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#26 26/04/2022 at 10:27

Posts: 549

Hi girls, let me apologize once again. I spent the last 48 hrs with a horrible stomach bug, unable to do much. Salt to the wound was the fact we were all at an Easter celebration & I just looked at photos fam sent haha

In any case, I do apologize, I will get back to everything tonight (doing blood work today, just in case).

Thank you for understanding!



#27 26/04/2022 at 16:35

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Aurora Wolf, the Tomboy

Fashion Show

i. to love and be wise

iii. the hollow man

To be continued

Last edited by Jadis (02/05/2022 at 16:00)



#28 27/04/2022 at 12:49

Posts: 549

Hi! I apologize for the delay, I feel significantly better and have updated impressions. Notions are on the way.

Okay, let's add a tiny twist to this as my apology. Please deliver up to two questions for the interests of your choice.
So, everyone gets 2 questions to ask about their interests that they will have to answer.

Please, keep in mind that the question is not long af, with three additional things asked. Also, keep in mind the question is something your character would ask in a conversation with said person. And, finally, keep in mind they might not be truthful in answering, of course (but I imagine most will be) /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/wink.png

(ex. why did you have stains on your white shirt last night? what was the best meal you've had? how many times did you skip school?)

Update II: can you share who you think might be the killer in DM or WApp or wherever we chat? I am curious /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png

Update III: EA approved an extension - the round closes on Saturday night!

Last edited by Zaralee (27/04/2022 at 20:48)


#29 02/05/2022 at 07:18

Posts: 549

Round 3 closed! The final round, Round 4 coming up in a few hours!

Last edited by Zaralee (02/05/2022 at 07:18)


#30 03/05/2022 at 08:39

Posts: 549

To wrap this up, I'm announcing this will be the last round.

Round 4: Original Sin

Act I: The Seance for the Living & the Dead
The seance takes place after the dark descends, and as a very convenient coincidence, a storm is brewing. Zella will gather the ones attending in the room, and set them down in a precise pattern. Zella sits at the table, facing north, and from that point on, going clockwise: Arthur, Selena, Godfrey, Aurora, Noemi, JJ, Gigi, Winny, Ulrich, Rebekah.

Things start off easily: candles flickering, Zella circling candles above the ouija board before she commences with the questions. The ghost seems to direct the wooden board towards very clear answers, including the fact it is not Thelonious.

She will ask if the ghost has been in the Winterbrook for a long time, and it will confirm. The ghost will spell out the library when Zella asks about the hidden will. She’ll ask if the ghost is aware of the secret affairs happening around in the family, and the answer will also be quite clear, but there will not be any indicative clue on who they are pointing towards. The ghosts will answer some questions, implying about the dirty history of the family, lies and deception inside the family, and at one moment the power is cut short, the answers stop, when Zella asks the spirit that joined the key question: and the spirit confirms to be Thelonious. The spirit says they know who killed them, and the seance is cut short when Zella asks if the person is in this very room. Before they get the chance to say something, there’s a loud crash in the other room, the light goes on again - just in time to notice everyone is either unimpressed or terrified. Ulrich will get up, stopping the continuation of the seance, suggesting they all get a drink instead, to settle down. The rest of the party goes to bed or stays behind for a conversation.

The following morning, you're woken up by loud, relentless knocking on the door to Rebekah’s room, and Ulrich is trying to get in. By the time you all get inside, you realize Rebekah is dead. Detective Bancroft is back at the house within one hour but seems to believe she died of a cardiac arrest due to intense emotional pain.

Act II: Secrets, Love & Money
A few days after Rebekah’s been buried, detective Bancroft decides it’s the right time to do another round of questioning. His presence will not be announced, rather he will choose to appear by surprise - some will be alone, some will be in the company they might not want to keep at the time, and it will surely set the tone for the moment. (Find more in Notion, of course).

He finds Winny and Ulrich first, sitting in the drawing-room. Selena will be with Arthur, on the balcony behind the drawing-room. He’ll find Gigi sitting down with Zella in the small studio room, while JJ and Noemi will be in the kitchen, as she goes over some lists, concluding the day. Matthew will find Aurora and Godfrey outside, as she tinkers around one of the cars, talking. Agatha will be in the classroom, talking to Calix. The last conversation that will happen is when Bancroft makes his way across the lake to visit Etienne and Vincent.

Act III: The Wolf of the Winterbrook
Another few days pass, and while everyone is picking up where they left off or trying to do so, Bancroft seems to be running around town doing what he was supposed to be doing. At one point, you’ll get information - from someone, which will be detailed in your Notion - that an arrest is about to be made and the police are on their way.
UPDATE: you are all still at the Winterbrook.

1. Name, Interests.
2. Outfit for the day police is about to make the arrest.
3. Story.
4. Please write who you think the killer is before the reveal.


Last edited by Zaralee (04/05/2022 at 11:15)


#31 03/05/2022 at 08:44

Posts: 549

Impressions go here, in a few moments.

Selena: DONE

Agatha: DONE

Winny: DONE

Aurora: DONE

Zella: DONE

Last edited by Zaralee (03/05/2022 at 11:29)


#32 03/05/2022 at 09:37

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


CHAPTER THEME What Is Love; Jazz Cover

CHAPTER THEME Wake Me Up; Mariachi Style Cover

Form - DONE

INTERESTS: Arthur | JJ | Matthew


LOOK - Post Funeral


Last edited by BambiFoxx (07/05/2022 at 19:20)



#33 03/05/2022 at 13:11

Posts: 549

UPDATE: please send me your suspect(s) privately!


#34 04/05/2022 at 08:28

Posts: 500


Agatha Wolf, the Doctor


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.


Last edited by tricole (08/05/2022 at 08:36)


#35 06/05/2022 at 18:25

Posts: 105


Name: Winny Owen

Age: 24

Personality:  Bubbly. Talkative. Optimistic. Affectionate. Petty. Jealous. Childish. Airheaded. Insecure.

Interests: Ulrich, Gigi, Godfrey


Act I.

Act II.

Act III.

Outfits:               Séance                          |                  Waiting for Police

https://i.imgur.com/gMeGDnU.png https://i.imgur.com/MyheHVJ.png

Status: Rushed But DONE

Last edited by MissKiki (08/05/2022 at 20:52)


#36 08/05/2022 at 16:38

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Aurora Wolf, the Tomboy

Police Arrival

i. she died a lady

ii. they rang up the police

iii. like a guilty thing


Last edited by Jadis (08/05/2022 at 16:39)



#37 08/05/2022 at 23:40

Posts: 549

Okay! We've reached the end of the road, you guys, and despite some hiccups on my end, I had the best time and hope you did too!

Let me begin with the aftermath of Act III. I recommend you to read Aurora's story for the round, to see the version of the fugitive.

Act III: the conclusion

How did they do it? ...and some more.

Then, we go into some secrets that stayed hidden & Questions that were left unanswered.

The Unspoken Family History of the Wolfs

Missed (& guessed) clues, I guess?

And, Epilogue recap on my people, according to what you wrote in your Round 4, of course /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png


To conclude, once again, I really loved each and every one of the stories - thank you for sticking till the end, and hopefully post those banners.

But firstly, let me just repeat myself and tell you how much I enjoyed this contest! Thank you for your amazing stories, and how you brought to life these characters with so much spark and ambition!
I've learned some lessons when it comes to hosting such a contest, and honestly hope to host another (Bancroft) mystery soon!

Last edited by Zaralee (09/05/2022 at 11:08)


#38 09/05/2022 at 17:07

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

Thank you Zara for hosting again. It has been a really long time since I've been able to really dig into a role in this story forum and I really found myself enjoying Selena (despite all the ups and downs lol).

I had such suspicions of Godfrey but in the end second guessed everything. I'm impressed with how much time & effort you must have spent on all the background information and wished there had been more time to actually explore more of those details.

I'll be waiting to see what you come up with next.



#39 10/05/2022 at 15:32

Posts: 105

Thank you for this amazing contest! I had a lot fun digging for clues and discussing suspects. I love the plot twist as I absolutely did not expect Aurora and Godfrey to be involved or be the actual murderers.

Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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