Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)
Your doll and boyfriend are absolutely beautiful and fierce! <3
Thanks so much for signing our Guestbook! ♥ You made a fantastic post.
Ahaha I was just about to say how come just the mods are on here, but that's a pretty good number of players! Especially considering they're from MCL instead of SC. Wonder why British version came out before US when with MCL it was vice versa; interesting. c:
Oh, so Lauren's on here too? >w< Is she part of the administrators as well or just as a player?
Haha, I get you! Can't deny that was part of my reason too! Oh no! Yeah, I don't think I'm going to buy a pet (whenever I get the money to actually make the decision lol) either because of that. I like animals too much to see them even virtually die if I can help it. D:
That's a sweet reason to stay though, and you two look so cute together matching! <3
Yes, it's lovely seeing you here too! ^^
A pleasant surprise as I didn't realize anyone else from MCL played this game, even if it's a game of the same company.
What made you play?
Your outfit is amazing! I love it! Your fashionista's dog looks so cute in the pirate costume ^^
Then we shall spam your boardses, yes we shall.
You spam us too, spam us precious~
(If anyone saw the board conversations we have... ooer!)
Right, you guys have class, no? I don't start till September.