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Your Fashionista is so dark, I absolutely LOVE it! Your boyfriend is cool too! *^*
Have a nice weekend! 030

12 days of game, I now have 2 different dresses and some acessories to go with !!
And I have a brand new face ! And legs... (Weird place, a store where you buy legs ^_^)

Thank you so much for the comment~♥ It made me really happy.
It actually took me a while to make the outfit look like how I wanted it to, I'm glad someone noticed it.
I really like your outfit as well! We kind of match. :D

Very nice of you :) it's not easy to start. I have to make outfits with 57 clothing items. (sorry for my english)

Thanks :)
Sorry about the late reply, I apparently didn't get a notification for that comment you made. O_o
I really like yours too, what belt is that?

Haha, maybe I should. I must say, though, not many people have said they liked it before. So, thank you for that.

Oh, haha, thank you once again. My name is.. Very unique, to say the least. I'm not shocked you haven't heard it before, not many people have. I'm pretty sure my parents made it up or something. Haha.

You're more than welcome!
I hope it does look good, I like to take pride in those sort of things, hehe.

Oh, hi! Thank you ever so much for the kind words -I'm actually considering re-doing my profile write up.
Also, I am loving your style!