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46 Fashionista Comments - 20 friends

- 18/11/2018 20:40 :
Merci belle muse, je ne peux que te retourner le compliment ! ** Tu es somptueuse dans les deux version. ♥

- 9/03/2018 19:24 :
congratulations for your place in the podium !
awesome ! amazing !
wow , i like your doll so much ♥

- 2/03/2018 21:15 :
Sorry I'm late haha but thanks you for your sweet com ! Your doll is stunning *^*

- 13/09/2017 17:32 :
That's nice of you, thanks a lot! ;D
Yours is such a beauty as well, very unique and well-customized! ♥

- 8/09/2017 23:14 :
wow !!
you have an amazing fashionista !
I like your style !!
I hope you win a trophy!!!

- 30/08/2017 15:02 :
Thanks for your comment , dear ♥
I'm sorry I responded late (like almost a month XD) and thank you for passing by~