
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 02/12/2024 at 21:41

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633




Maplewood, a small town located in North Canada… our hometown though you left years ago. You might have thought now and then as you build up your career in the Big City. You might have wanted to visit but life always seemed to get in the way and the chances kept slipping by. You did still keep in touch with your family but the friends you have made all those years ago are nothing but a distant memory.

Christmas is just around the corner, and you are busy planning another holiday with your current partner when an unforeseen event forces you to return to Maplewood. Suddenly you find yourself thrown back into old memories and you come face to face with your High School Sweetheart.

And this is where your story picks off…

Welcome to my newest SW Contest!

The Rules:

• Casting round will last for 120 hours.

• Edit or non-edit

• Please be mindful of the personalities of the extras.

• It's a story-writing contest, so you need to have some story and interactions with extras in order to get impressions.

• You will be in your own bubble. So don’t be afraid to choose the same Extras.

• The Events might not be the same for all of you because I’m trying to match them to what happens in your story.

• If there is anything unclear, please ask. I will give you some freedom by creating a backstory of my Paper People but I’m here if you want to have pointers from me.

• The contest is supposed to be all about romance… a little drama if you wish. But the main idea is to have fun and write cutesy, soapy and sweet stories.

• Story Length:

Please Read!



Age: between 35 and 39



Personality/Traits: write it down however you feel comfortable with


High School Sweetheart: Choose one and please mention why you broke it off

Current Partner: Choose one and tell me how the two of you met

Note: You can be engaged to your new partner but not actually married yet.

Feel free to include any of the other characters as a friend in your story.

Reason why you left your hometown: 

Reason why you are returning to Maplewood:

Outfit:  Show me what your character usually wears

If you want, you can provide me with a snippet about the day your character found out that they would need to return to Maplewood.

Last edited by schoggettchen (07/12/2024 at 21:31)



#2 02/12/2024 at 21:42

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633



Arthur Morgan


Arno Dorian


Solomon Reed


Laura Kearny


Sadie Adler


Evie Frye



Claire Redfield


Gary Sanderson


Nathan Drake


Judy Alvarez


Simon Riley


Ada Wong

Additional Information

Last edited by schoggettchen (05/12/2024 at 08:32)



#3 03/12/2024 at 09:43

Posts: 548

Name: Georgia Robichaud

Age: 35

FC: Phoebe Tonkin

Job: Oenologist, currently between jobs.

Personality/Traits: Witty. Prideful. Heart-first, head-second. Hard-working. Independent. TBA, not sure, possibly going back once I shape her more.

Background: There's really not much to tell about Georgia. Eldest child of a very normal family doing very normal things. She grew up in a supportive household where the biggest concern was who's room could get cleaner, who stole whose shirts and occasionally overspending on books while the shelves in the house could no longer take them. Georgia's father is a high school principal, her mother owns Maplewood Tea House (which is, as the title says, a teahouse). Her sisters returned to Maplewood right after college. Eugenie runs her general practice and expecting her first child with her childhood sweetheart, Theo, and Louise is working at Maplewood Gazette while freelancing on the side as the coolest person ever. TBA, maybe?

Oh, well, there could be a fun moment that did not really influence her life, but it could be worth sharing. According to the first medical tests, all three girls were supposed to be boys, and all of their names were feminine versions of it. Eugenie, the middle sister, was supposed to be named after their maternal grandfather Eugene. Louise was supposed to be named after their paternal grandfather, Luis, and Georgie was called after her great-grandfather, George. Well, given they both share a love of wine, perhaps this is something worth mentioning.

High School Sweetheart: Nathan Drake, her first boyfriend and more or less first everything. They dated for so long that he was almost a permanent fixture in her household and a reason her father used to drive to the nearby town to get his car fixed. Nathan was everything she wanted and nothing she needed, but try telling a 16-year-old there is a whole world beyond the town borders, and that there is more to a boy than what meets the eye. She's not quite sure how it escalated from an irrelevant argument, hand dropped at a stupid party and pride keeping her from reaching out first when she could not put her finger on what she could have done wrong. Days turned to weeks and by the time summer rolled around and her scholarship came through, they were a thing of history.

Current Partner: Arno Dorian, they met at a label presentation party three years ago while she was still working in Loire Valley. It was her last year at the winery, she was about to make a jump towards champagnes, and sooner, rather than later, she made a jump towards her (so far) the longest relationship that was not working. Arno fits wonderfully into her world, understanding all the finer things she surrounds herself with and being work-oriented, he does not mind their Parisian apartment can often go unvisited by either of them - between his travelling and her having her own place at the Winery Petit & Bajan, it's not an uncommon occurrence they meet once per week. Those moments are still worth both their while, clearly.

Other connections: Laura is considered to be her very close friend, even if they met only three years ago when Laura was testing out brokering art and sold a few pieces to Arno. The two women clicked easily, finding common ground in many things and maintaining a close friendship despite insane schedules. Her other closest connection is Sadie, whom she met in college and the two have been inseparable for the entirety of the experience. Soon after, life took Sadie down some bumpy roads and while they were long-distance friends for a long time, now they are both in Paris it's gotten easier for them to pick up where they left off. The three women like to socialize whenever they have a chance.

Reason why you left your hometown: At the stupid age of 18, one easily concludes that running out of places would help. At the equally silly age of 35, you realize a scholarship cannot help you outrun yourself at all. 

Reason why you are returning to Maplewood: Georgia's been on other continents during most last Christmases, normally coming back around spring. Normally, it was okay. This year, there is a new niece that joined the party and given she is between jobs, it made sense she would visit home.

Outfit: Showing you what Georgia would wear around town.

More about her is coming.
Snippet is coming, I hope.

Last edited by Zaralee (07/12/2024 at 00:44)


#4 03/12/2024 at 13:17

Posts: 500


Name: Jules Bouchard
Age: 36
FC: Aurora Perrineau
Job: Sous chef at a very swanky michelin star restaurant in NY

Personality and background: Smooth-talker, charismatic, casual, eager, moody, can be the devoutest devout and the flakiest flake, ups the nonchalance with the need to hide insecurities and lacking self esteem.

High school dropout and all around no good who found passion and purpose in the culinary field after being put to work doing dishes at her uncle’s restaurant. The career has been a slow but steady and successful climb. As focused and dedicated she’s been about work as messy and laissez-faire she’s been about her personal life, people would say. It’s true, for the most of it she’s been an apartment hopping flirt with commitment issues – there might even have been a self-crowning as the perfect rebound sometime in her mid twenties – but it has made for a life with the most memorable experiences. And Jules is not one to regret anything.

High School Sweetheart: Claire Redfield. It started with tipsy couch-conversation during an obligatory-attendance-or-expect-social-disaster house party. At least it was when they started – the two of them – because for Jules the crush had crept up on her months prior. The back and forth centered on Red's buttfaced ex-boyfriend who had dumped her over the phone days before and who had just made a show of bringing another girl upstairs. And who really needed to be publically cussed out of the house, Jules said but Red refused. Instead, somehow, it had led to the most casual and innocent of suggestions from Jules that they could perhaps make out as a way to get back at him – to thrilling results. While Jules didn’t really expect more to come of it, it did. They grew close quickly and with Red’s intensely warm personality it was overwhelming and deep, in the best way but also in a panicky suffocating way. That it coincided with the parents’ ugly divorce (see more below) both egged it on and did not help at all. In the end Jules, like a coward, left town with her dad without saying goodbye or really breaking it off.

Current Partner: Evie Fyre. Their first meeting is the only black mark in an otherwise spotless record of Evie being the most offensive (to put it mildly) driver while being a danger to no one but herself, as she, to the sound of screeching tires, caught the tail end of Jules’ bike one morning. The only casualties were a trashed back wheel and liberated oranges roaming down the street. Jules had never liked the bike anyway and a bruised knee wasn’t too bad but Evie was deeply embarrassed by it all and offered a ride. Being one to always flirt a little and finding this woman, who by the looks and sound of it was way out of her league, getting more flustered as she did, Jules couldn’t not lean into it. Actually she found it incredibly attractive. At drop off Jules didn’t hesitate to ask Evie out. Much later Evie revealed that the only reason she agreed was because she felt too guilty to say no. But Jules pulled out a few more stops than usual to impress her, and it paid off. Then they were dating for a while until Jules had to get out of her apartment, temporarily moved into Evie’s, and then just never moved out. The months passed and the mood from Jules’ pov is that if they are continuing they should have talked about what this is, but it’s good, so why venture that by addressing it. Evie inviting herself along with the change of christmas plans might be a way of addressing it that Jules doesn't really know how to swallow yet.

Other connection: Nathan Blake. Fellow school skipper and they could definitely be found smoking behind the dumpster together, among other things, back in the day. The friendship has kept up with messages every once in a while, always with an invite that there would for sure be a sofa for him to sleep on should he want to come for a weekend of big city life. Not that it ever happened. Maybe friendships to some of the other locals too? Either the other boys or maybe Judy.  Idk how much I’ll have time for it but I’m leaving it open for possibility.

Reason why you left your hometown: Jules caught mommy kissing Santa  – not daddy – Claus at a christmas party, which turned into the grand breaking point of an already fracturing marriage. After the ensuing divorce Jules moved away with her dad and have refused to visit ever since. (This may also be the reason for Jules being a big Christmas grouch.

Reason why you are returning to Maplewood: Her sister have been bullying her to come back for christmas and give it a chance to make up with her mom, and for the first time Jules didn’t dismiss it outright and somehow ended up agreeing to go.

I have an idea for snippet in my head but I fear I'm obsessing too much on my knitting to find focus on writing and get it done in time for tonight.


Couldn't decide between a dressed down or dressed up casual, so you get both


Last edited by tricole (07/12/2024 at 18:47)


#5 03/12/2024 at 16:09

Posts: 1 848

Name: Mataji "Taj" Bennet

Age: 37

FC: Simone Ashley

Job: Former lawyer turned romance novelist

Personality/Traits: Book smart and curious but not always self-aware, she's prone to overextending herself for others even when she knows they wouldn't reciprocate if the tables were turned. While she has no problem with conveying emotion on the page she tends to hide her true feelings if she thinks they may cause trouble.

Background: The only child of a doting stay-at-home Hindu mother and largely absent English father who said "I love you" more with money than words she grew up well cared for but not spoiled and found it easy to collect acquaintances but harder to make what she felt like true friends. She's always been eager to learn both in and out of the classroom and usually plays by the rules but recent life events have made her question the wisdom of always coloring inside the lines.

High School Sweetheart: Nathan Drake; she loved him fiercely and perhaps a bit foolishly. The summer after their senior year she went to stay with her aunt in London before college started and while she called him, wrote him letters, and even sent him a plane ticket to come visit her the final week she'd be there he never responded.

Current Partner: Arthur Morgan; they met at the housewarming party of a mutual friend when she stepped out on the balcony for some air and found him already standing there. After a bit of banter that somehow turned into an hour of conversation that neither of them expected he invited her for coffee the next day and as of now the pair have been dating for 6 months.

Reason why you left your hometown: To attend college; initially she thought she would return afterwards but life kept pulling her in other directions.

Reason why you are returning to Maplewood:Her parents are gifting her her childhood home as her father is now retired and they're moving to a warmer climate. While she's free to sell the property her parents suggest that she use it as a summer home or writing retreat now that's she's changed careers and found a bit of success.


Last edited by Dare (04/12/2024 at 04:05)


#6 05/12/2024 at 18:53

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 7 223


I will do me you do you.

concider it done, will not make it in time for outfit&snippet

Last edited by NinaJones (07/12/2024 at 19:21)


#7 07/12/2024 at 22:46

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


I will open the contest tomorrow in the late afternoon/early evening.

A little heads-up from me... the rounds will be a week long with the approval of EmmyAna.

And here a little thank you from me.


Last edited by schoggettchen (07/12/2024 at 22:46)



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