name: Claire Redfield
FC: Holland Roden
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Bartender at the Wolf Den
Traits: Talkative. Smiles a lot. Messy. Trustworthy. Family Person. A bit naïve. Family Person. Sensitive. Works best under stress. Loves nature. Avoids confrontations. Sometimes takes things too personally. Lives too much by the rules. Easily worries. Helpful. Caring… maybe a bit too much.
Fun Facts:
* protective older brother
* randomly starts to sing & hum
* bites her nails when she is nervous
* owns a motorbike
* Vegetarian
Coming from one of the oldest families in Maplewood, it wasn’t much of a surprise that Claire never left. There never seemed to be any reason and she recently took over her family’s bar… originally meant to be her brother but he had left years ago. She does enjoy her job and loves listening to whatever stories or complaints her customers have though Claire always has been someone who loves to talk, and she often switches from one topic to another without even thinking about it. When she isn’t tending to the bar, she can either be found fixing her motorbike or somewhere in the forests surrounding Maplewood. She never cared much about personal boundaries… always at least one step too close to someone and she is known for her spontaneous hugs. She tends to be a bit naïve, refusing to accept that not everybody deserves a second chance… her friends always joke that she sees the world through her rose-tinted glasses. Claire is the first one to offer help or advice no matter if she knows the person or not, but her advice isn’t always the best and it wouldn’t be the first time she has made the situation worse.

Gary Sanderson
Name: Gary Sanderson
FC: Ryan Guzman
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Firefighter at Station 141
Traits: Fun-loving & friendly. Entertainer…loves the spotlight. Adrenaline junkie. Smartass at times. Kind at heart… has a soft spot for most people. Organised at work but messy at home. Fearless & selfless. Scared of being lonely. Jealous. Impulsive. Laid back. Handy… likes to tinker. Good company to keep.
Fun Facts:
* likes to go hiking, canoeing & mountain climbing
* loves action movies & comedies but can’t stand horror movies
* cooks & often tries new recipes
* used to hate his first name when he was younger
* sleeps in on his days off
Following his father’s footsteps was an easy decision for Gary… spending most of his childhood and youth at the Fire Station certainly helped. Not that he would have had a backup plan as he never even considered failing in the first place. Showman since birth, he always loved the spotlight... very much aware that he is handsome and acts accordingly. There is a certain charm to him, an attraction that seems to reel women into his path and he doesn’t always manage to avoid the temptation. Gary is still a good and honest man and would never cheat but he can easily get jealous though he will go to lengths to deny it. Quick to make decisions and hardly looks back at them as he believes life is too short to have any regrets. Spending time with Gary is hardly boring and he always seems to be on the move and yet now and then he stays in with a good movie. While he holds no grudges and would rather forgive and forget, if his trust is broken in someone there is no way of going back.

Nathan Drake
Name: Nathan Drake
FC: David Alexander Flinn
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Mechanic at D&F Repairs
Traits: Rebellious. Adventurous. Has his serious moments. Charming. Flirty. Selfless. Impulsive. Easy-going & Outgoing. Impatient. Grumpy… especially when he gets interrupted at work. Unreliable & forgetful. Hot-headed. Independent. Confident. Tries to ignore problems instead of fixing them. Sarcastic.
Fun Facts:
* he has a few tattoos
* loves old cars & motorcycles
* often spends his Friday nights at the Wolf’s Den
* regularly calls his sister who is now in College
* has a Husky German Shepherd mix called Roxie
Nathan always has been a rebel in his heart… skipping school or breaking rules just to name a few sins of his youth. With his easy-going smile and charming personality, he never had any problems finding friends and he would be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy being the centre of attention. As he grew older, his rebellious nature has grown quieter and he does appear more serious these days but his heart still longs for the one big adventure in his life. His plans to leave Maplewood died the day he lost his parents in an accident and his little sister moved in with him. He handled the situation like all his other problems… hoping that it would just disappear. When it didn’t, Nathan realised that he had to do something about it. He was never a very strict brother and he did allow his sister too much but they made it work. Nathan tends to act very impulsively and it wouldn’t be the first time that he has regretted one of his decisions moments later… yet he hasn’t learned from his mistakes yet.

Judy Alvarez
Name: Judy Alvarez
FC: Adria Arjona
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Reporter
Traits: Tech-savvy. Curious. Easily distracted. Daydreamer. Never on time. Helpful. Bubbly. Hopeless romantic. Clumsy. Spontaneous. Cheerful. Can’t stay serious... even if the situation calls for it. Mouth runs quicker than her brain sometimes.
Fun Facts:
* can function with 4 or 5 hours of sleep
* always makes notes for her articles
* loves spicy food, Tequila & all kind of sweets
* middle child… two younger brothers & one older sister
* doesn’t like it when people take pictures of her
Judy and her family moved to Maplewood when she was 13 years old and it wasn’t love at first sight for her. She hated the cold, the new house and that everyone seemed to know each other. She did warm up to the village over the years and while it will never compare to Mexico, she hadn’t thought of leaving. Working at the local newspaper is her big passion… it might not be as exciting as writing for a big newspaper but she doesn’t mind as she has more freedom for her articles. Judy always has been fascinated by technology... from tinkering around with computers to developing apps and she is the first one to offer her help with anything related to technology. She might not be the most observant person and she does spend too much time on her phone or in front of her computer. Easily distracted from her work or zooming out in the middle of a conversation and it isn’t unusual for her to try doing too many things at the same time and yet she still manages to get everything done within her deadline.

Simon Riley
Name: Simon Riley
FC: Oliver Stark
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Teacher
Traits: Playful. Energetic. Very optimistic. Kind-hearted. Expressive. Determined. Humble. Understanding but sometimes a bit judgmental. Talkative. Good-humoured. Loves to learn & experiment. Loud & Cheerful. Nosy. Tons of idle knowledge. Directed when the situation calls for it. Protective over his friends. Moody on his bad days. Forgives & forgets quickly. Not to be trusted with secrets.
Fun Facts:
* puts milk first than cereal
* can’t handle his liquor… turns into a touchy and giggling drunk
* sings in the shower
* would love to get a cat but his allergic
* has a scar on his left arm from a childhood accident
Growing up as the oldest of 5 siblings, Simon was to go-to babysitter once he was old enough… not that he particularly minded as he always loved his siblings even if they could be a handful sometimes. Originally, he had planned to join the local police force but after failing one of the exams, he decided to become a teacher instead. He loves his job – the good and the bad days – even dealing with annoying parents though he does occasionally judge them for thinking they know better than anyone else. Golden Retriever in human form as his friends and family often joke… smiling most of the time and full of energy, Simon always seems to be on the move. Easily gets along with everyone and knows more about other people than he tells them about himself. Simon loves to read random facts and will often randomly add them to normal conversation. He can be oblivious at times and often misses what is right in front of him… women could be flirting with him he still wouldn’t realise until someone points out what is happening.

Ada Wong
Name: Ada Wong
FC: Arden Cho
Age: depends on your age; between 35 and 39
Job: Vet
Traits: Keeps her problems to herself. Intelligent. Morning Person. Hesitant. Doesn’t ask for help. Forgetful. Avoids conflicts. Insecure at times. Procrastinator. Clumsy. Shy. Easily worried. Introverted. Silent. Calm & collected. Doesn’t stress easily. Hardworking. Awkward around new people. Hates talking about herself.
Fun Facts:
* has two cats
* started a bucket list as a joke & still got nothing done
* absolutely hates cleaning
* scared of heights
* spends her evenings with a hot chocolate and a good movie
For a long time, Ada didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life after graduating from High School. She tried a few jobs around Maplewood but nothing felt right to her and it wasn’t until that she left to finally make up her mind. She returned with a degree in Veterinary Medicine feeling happy about her decision… two years ago, Ada took over the local vet clinic. It has been more of a struggle than she would have liked it but she refuses to give up… and asking for help has never been easy for her. Sometimes she prefers the company of animals over other people… they don’t make her feel insecure and Ada often acts shy and awkward when she doesn’t know someone. She prefers to keep to herself, always has been more of a private person and while she has few friends she values each of them. She tends to worry too much… overthinks most of the time and will often think the worst if someone wants to speak with her. Ada doesn’t stress easily and she is used to waking up at odd hours and getting up early.
Additional Information
* The Big City your character lives in now can be anywhere.
Connections between my Paper People
Maplewood is a tight-knitted town, so people do know each other... some are closer with each other.
These are the connections that popped into mind that I think might be worth mentioning... but you don't need to add that into your story if you feel it doesn't fit with your ideas.
Gary and Simon are best friends since childhood and even briefly lived together after graduating High School. They are also friends with Nathan.
Judy knows most people around Maplewood due to her job. Close with Ada after often helping out with her computer system and with Claire who became her first friend after moving to town.
Nathan being a patron at the Wolf’s Den knows Claire though they aren't that close with each other. He also knows Ada from Roxie's regular check ups.
Last edited by schoggettchen (05/12/2024 at 08:32)