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Yeah, we are getting amazing outfits in Nineland lately!
And I opened 2 of the surprise chests, I knew what I was going to get because I looked it up on that blog so they weren't really a surprise for me. Here's what I got (I opened the first of the two in 10 colors):
What did you get?

Yes, we can go to China and Kenya whenever we want but it's ut up to 8 days a month and it costs a bit of FD, you should check the travel agency! Sadly the other 3 trips aren't like that.
I hoped for the return of Steampunk City today since Easter is mid April but I'm not disappointed, the two new outfits are pretty good!

I wish we could request to borrow clothes from people on our friends' list but I know this would never happen... Did you end up buying the dress in other colors before the sale was up? I ended up going back to China to do the levels when we were on -60% so I decided against spending more after that haha
Happy Women's Day!

I think you got the best star from the new ones, I really like the rose she's holiding! You've probably seen the other two by now but here they are if you haven't:
I really like the male star but "Isolde" is quite disappointing, only the sword is a bit interesting but not really usable, the rest of the outfit isn't drawn very well. I took a picture with her only because I wanted to see and catch more of the old stars.
You bought the dress in one of the colors I love but I ended up buying mine in baby pink and blue.

Sorry for the late reply! And thank you.
I think that the smaller ones look better sometimes but in most cases the tops are made to fit only the bigger. I remember that we always had everything fitting for both sizes on Miss Bimbo and that was better but it takes more time to make them this way so I understand why Nineland and the rest of the artists don't bother with this most of the time.
Do you plan on doing the boyfriend auction? I will but I have a hard time picking the best color for the dress we have to buy, they all look lovely!

i'm so sorry, i didn't see your comment until just now! thank you very much, i definitely try to be creative when it comes to hiding them, haha <3

Yeah, I can see the difference. At first I had a hard time adjusting to having the bigger ones on my doll but now I think they look a bit better than the small.
No idea how you manage to come with nice eye combinations so often, I'm jealous!

Congrats on getting the surgery!!
At least the next two events - Chinese new year and Valentine's aren't that expensive. I hope we have better luck with the stars then.

So beautiful!

They should have left the stars until the end f the month, they are so many now!
I also kept seeing the same really old stars that I don't want. I guess next year I'll save and just take pictures with all stars so that I'll end up seeing the ones I like.

I hope you and your family have a great time and that you feel lots of love and happiness!
Yeah, I have the same feelings about the rocking horse outfit. The idea was good but the outcome kind of funny.
I wish they'd allow us to chose stars. It really sucks that you weren't able to catch any this year yet but there's still some time so I hope your luck turns around.
I really want the ballerina, candy fairy and the fawn. If I get any of them in the time that is left I'll be beyond happy.

I'm done with the list, 0 snowflakes left and just one 2 FD item that I don't need added because I wanted to use them all.
The new clothes are nice but nothing too special imo. However, I changed into my "Waiting for Santa" outfit haha And I met Sanata's Elf on Star avenue, he's one of my favourite stars!
Thoughts on the final advent celendar gift? I think it's a nice dress, and I liked the previous outfits, too. I'm happy that only the first outfit wasn't that good.

She's my favourite new star, too. I hope you manage to get her soon.
And I love your outfit so much!!
I can't really come up with another Christmas outfit for some reason but I'm still not tired of my current one so at least I'm saving FD although I just finished buying some things I love. Almost everything in the bags section is so pretty!
Also I almost filled up my Santa list. Picking the "right color" Ilyana Decor took me sooo long LOL And btw, it turns out we can't add clothes for the boyfriend but there were lots of things I wanted for my fashionista anyway so it's not such a big loss. Did you finish your list?

Thank you, love yours too.
And LOL it seems we've switched places - I removed all my level clothes to add things I want. I think I might stop leveling up, I looked it up and it doesn't really play off anymore. It would be way too long until I'll get back the FD I should spend for jobs/level clothes. Plus I really like this boyfriend and if I don't spend FD on levels I'll proabably be able to save and do the event levels next year.

I can't believe it's here so soon!!
And yeah, I always look for ways to get out if paying full price for level clothes, they are so expensive and unusable.

I'll probably add items from the anniversary outfits, too. Also the new outfits we got this Friday, they look amazing!
And I'll probably add some boyfriend clothes because I love dressing up the bf but at the same time I don't really like spending FD on him.
I can't wait for Christmas Land! I think that we might see it open this Friday.

I just relized I've never shoveled snow in my life LOL
I live in an aparment so the only place that needs to be cleaned outside is pretty small and someone else always gets around to it first. But I can imagine that this would be a lot of work if one lives in a house.
Of course we don't have any snow left now, so it's back to being ugly outside.
The advent calendar gifts are ok, nothing I really like but it's still nice to get them.
I haven't really thought about the Santa list yet. I've filled it up with things I'll need for the levels for now.
There are too many things I want but I'm actually surprised I got so many snowflakes to spend considering that I've been here for less than a year. I have around 7,500 snowflakes. How much do you have? I'll be only around 100 days below your day count next year so I'm curious to see how much I'll get then.
And what about you, what have you added to the list?

You should see snow some day but you're not missing that much. It's exciting only in the beginning, the first day is great then the snow either freezes or starts melting so it's always slippery outside and in the second case quite ugly. I hate January/February snow so much, and the tempritures can get crazy low.

Yeah, it's a great item, I'm sure I'll buy it some day when I come up with an outfit for it. Love yours!
btw, today we got our first snow for the season! I'm so happy about this, pretty often we get snow only after Christmas is over. It'll melt before the holidays and probably we still won't have any on Dec 25 but it's nice to have some when you start getting in Christmas mood :)
Do you get snow in your state?

This time I was quite annoyed because the Fairy outfit was the only old outfit I wanted redesigned but it still looks like it's been drawn many years ago. Why bother doing this if you aren't going to do it right, just why? :/
I spent around 2000 for the itmes I wanted, I didn't even look at other things I might like. And I stocked on food so it all went as planned :D
Did you buy something nice?