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5 Fashionista Comments - 143 friends
nagyvau , - 24/11/2016 23:16 :

Creative outfit and makeup! :3

Dragonfly , - 27/08/2014 20:12 :

That's basically the same reason I switched over.

It's tough dealing with omni's, or any people that base their food choices on what tastes good to them and what they are used to eating with no regard to ethics. When I had to tell my husbands family, I don't think they took it well. His dad still can't figure out how I cook without butter. I mean for starter's I never cooked food with butter, andhe is offended at the thought of using olive oil. But eats Italian all the time.

I just tell myself my convictions and sparing animals are more important than other people's opinions, and taste buds. If need be I'll tell that to people too!

EmmyAna , - 27/08/2014 01:04 :

After reading your post, I thought I'd stop by and check out your fashionista. She's great! ♥

Dragonfly , - 20/08/2014 21:07 :

I had no idea I got a comment!


I became a vegetarian  when I was 13, which was 21 years ago. I went vegan 5 or 6 years ago, so vegetarian for 25/26 years and vegan for 5/6 years. I finally stopped being delusional about eggs and dairy.


Howlong have you been vegan? Is it hard where you live?

Dragonfly , - 11/08/2014 23:04 :

Hi! I am vegan too!