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11 Fashionista Comments
Fove , - 30/03/2016 22:03 :

Oh my! I've just read your comment! (Somehow I wasn't informed through automatic message that I received one, so I'm really sorry for my late reply D:)
Anyway, thank you so, so much for your kind words! Your doll is absolutely marvelous and I'm still jelly of your make-up - it looks really impressive! 

pride-litlle-Ü , - 20/03/2016 15:26 :

Hey ! J'adore ton style ma belle :3 tu es trop canon!

Arrie , - 18/03/2016 19:10 :

Congratulations on the podium ! Very beautiful^^

elmleylovett , - 18/03/2016 14:56 :

congratulations on the podium! :)

Bouboucam , - 18/03/2016 13:39 :


Félicitations pour ton trophée!

Je suis heureuse de partager ce podium avec toi, ta tenue est sublime! *-*

sachmis , - 18/03/2016 04:45 :

congrats on the trophy

you had such a cool outfit !

Fashiongirl12343 , - 18/03/2016 00:51 :

pretty,congratulations on the podium 

Tris64 , - 16/03/2016 13:38 :

SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!<3<3<3

Lxrnw , - 11/03/2016 19:59 :

Ok , u just beautiful , i don't have better world *ç* I'm in love with your fashionista

Pancake , - 21/02/2016 16:37 :

Love your style ! xx

Zentura , - 21/02/2016 11:21 :
cool outfit and make up love the black and white palette :-)