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6 Fashionista Comments
Thalia , - 3/07/2015 14:58 :

Fashion-Grazia , - 12/06/2015 11:21 :

Loving your outfit, so colorful ! mama, she's so pretty omg

Azsq , - 9/05/2015 12:06 :

Hi ! First, congrats for your trophee, you diserve it ! ^^


Your fashionista is pretty, I especially love her hair =p


Your gif made me laugh, it's bad, I know, but well.... =p

Shin7 , - 9/05/2015 02:03 :

Oh my!! I really do love your doll!!!!

Congratulation for your 2nd place on the podium and have a good week ^o^

I have good expectation about you after seeing your Wardrobe and pictures!!!

eufrozyma , - 5/04/2015 23:37 :

These feathered jacket suits you ✭ And the legs are awesome ♥ So talented, so talented  ♥ ♥

eufrozyma , - 30/03/2015 21:38 :

Wifey!  ♥ ♥