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Oh this sucks!
imo the "new" clothes look horrible, at least I'm not tempted to spend more FD.

I think it must be the first time I post an image this way, so no idea how it will turn out...
I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving :D
Can't wait to see if we'll have a black friday sale, I need to buy some items for 2 outfits but I hope I won't spend more, saving for Christmas!

Well pizza is always better than anything else haha
However, isn't the traditional Thanksgiving meal also good? It seems delicious on tv!

Well, I think it's nice that kids kind of hijacked Halloween. If we stick too close to traditions they get harder and harder to fallow and may even disappear so I think it's best when the old mixes with the new :)

No, I'm from Bulgaria. Actually we have 4 days that are dedicated to the dead (pretty much one for each season). However, they are pretty different from Halloween. People go to the graveyards and in general we are supposed to be serious. But we do get candy and other food, it's usually given from family members to other family members or close friends/neighbours. It's one of the 4 days tomorrow, but they move like Easter moves so sometimes it can be on the same day as Halloween.

I like dressing the bf but he has enought outfits for now.
And Happy Halloween!!! Are you planning to do something special? I wish I were in the US today, it must be amazing to have all this decoration and people celebrating. Here pretty much no one celebrates. I'll just eat some candy and watch a movie.

Yes, he looks great but the price is way too high!
Thoughts on the new outfits? I adore the circus one but I want to create a cute pink outfit with it that isn't Halloween themed at all so I'll probabaly wait till the last day to buy it.

I've had lots of luck with the Halloween stars, too. Only one of them was 9 tries but the rest compensate for this and then some. I'm a bit paranoid that pretty soon I'll have to spend 10 tries so I'm going to try getting a star only if I really want it.
I see you got the throne, too, it must be my favourite item from the store! Love your outfit with it!

Congrats on getting her!
I think that most objectives' prizes aren't worth it (at least the Halloween ones, I really like some items from the Christmas levels). It must cost around 250 000 FD to finish all 60. So I'll do them only when I managed to save a ton of FD.

The Mummy looks amazing but isn't my style. And that's pretty good because I don't think I'll be getting more of the new stars, except for my Frankenstein. I have one or possibly 2 more outfits to buy from the Halloween store so I try to be very careful with my remaining FD.
Have you done any of the obejectives this year? I haven't even started them.

It seems like you gave up to the temptation, too :P
The new stars are here! And surprisingly I like the male stars more, I really want Frankenstein.

I feel a bit overwhelmed, too. I think I spent at least 2 hours in the store today, trying on different outfits. There are just too many amazing things! :D
The prices seem a bit lower than the ones in the regular store and in Steampunk City but this doesn't help much because I feel like buying 90% of the things haha

Thanks, this all makes sense now! When do they usually open the Halloween store? I know that the trip on LaF comes pretty late (21-22 Oct.) but I'm already in Halloween mood, not that I'll be able to spend much on OMD but at least I'll look around haha

Look what I found! :D,1-miss-bimbo-meetup-find-your-friends.htm

I'll check your profile in a bit :P
And yeah, just the thing with the job clothes but I guess we don't get them haha
Also after some shops close (like the Tales shop) do they come back and still have the items they had in them?
It's cool they allow multiple accounts but I'll try with just one for now.

Sorry for the many stupid questions, ignore them. I looked around the forum and I think I understand them now.
Tbh, I'm quite sad that the game seems to have so much fun quests, quizes and what not (LaF is way behind) but dressing up and sorthing the outfits is so annoying!

Thanks a lot for the information! (also your whole post doesn't seem to be displayed but I was able to read it in the "robot" inbox message, I had no idea that the whole longer post can be read that way! I think my massage may end up being too long too.)
I'm going to give it a try, I registed with the same name I use here. What's yours?
I have lots of questions haha
Do we get the clothes that are shown on the picture next to the jobs list if we get the job? Because I think I got the first 2 jobs but I can't see the itmes.
And it seems that there isn't that much point in leveling up there? I mean we don't get more daily money since it's determined only by the job we have? Are the levels something like a quest that is available all the time?
Also what's the usual price of a quest? How much are the Halloween or Chrsitmas ones? Are they different each year and are the old ones available too or are they gone forever?

Oh I've seen this one! I even played for a few days just before LaF opened than I forgot about it. It looks nice but isn't it too hard to play without paying? (in case you don't pay). I've spent some money on LaF but I try to use only leftover money on my phone (although I get tempted to spend a bit more from time to time) but still, I think that the game is playable even if not spending a dime.
Also do they have lots of "avalable only now" clothes/items like the chests here or do they come back after some time? Because when I played I thought that they are avalable only at that time so I knew that it would be too hard to resist spending real money if I get really into playing the game.