Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)

Yeah, shows that overstay their welcome are the worst. And I know what you mean, that's why I reread books or rewatch moveis very rarely. Also I hate spoilers so much but I always end up seeing some with GoT.

Oh I really hope it won't be the last one! I still haven't read the books but I doubt it'll be as good as the show for me, I keep forgetting the names of so many charecters even now, and without their faces I'll be compleatly lost haha

Thank you! Yesterday I read that the next season will be just 7 episodes and will start later than usual :(

I am on OMD, too. (Sorry for late response; don't check my comments often... Or ever, apparently...)

Thank you so much for your message,beautiful lady!*_*
I'm glad you like my outfits!<3

Thank you very much for your comment, it's very nice of you.
Good luck and good play.

Yay! I'm so happy you're using one of my avatars. I'm always happy to share :) Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you, yes, she is somewhat Jem inspired, plus it was my birthday yesterday, so I thought I'd dress her for the occasion.
I hope you have a great day! ♥

I understand now. I could imagine how hot of a summer you had down there. I'd probably be hoping for it to cool off as well.
Yeah, I just couldn't get into that game. At first, I tried but it just wasn't interactive enough for me. But the clothes were lovely.

It's kind of refreshing to replay the game in a way. :)
You're ready for winter? Omg, that slightly outraged me. hahaha. That because I'm clinging to last bits of summer I have left. I feel like last winter was really long, but this summer was way too short. People started posting on facebook about their butternut squash soups and hot apple cider. I'm like NO! I refuse to welcome Autumn in until mid September, hahaha. I'm being stubborn this year.
But yeah, we've been down in Austin for a few months. I just came home last week, and my bf comes home this weekend. We were down for his job... he was working on a project. So we decided to move sometime before December. He's still working out the job situation... we have to wait to see if he gets this promotion or if he'll have to just transfer his position down there.
Do you still play that other game? I can't even remember what it's called. You know what I'm talking a