
Forum- LikeaFashionista.com, Fashion Game! Girls game and game for girls

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#1 10/04/2022 at 13:27

Posts: 549


Round I. Death of Achilies. June 1933.

Act I: The Party
The summer in the air has motivated most of the high society to leave London streets, if only for a moment, and while it might mean aimless dazy days for some, it might mean the beginning of celebrations for others. Lord Thelonious Wolf has sent out the invites to a party taking place at Winterbrook estate, the historic home of the Wolf family, that has been left to its own device (more or less) during the current times. More about it, here.

The owners and their guests are arriving, while most people are expected not earlier than 17. Lord Wolf has arrived a day early, while his wife, Lady Wolf, shows up early in the morning, accompanied by their trusted secretary, Noemi. Agatha, the woman of the hour, arrives alone. Gigi arrives with her guest, Miss Zella. Aurora arrives alone, and in a spanking new car. Selena and Arthur show up a bit later, alone. Around noon, Mr Knight arrives, accompanied by his fiancee, Mrs Owen. Vita shows up with a surprise guest: JJ Santos himself, a short time after what might have been an appropriate lunch hour. The guest of the party arrives around 16, Mr Etienne, and the reason for the celebration is starting to dawn on the people. The weather seems to sense the change, and clouds roll in slowly, hinting at a cold summer shower.

The Invite List wrote

Thelonious & Rebekah. Arthur & Selena. Agatha. Aurora. Gigi, who invited Zella. Vita, who ends up bringing JJ as a surprise, and Vincent as her plus one. Winny, who brings along Godfrey. Noemi. Etienne. 
Ulrich, who shows up later in the evening. 

Guests show up - invited or not - and by the time the affair can be considered a party, rain is pouring down like there is no tomorrow. The invite list is quite long for the party, and whilst these things often turn richer and grander than the host has intended, there is no doubt Thelonious wants this to remain a family matter if you ignore the uninvited guests and the help. 

Thelonious Wolf makes the announcement sometime around 19, shocking everyone in the room - because not everyone was made aware this is an engagement party, everyone will get more info on their own POV in their impressions - and there is nothing celebratory about the mood later, causing many to simply leave the party early. (You will be made aware of your whereabouts & some of the extras, too). While one might have considered it a failure, not everything seems to be lost: the setting becomes cosy, some reunions are in order and the family is seemingly relaxed again, perhaps in denial. Vincent and Etienne, uncomfortable by the whole ordeal, make their exit, Thelonious retreats to his library, and the rest is left to their own devices.

The rain continues. Godfrey, Winny, Selena and Arthur are in the salon, playing cards. Agatha is at the terrace of the salon, with Rebekah and Ulrich in the same room, joined by Aurora. Noemi is around the house, while JJ amuses Vita with some stories, enjoying a drink. Gigi enjoys a conversation with Zella, before she leaves the room around the same time on a sudden moment of inspiration, off to sketch.
Leave this part on a good note and in the room.

Act II: The Death
The ruckus coming from the library where Thelonious Wolf spent most of the day and most of the time after the failed announcement - everyone rushes there from wherever they might have been at the time. Noemi, returning to the salon, looks around, asking if Lord Wolf is back, and precedes to the library to see if all is well. As she cannot open the door, nor find her key, she returns to the room, worried. Rebekah and Arthur get up first, but since there is no reply from Thelonious, no key - the only thing is quite obvious.
Noemi is there, along with Arthur and Arthur smashes into the door - Thelonious is found on the ground, blood around him, and the window of the room open. People react, and Ulrich, who seems to be the most composed of them, gets hold of himself, rushing out to phone the police before escorting his sister out of the room.

Do you go towards the library at once, or only after the doors are opened and the screams are heard?

When the doors opened...
As Arthur smashes in through the door, the wind reveals the open window, thick curtains flowing outside wildly. In the dim-lit room, Thelonious is sitting in his chair in an unnatural pose, eyes open, staring into the ceiling. There are some papers on the desk in front of him, half of the burned cigar in the saucer in the middle of the desk, and a general mess on the ground in the room.

Act III: The Aftermath
You move - or you are moved by someone worried about you, spared the sight of a violent crime that took place there earlier - you are in the salon when the police arrive - and just before midnight, the Scotland Yard sends their men over. Detective Matthew Bancroft shows up. As Godfrey and Winny intend to leave, the police inform you all that no one is to leave the house.
While one might think a decent thing is in order and the detective will allow you to retreat to your privacy - you are cordially asked for questioning - and it consists of a few simple things Detective Bancroft will ask.
What's your name? What was your relationship with the deceased? Where were you at the time of the murder? Where were the others?
Order in which asked: Ulrich. Arthur. Godfrey. JJ. Zella. Vita. Noemi. Winny. Selena. Aurora. Gigi. Agatha. Rebekah.
After that, you are asked to go to your rooms, and it's lights out.

1. Form (name, interests - up to 3)
2. Story about all three Acts of the round. Please try to focus on those, and things that might be listed in your personal plot. Keep in mind deadline means the round is officially over.
3. Outfit (optional) for the engagement party.

Small note:
Some things will be added to your Notions.
Some things are not going to be disclosed because your character would not have access to the information.
I'm adding timeline here.

Rounds last for 144hrs. Please keep within these limits - what's posted outside will not be included.
The estimated timeline is:
Round 1 ends: Saturday, 16 April 2022, around 22:00.
Round 2 ends: Friday, 22 April 2022
Round 3 ends: Thursday, 28 April 2022
Round 4 ends: Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Round 5 ends: Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Last edited by Zaralee (15/04/2022 at 16:46)


#2 10/04/2022 at 13:28

Posts: 549

The Characters

Lord Thelonious Wolf
FC Pierce Brosnan
Age (DOB) 60, January 18, 1873.
Profession landowner, factory owner, mine owner, businessman
Connections Rebekah, wife. Arthur, Agatha, Augustine & Aurora, children. Winny, niece. Selena, daughter-in-law. Godfrey, solicitor. Ulrich & JJ, in-laws. Etienne, preferred son-in-law.
Traits Level-headed. Intelligent. Ruthless, especially in the most recent years. Observant. Powerful, exudes it. Authoritative. Loves to play mind games. Well-educated, reads a lot. Egocentric. Oftentimes cruel and uncaring.
Personality Thelonious has always been a man with gravitas. A true patriarch, intelligent leader, smart businessman - he played his part to the beat. People who have known him for a long time came to realize Thelonious’ heart started to slowly turn to stone after Atlas and, later, Victoria died - his family-oriented mindset shifted into “eyes on the prize”. While one might think he neglected his children, that was far from the truth. Thelonious is a man that will easily conceal his intentions, and at the same time lay them out perfectly if you know where to look. His cold façade usually crumbles down with his children: for better or worse? Depends on who you ask.

Arthur Wolf
FC Tom Beatman
Age (DOB) 28, May 15, 1905.
Profession rather than getting ready to inherit the family business, Arthur invested in opening a restaurant in the very heart of London
Connections Selena, wife. Thelonious, father. Agatha, Augustine & Aurora, sisters. Winny, cousin. JJ, father-in-law. Vita, friend.
Traits Confident. Lively, almost always on the go. Life of the party. Smart. Hot-headed. Reckless. Prideful. Arrogant. Charming (if he wishes to be). Judgmental. Quick-thinker, witty. Mischievously mean, never past a point of good humour. Keeps feelings bottled up, and can be emotionally closed off and immature.
Personality Altho it seems he talks a lot, and he can, Arthur keeps the majority of things to himself. He has that star quality about him: approachable, but not too approachable, seemingly invincible, can take a joke - and certainly can throw one back. Arthur is the eye-for-an-eye type, he knows what he wants and (most of the time) finds a way to get it. He’s quite athletic and keeps in good shape: golf, polo, rowing - you name it, Arthur has probably excelled in it. Most agree he is amazing at whatever he does, but the business might not be something that belongs to that list - the time will show if this is true.

Augustine Gigi Wolf
FC Lucy Boynton
Age (DOB) 26, June 3rd, 1907
Profession fashion designer
Connections Thelonious, father. Wolf family, her siblings. Winny, cousin. Vita,
Traits Naive. Vain. Happy-go-lucky. Dramatic. Eloquent. Creative, inspired. Hard-working, according to her own standards. Daydreamer, very imaginative. Loves the spotlight. Egocentric. Easily persuaded (to do mischief). Vindictive. A good judge of character when she is interested enough to actually look.
Personality Gigi imagines herself as the main character: young, rich, free, beautiful - simply amazing. She is the socialite of the London scene, always effortlessly chic and attractive. Gigi grasps the attention and doesn’t let it go easily, she loves to set the pace for events she attends and relationships she starts. She’s close to her siblings - loyalty means a lot to her. While she believes herself to be a hard-working, self-made woman, she is blissfully unaware of the privilege she grew up with and oftentimes disregards it.

Noemi Lombardi
FC Eleanor Tomlison
Age (DOB) 32, March 3rd, 1908
Profession secretary
Connections Thelonious, her employer. She’s on good terms with the rest of the family.
Traits Organized to a fault. Smart and kind. Understanding. Low tolerance for lazy people. Reads people well. Adores art and history. Bookworm. Hardworking. Loves her routines, she’s basically dependent on them. Not too talkative, but always pleasant company. She can as easily blend in, as she can stand out.
Personality It feels like Noemi has been a part of the family for a long time - she is always around, she has an apartment near Wolf apartment in London and seems to be an important part of every business meeting, correspondence and even decision Thelonious makes. Noemi is smart and observant, she knows when to act and when to back away, and most importantly she knows Thelonious’ routine by heart. He never fails to mention she is irreplaceable in his life, and she never fails to cleverly stay silent and accept the compliment as a fact. To some extent, this is the most everyone actually knows about her - Noemi is notoriously private.

Jose Juan Santos
FC Oscar Isaac
Age (DOB) 45, October 3, 1888.
Profession owner of a very successful oil company that turned him into a millionaire
Connections Selena, daughter. Wolf family, in-laws.
Traits Man of his word. Passionate. A good judge of character. Trusting, not naive. Charming, flirty. Hedonist (in every single area of life). Independent. Confident, sure of who he is. Romantic. Grows hot quickly, grows cold quickly. Expressive, seductive. Adventurous.
Personality The alluring magic of JJ - his LA-given nickname - has been known to travel across the border, transcend through languages, go above and beyond - and kinda fizzle out quickly. JJ has been very adamant about actually starting something meaningful romantically, and he is aware he could: business is well, his daughter seems happy, his time is spent between his house in Medellin and his LA home, and oftentimes tangled in the bedsheets with a gorgeous woman. JJ loves to travel, he enjoys exploring whatever is explored - and not explored - even going so far as to do expeditions to the Amazon rainforest and attending (and financing) some expeditions to Egypt.

Calix Onasis
FC Aidan Turner
Age (DOB) 40, July 24, 1893.
Profession former Colonel, now the owner of several diamond mines in Africa
Connections Thelonious, former business partner and friend. Rebekah, ex-fiancee.
Traits Short-tempered. Strategic and organized, most of the time. Very involved whenever he feels interested in something. Vengeful. Loves to believe he is logical and sensible, but he lets emotions get the best of him. Honest, aware of who he is. Caring, protective, masculine.
Personality To say Calix has been through it does not do it justice. He grew up having to prove himself, create his own path, and make his own destiny. He has the dedication and the brain, but his level-headedness has got him far in the war - and it broke him at the same time. The accolades and the money got him status before he turned 30, but it also left him with scars he is trying to hide. Calix has some rugged charm about him, combined with not being afraid to go after what he wants - it’s a very straightforward thing to him: find out what you want and don’t stop before you get it.

Godfrey M. Knight
FC Sam Clafin
Age (DOB) 40, December 16, 1893.
Profession solicitor at the Owen & Lee
Connections Winny, fiancee. Thelonious, client & friend. Wolf family, he’s on friendly terms with them.
Traits Ambitious. Intelligent. Warm. Organized, calculated. Notoriously private. Charming, well-spoken. Enjoys finer things in life, and adores art. Protective over his circle.
Personality To most, Godfrey might seem like every other solicitor: ambitious, intelligent, cold - and Godfrey might cover some of that, but he is certainly not fitting the role of the uninteresting lawyer. He has a quality about him that allows him to be able to fit into every conversation or place, and actually feel like he is the perfect fit for it - and Godfrey plays the centre stage like he’s at home. He is showy and very toned down at the same time: you can easily tell he likes the lavish life, but the fact he came into wealth recently is a faint whisper compared to the new money people. He’s the type of man that commands attention without trying to do that.

Ulrich Meier
FC James Norton
Age (DOB) 32, September 17, 1901
Profession art collector and private buyer
Connections Rebekah, sister. Wolf family, his in-laws.
Traits Intelligent. Witty, charming. Well-travelled, knows to find his way. Resourceful. Enjoys a luxurious life, and rarely settles for mediocrity. Great company, entertaining. Vivacious. Talkative. Flirty.
Personality Ulrich is a man who learned early in life that only work can result in getting what you wanted: altho he is very driven and has a mindset of a true investor, he usually keeps it to himself. He’s private, marches to the beat of his own drum and is not afraid to leave what no longer serves him: things, places, people alike. Ulrich has been married twice before - his first wife died of flu, while his second wife went missing while sailing only 2 years ago into their marriage. Ulrich is now a wealthy man, but threading his life just a little bit more carefully, at least in his own words.

Vincent Ames
FC Tom Austen
Age (DOB) 30, August 26,1903
Profession businessman, investor
Connections Vita, acquaintance.
Traits Mysterious. Silent. Brooding. Observant. Intelligent. Does everything with intent. Confident, well-spoken. Polyglot. Somewhat of a loner.
Personality There is very little known about Vincent Ames, the handsome new stranger taking residence at the Hazelmoor cottage across the lake from Winterbrook. He’s tall, a pretty sight, he likes to take his coffee in the morning and in the evening alike, he swims quite well and apparently enjoys just spending time reading. He wasn’t seen entertaining anyone, while he’s an occasional guest at the Hazelmoor house for luncheons and dinners, you’ll most likely miss him should you only attend the party afterwards. Some say he’s from South America, though his looks and his accent speak a different story, paining him a very European indeed.

Etienne Archambeau
FC Birkan Sokullu
Age (DOB) 30, March 29, 1903
Profession businessman, heir to the automobile company
Connections Thelonious, potential business partner, and family.
Traits Hardworking. Smart. Strategic. Visionary. Humble. Well-spoken, well-educated. Keeps his mind to himself, most of the time. Moody. Charming. Honest to a fault when he feels comfortable. Feels equally comfortable at a formal dinner and a dim-lit bistro. Doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty.
Personality Etienne is a son of a wealthy French businessman and a Turkish immigrant who came to France at a very young age and faced the closed off French society once she married above her rank. That same stubborn spirit and the desire to pave one’s own path is part of Etienne now. He’s very business savvy and absolutely intrigued by anything new: ideas, patents, new inventions. Etienne believes respect is to be earned - and the rule goes both ways. Newcomer to the London scene, Etienne is a mystery of the most intriguing kind: charming to some, very aloof to others, people have seen him bring smiles to the most high-brow folk, and rumours have it he was also seen throwing drinks at establishments where one might not be wished to be seen. What becomes of Etienne is yet to be seen.

Matthew Bancroft
FC Assaad Bouab
Age (DOB) 40, June 3, 1905
Profession detective
Connections none, so far.
Traits Intelligent, well-spoken. Thinks outside the box. Easily obsessed. Loves to be the smartest person in the room. Amazing poker face. Workaholic, addicted to his job. Very determined. Charismatic. Seductive, altho not as openly (especially while working). Deep fear of commitment. Confrontational. Direct. No-nonsense attitude.
Personality Matthew is one of the youngest detectives in Scotland Yard, who got his five minutes of fame after working on a very famous case related to the royal family. At the time, the young detective made a name for himself and got a good reputation, until things took a turn for the ugly and Matthew was accused of an inappropriate affair with a lady. He took a leave of absence until things boiled over and began silently working again: his talent was not to be wasted. While one might encounter a lot of gossip about him, one thing that always sneaks into the conversation is his incorrigible behaviour and seductive ways with those involved in the crimes he is paid to solve.

Last edited by Zaralee (10/04/2022 at 16:54)


#3 10/04/2022 at 13:29

Posts: 549

Note: impressions will also pop up at your Notion links, but as an extended version.







Last edited by Zaralee (12/04/2022 at 09:10)


#4 10/04/2022 at 14:05

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 633


The Widow: Lady Rebekah Wolf (nee. Meier)



Last edited by schoggettchen (11/04/2022 at 18:23)



#5 10/04/2022 at 14:34

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


Rappers Delight/Chandeliar Mash Up; Big Band Cover

Form - DONE

Story - DONE



Last edited by BambiFoxx (14/04/2022 at 21:15)



#6 10/04/2022 at 18:51

Posts: 143


Zella, The Medium

Interests: Vincent | Gigi | Arthur


Engagement Party



ACT III - Not written in time.

Round Status:

Round 1: Done.

Last edited by MistyMisty (23/04/2022 at 19:00)


#7 10/04/2022 at 18:59

Posts: 105


Name: Winny Owen

Age: 24

Personality:  Bubbly. Talkative. Optimistic. Affectionate. Petty. Jealous. Childish. Airheaded. Insecure.

Interests: Vincent(RI), Gigi (FI), Godfrey(?)


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.

Outfit: Party

Status: Done

Last edited by MissKiki (16/04/2022 at 12:41)


#8 10/04/2022 at 20:14

Posts: 500


Agatha Wolf, the Doctor


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.


Last edited by tricole (16/04/2022 at 21:28)


#9 11/04/2022 at 14:40

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Aurora Wolf, the Tomboy

Party Outfit

i. a party is announced

ii. trouble a-brewing

iii. before the fact

iv. a night of errors

v. the body in the library

vi. comes a stranger


Last edited by Jadis (17/04/2022 at 18:52)



#10 16/04/2022 at 21:39

Posts: 549

Happy Easter everyone celebrating!

Given the holiday, I will postpone the round for a few hours (to be opened at 6 AM tomorrow morning).

Hope this helps.


#11 17/04/2022 at 11:10

Posts: 549

Round 2: After the Funeral

Act I: The Last Resting Place of Lord Wolf
One week later, things are not really looking up, but there is not much that can be done other than wait. And then, the funeral takes place.
Thelonious asked to be buried at the traditional resting place of the Wolf family, which is at the Winterbrook estate, the Wolf family tomb, a lavish mausoleum on the outskirts of the property near the forest. People gather for the funeral - the family, and a great number of other people - business partners, friends, family - and while the majority might miss out on the main in a sand-coloured trench, you will not be able to miss out on Detective Bancroft standing there, too.

Attending the funeral: everyone.
Attending the reception: everyone, with notes:
x Calix will stick around very shortly, conversing with Agatha
x Vincent will extend his condolences and go back to his cottage

Noemi made all the plans and arrangements for lunch and some reception to take place after the funeral, and most of the extras will be there to some extent. A few hours later, people start to leave, and detective Bancroft will address the family announcing that the investigation reach a very clear conclusion: the killer could not have been someone unknown - taking into consideration the size of the estate, and the fact there was no one seen leaving after Thelonious was found, it couldn’t have been someone unknown.

He’ll hit to some things that have been found, some reported missing in the days after the crime. He’ll ask them not to leave the country, as he is to pay them a visit in the following days pending further investigation.

Act II: The Questions and the Missing Answers
Act II takes place in London and at the Hazelmoor Estate (including the cottages), over the course of three days.

During the first day, Bancroft will visit Etienne, Calix and Vincent, as well as Vita St.Clair, who are all still residing at the Hazelmoor for the summer. After almost leaving without speaking to him, Bancroft will talk to JJ encountering him on his return from London.

During the following two days, the detective will be in London.
Rebekah will answer some questions on her own since she did not find enough strength to do it last time. Arthur and Selena will be brought in together, to the station. Agatha, Aurora and Gigi will be asked to step in later that same day, but questioned separately.
Noemi is asked to come in on the morning of the third day, same as Winny, Godfrey, Zella, and Ulrich.
More, as per usual, in Notion.

Act III: The Last Will & Testament
Another week later, the reading of the last will and testament takes place at the Winterbrook house. Instead of returning to the library, the Noemi will suggest taking the reading (as there is only family present) to the smaller library on the other side of the house, leaving it there one day prior so she can unlock the room and clean it up since it hasn’t been used in months.

The family arrives early that morning, and Godfrey is asked to read the will.

Things go quite well, or they appear to be: Rebekah is left in charge of the London flat as well as some buildings (which will bring enough money for a comfy living), Noemi is to be kept in the service of the family until she decides to leave (which will bring her a hefty settlement), three daughters will remain under the protection of their stepmother and brother, who is to inherit the title, the Winterbrook and the remaining businesses. Winny, his favourite niece, is left with the deed of the old family diamond mine.

Things will seem quite well until Godfrey reaches the end, confused. He’ll read things once over, concluding, in the end, that this cannot be true: what he just read does not seem like the last document Thelonious left for them. He believes the will he just read is an old one, and there is a new one somewhere in the library.

1. Name, Interests.
2. Outfit for the will reading (optional).
3. Story.

Last edited by Zaralee (17/04/2022 at 11:13)


#12 17/04/2022 at 11:13

Posts: 549

Starting from this moment on, what's not posted does not go here.

Note: impressions will also pop up at your Notion links, but as an extended version.












Last edited by Zaralee (22/04/2022 at 18:30)


#13 17/04/2022 at 11:28

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME Mad World; Swing Cover

Form - DONE




Last edited by BambiFoxx (23/04/2022 at 05:48)



#14 17/04/2022 at 11:48

Posts: 500


Agatha Wolf, the Doctor


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.


Last edited by tricole (23/04/2022 at 21:29)


#15 17/04/2022 at 19:27

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Aurora Wolf, the Tomboy

Outfit for the Will Reading

i. in whose dim shadow

ii. he who whispers

iii. the doubleturn

iv. answer in the negative

(Yes, I skipped Act III of Round 2. I think there'll be enough chaos in Round 3 to make up for it.)

Last edited by Jadis (24/04/2022 at 15:15)



#16 19/04/2022 at 17:31

Posts: 105

Name: Winny Owen

Age: 24

Personality:  Bubbly. Talkative. Optimistic. Affectionate. Petty. Jealous. Childish. Airheaded. Insecure.

Background information: Only heiress to the Owen fortune. Father deceased (5 years prior). Beloved niece to Thelonious. Fiancé to Godfrey.

Interests: Ulrich, Godfrey, Gigi


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.

Outfit: Will Reading

Status: DONE!

Last edited by MissKiki (23/04/2022 at 21:09)


#17 21/04/2022 at 00:47

Posts: 143


Zella, The Medium

Interests: Vincent | Gigi | Matthew


Visiting Vincent, at the time of the will reading

Act I

Act II


Round Status:

Round 1: Done  |  Round 2: Done

Last edited by MistyMisty (24/04/2022 at 01:02)


#18 21/04/2022 at 07:38

Posts: 549

Announcement time!
I will extend this round until Saturday since I am travelling (crossing a border towards a non-EU state is fun during COVID). So, I am aiming to close on Saturday during the day I spend in transit /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Closing around 23:00 forum time

Last edited by Zaralee (22/04/2022 at 23:36)


#19 23/04/2022 at 23:06

Posts: 549

Round II is closed.
Please, when you see Round III is up, skip whatever might be left in your R2 & start with Round III. Nothing posted past that point is part of the canon / would not have happened.
Posting the outline within 30 min).



#20 24/04/2022 at 07:51

Posts: 549

Round III: A Name In Blood

Act I: The Fashion Show
Act I takes place over the course of five days, most of them personalized for you. The fashion show takes place on the fifth day.
15 days after the last round, an invite arrives at your doors: Miss Gigi Wolf plans to host a fashion show. While the majority of the invited people seem to be enthusiastic about the latest collection of dresses made by Miss Wolf, at the beginning of the show you can already tell this will not be your usual Gigi Wolf. The collection, simply called The Wolf, is happening at One Great George Street venue in London.

Firstly, the room is covered in very monochromatic decoration - black & white, with very few silver tones peeking through. While Gigi usually manages to scoop the best band for the show (or rather decide which band is the next great one), there’s a quartette of players sitting in the middle of the room. Once the lights are dimmed, the show begins, and the clear inspiration for the show is hard not to notice. Both male and female models walkout in suits of every colour, all very fashionable, and without a spark to their walk, cigars in their hands, matching their stride to the dramatic music playing. The pace is somewhat quicker than usual, the show won’t last too much, and at one point, the music stops and the models all face the entrance to the runway - Gigi comes out in a long gown, accepting her applause and ovations with a smile on her face. The event continues, turning not into a party, but rather mimicking a more intimate event with more than enough people there to fill the rooms.

Act II: The Seance
A week later, the entire family seemed to have gotten the same idea: heading back to the Winterbrook palace, all for different reasons and purposes, but they have all gathered there unintentionally.

When I say all, I actually mean Rebekah, Ulrich, Agatha, Arthur, Selena, Gigi, Aurora, Winny, Noemi and Vita.

On the first evening, Friday, Gigi suggests a rather interesting (perhaps insulting) proposition: she has invited Zella Lehr back to the house with a very clear thought. Zella is to hold a seance tomorrow evening, and everyone is invited.

On Saturday evening, the seance is hosted for those who wish to join in (will add shortly), and by the time it’s done, most of you will either head back to their rooms, rattled, uneasy and perhaps a little bit frightened.

Seance, courtesy of Miss Zella

Sunday morning breakfast is a tense affair, as the happenings of the night before have not settled down just yet. Before you either head back to London or just finish with the meal, Rebekah will ask you to stay there for a moment longer, as she has a few things to announce that might be relevant to the entire family.

UPDATE: Rebekah announces she is departing for a while, leaving for Germany. And, at the same time, she lets Noemi announce she is also leaving - getting married, that is.

1. Name. Interests. Attendance of the seance.
2. Outfit (optional) for the fashion show or the seance if you are attending.
3. Story.

Last edited by Zaralee (27/04/2022 at 13:51)


#21 24/04/2022 at 07:53

Posts: 549






Last edited by Zaralee (27/04/2022 at 12:45)


#22 24/04/2022 at 09:11

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME Wrecking Ball; Jazz Cover

CHAPTER THEME (since one round has been elimiated) Good As Hell; Swing Cover

Form - DONE

INTERESTS: Arthur | JJ | Matthew

ACT ONE - DONEish (day 4-Matthew needs work)


R1-DONE | R2-DONE | R3-DONEish

Last edited by BambiFoxx (02/05/2022 at 10:15)



#23 24/04/2022 at 21:44

Posts: 143


Zella, The Medium

Interests: Vincent | Gigi | Matthew


Fashion Show           |           Séance

Act I - TBA

Act II - TBA


Round Status:

Round 1: Done  |  Round 2: Done

Round 3: In Progress

Last edited by MistyMisty (24/04/2022 at 21:46)


#24 24/04/2022 at 22:23

Posts: 500


Agatha Wolf, the Doctor


Act I.


Last edited by tricole (01/05/2022 at 22:47)


#25 25/04/2022 at 19:21

Posts: 105

Name: Winny Owen

Age: 24

Personality:  Bubbly. Talkative. Optimistic. Affectionate. Petty. Jealous. Childish. Airheaded. Insecure.

Interests: Ulrich, Godfrey, Gigi


Act I.

Outfit: Fashion Show https://i.imgur.com/XgKuduC.png

Status: In Progress

Last edited by MissKiki (30/04/2022 at 19:25)


Topic closed

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