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What site? I'd better not waste my time on a second game but I just had to ask!

You're welcome and thank you very much!
Oh, do you? Me too, I feel a special connection as well. So magical!

Lovely outfits on your Profile page. I really like your combinations!

Yeah, I also saw lots of nice outfits in the show. It's hard to decide what to do, that's why I'll wait one more day.
btw, have you looked up the chests' content online like me or do you prefer the surprise?

I plan on opening some in a few days, I really want the shoes and the black tights that go with the Quinzel legs. And I agree about the colors, the shoes aren't that usable in red so I'll have to spend 9000 FD for this chest :/

Thanks! And yeah, I'm also quite used to this make up so changing it too much feels very weird.

I think it might look better than the eyes I use. I'm pretty sure I tried to use this shape some days ago but I couldn't find eye lenses color that would fit with the rest of the look I try to create.
And if you need it in the future, the eye lences I use are from 1144 to 1134.

I didn't get one of the items (the jacket), it was just one item missing the previous hunts, too and I had less eggs/notes found, oh well... but the outfit is cute!

It's good that we get free stuff from hunts but I also hate looking for pens, notes, ect. It's annoying, boring and seems to be something that happens too often.
However, I had lots of luck during this hunt (24 found!), and I wasn't checking the shops so I guess the last one must be there. But I think I had only around 20 found on the prevous hunts.

So I had to go shopping without the discount, I ended up buying more items than planned...
The Captain outfit is nice, I really like items that change the fashionista's pose! I'm sorry you couldn't get it and the other star but at least this trip seems to come twice a year so the wait wouldn't be that long.
I kind of dread Halloween and Christmas land haha So many stars and items! Plus I like Halloween and Christmas stuff more than Steampunk.

"Lieutenant Sterling" is my favourite steampunk star (and the only one I have), congrats on getting it! I'll probably take pictures with the other 2 stars next time, they are great but I haven't thought of an outfit with their items.
I usually don't try to take a photo unless I have enought FD for 10 tries but I've tried when having for 8-9 tries a few times and I haven't lost the FD. At fisrt it was quite hard because there were so many stars that I wanted. I saw "Kindle Gender" 2 times when I didn't have FD and I was afraid that I might not see her again for a year or worse but she appeared once again when I had the money :D
I guess I'll buy a new steampunk outfit tomorrow but I hope I'll hear from support first. I was saving the 50% OFF store bonus that I got from the chests and I tried using it yesterday but it didn't activate. I'm quite unhappy sice my trips to Nineland were very restricted because of trying to save the bonus. I had 3 "unlock all ite

Good luck with saving up for the surgery! I wish we had some discounts for the surgeries/job trainings once in a while. At least with the levels where we have to buy clothes we can wait for a sale or buy them piece by piece so it's not that hard.
My biggest temptation besides the surprise cheats are the stars because we never know when we'll see the same star again. At least now I have almost all of the regular stars I really like (thank you summer sale!).

It seems there is something big every month so it's hard to save up. Love your stempunk outfit! I took advanatge of the bank special and bought 36K but I haven't gone shopping yet. I'll probably buy just one outfit I have in mind because I'm pretty focused on leveling up at the moment. I spent lots of FD on clothes for the coming levels during the sale so I can't wait to go through the job trainings now.

Thank you very much for your kind message, and sorry not to have answered you earlier.
I like very much your style also, and above all the outfit you wear on the photo with Jack Pigeon.
I like very much these legs but I do not manage to use them with Michty! Your use is very successful; bravo! You will give me a lesson? ;)

Sorry for the late reply!
I really like the surprise chests idea but it really sucks that they are so expensive. I kind of hope that the next ones will suck so that I wouldn't want to spend more money.

Thank you, it's the first time I try such look and I pretty much just used the items the way Nineland made them to be used so I ca't take any credit for the cuteness haha
And I love your outfit! Especially how you've used the "Padamay" top.
I tried to create something with it many times but couldn't make it work.

Thank you for the compliment ! Good continuation on the game !
I'm sorry but I do not speak English ;'(((
Thanks Translator ;')