And the correct answer is Daniel!
POINTS - max 10
Fashion Chic - 6
Dare - 8
MissMelinda - 1
"I really hate talking to strangers on phone. It feels fear-inducing. I sometimes want to order pizza and then I text a friend to come over, just so I'd make them order it instead of me."
Guess who!
Luca, Lucile, Christoph, Jared
Forum-, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls
#51 04/12/2016 at 20:57
#52 04/12/2016 at 23:34
To me it would make the most sense if this was Lucile..?
#54 05/12/2016 at 18:40
#55 05/12/2016 at 20:35
I was just thinking the others would be confident on the phone. Jared should be because he's a social butterfly, Christoph because he's a doctor so should be used to dealing with people and Luca because he owns his own little food place. I guess people cna change though.
#56 05/12/2016 at 21:30
And Chris is correct!
Even if he is a doctor, he has a nurse take his calls and unless it's a regular patient of his. He can call people he knows, but strangers are a WHOLE other story
I based this on a real-life friend of mine, who really never answers the phone because of this phobia. It's absurd and rather aggravating when you're trying to reach her via other phones.
POINTS - max 10
Fashion Chic - 6
Dare - 9
MissMelinda - 1
When 10 is reached you can give your points to someone else!
"I'm a firm believer of not owing anyone anything. If I come to your shop - I'll pay the bill regardless if your blood or an old friend. Short reckonings make long friends, as they say."
Guess who!
Luca, Lucile, Jared
#57 06/12/2016 at 05:37
#58 06/12/2016 at 14:10
And Luca is correct!
Which means Dare has 10 points and from now on, when she guesses something she can give it out to other contestants :3
POINTS - max 10
Fashion Chic - 6
Dare - 10
MissMelinda - 1
Harle - 0
When 10 is reached you can give your points to someone else!
Person A
"People say my handwriting is ridiculously horrible. They just don't appreciate the borderline similarity between n, u, m and y. They get especially aggravated when I write words such as 'mummy' because it just looks like waves."
Person B
"I have a weird way of serving the ball in volleyball. Deal with it. As if you have no weird way of doing things." the person replies in defensive mode.
Guess who!
I need two correct ones and I'm opening the Reunion today, tomorrow or latest on Saturday :3
Lucile, Jared
#59 06/12/2016 at 15:05
Person A: Jared
Person B: Lucile
#60 08/12/2016 at 20:46
Guess I'll go A is Lucile and B is Jared then But I have a feeling Dare is right
#62 08/12/2016 at 23:23
Wow, that has surprised me! Jared then Lucile would have been my preferred guess
I'm so excited for the reunion
#63 09/01/2017 at 01:53
Just posted Round 2 of my latest and one of the replies got me thinking about how much work goes into these things. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to open up one of these contests, and to all of the participants who work so hard at creating stories.
#65 09/01/2017 at 15:53
Tonkolina wrote
Yep, and it's only the start You'll have loads of work
You are the one who has to read everything and react to everything, plus the organising part of trying to keep everyone happy
But, enjoy it! :3
And I am preparing another one, this time with some magic :3
Magic you say?!
When? Where? Right now? I vote for right now But will of course wait if I must because your contests are amways amazing.
#67 09/01/2017 at 18:50
Either? Both-ish? Yes, please.
And soonish will have to do
#68 09/01/2017 at 19:22
You guys are both amazing contest hosts, and I have to thank you for that!
I too was planning another story contest, this time something to do with spies (it's become a recent obsession of mine). But I'll wait until you've posted yours Tonks We should just have a rota
#69 09/01/2017 at 19:51
Fashion-Chic wrote
You guys are both amazing contest hosts, and I have to thank you for that!
I too was planning another story contest, this time something to do with spies (it's become a recent obsession of mine). But I'll wait until you've posted yours Tonks We should just have a rota
Spies?! Yes that too
Also I'd be totally okay with a rotation of some sort sine I think unlike the single round contests we already sort of do it anyway e.g. I waited a bit to see if Tonkolina was posting something else C.A. related before I posted my latest and now you're waiting to's like there's already this unwritten rule that acknowledges how labor intensive the story writing contests are for both the creators and participants so we don't step on each others toes.
#70 09/01/2017 at 20:58
I can manage these, even more of them, but the ones on "my/our" forum, these are a bit intense and sort of prioritised Luckily, nowadays they are a bit more relaxed so I can juggle more easily
But I love it so I'll deprive myself of sleep xD ahahahah
Edit: I decided what is next.
Link to external image
Last edited by Tonkolina (10/01/2017 at 00:18)
#71 10/01/2017 at 03:20
Tonkolina wrote
I can manage these, even more of them, but the ones on "my/our" forum, these are a bit intense and sort of prioritised Luckily, nowadays they are a bit more relaxed so I can juggle more easily
But I love it so I'll deprive myself of sleep xD ahahahah
Edit: I decided what is next.
I'm intrigued by what you're over there creating
#72 13/01/2017 at 23:48
Well.. I'm horrible and I'm prone to changing my mind So I'll ask you to help me out. You'll have two options for the next contest
A school of elements. Five of those to be more precise. Fire, water, air, earth and spirit. Something dark is approaching and you might have to chose sides. But then again, that's what makes it fun. No?
Not sure if you knew this, but I'm a sucker for family And hmm hmm, everyone who'll join can have the option to be a sibling or alike to some of my extra characters. :3 Twins, brother, cousin - your choice. You'd just send me a message so we can dicuss the details - we'lll find a face for them and their traits. :3
I hosted this one three times back on MB, but I never get tired of it, it seems.
or if you prefer Mutant Institute :3
A facility where they keep people known as mutants live in peace without the fear of being found, training how to deal with their powers. And some decide they should use it for greater good, while other might just want to lead what others think of as "normal" life. Ogf course you'll have to pick at one point.
As I said - that's what makes it fun!
Basically, it's like X-Men, only I don't want to use that plotline or those characters - I just want mutants - can you blame me?
#73 14/01/2017 at 15:30
Oh my gosh they both sound totally amazing I'm sorry, I can offer no assistance, they're both awesome and I'd happily partake in both
Why one do you feel you could write more about, and allows us contestants to get more creative?
#74 14/01/2017 at 15:49
Fashion-Chic wrote
Oh my gosh they both sound totally amazing I'm sorry, I can offer no assistance, they're both awesome and I'd happily partake in both
Why one do you feel you could write more about, and allows us contestants to get more creative?
I'd also consider which one would better fit into your schedule e.g. the first one sounds like it might involve a lot of PMs to deal with which may start to be an issue if you don't have a lot of down time.
#75 16/01/2017 at 03:08
I just stumbled upon this, and all of you are veterans at this point, and I'm just a newbie, but I'm so happy that you two are considering more MR contests. Unfortunately, Dare, I saw your contest a bit too late (when round 1 was already closed), but I'm really looking forward to participating in upcoming ones.
As for opinions, Tonkolina, I'm equally amazed by both but the first one sparks my imagination a bit more.