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Coma heard some screams in the hotel the night before Coma left (which was also the night she checked the safe.) She said it sounded like the person who made them got away.. She went back and checked the safe again and the papers where gone.

It was very fun. Where we were camping we could walk right down to the beach. I hope you had a lovely new years as well.
Our weather hasn't been that lovely for the last few days. We have had a tropical cyclone that has flooded many places and even ripped up roads. We got off lightly where I live but the beach towns got it rather bad.

Merry christmas back at you =) I did have a lovely christmas. I got to spend it with my family and the weather was lovely so it was great over all. Today is new years eve and I am off to spend it at the beach with friends so I am excited =) I wonder what 2018 will bring.
The letters were addressed to No 27 Candy Lane North Pole. I think Santa actually lives at No 27 Candycane Lane so the letters where sent back. You would think that the mail man would have realized who they were for considering they were addressed to a Mr Claus but they can only send them where they are addressed. Poor Cult leader perhaps we should mail them to santa with an explanation, do you think Santa would forgive him if he new the truth?
I know that christmas has gone but maybe santa could make an exception?

Christmas is so near! I am liking the new items especially the christmas stars. I was so excited to get Scrooge. His background is kind of perfect for an outfit I am thinking of doing. I also love that angry prune face haha. I may have to use it sometime.
Coma went sneaking through the hotel at night and ended up in the office, someone had forgotten to lock it. The safe was at the back and did indeed open with the key. There were no files in there though, instead there were years worth of lists to Santa all from the cult leader. I am not sure what this means.

Loving the look you have at the moment as well =)
Its friday today and still no trip, although I suppose its Thursday in the time they use on this site. I have saved up so much money and can't wait to spend it. As for the christmas stars, they did a awesome job on the halloween ones so I do have high hopes.
I think you are right about the key. Coma remembers the cult leader talking about some files that he kept well hidden because they would lead to his arrest. They could be in the hotel and hopefully TheOnlyBoss will be somewhere nearby. Unless she has been caught again.

Also I just looked back at my star photos and my first picture is kinda adorable. How my style on here as improved haha. [IMG][/IMG]

She is wearing it right now =D
I have quite a few items on there at the moment. I have most of the second new outfit in there. I just love those shorts and that top. It feels good to just put things on the list and not see the FD go down. I am on a saving streak from now until christmas land returns haha. Coma needed new makeup and hair but clothes wise, it goes on the list.
I wonder what the key that was found in the safe is for? She left it for a reason. With any luck she will stay out of the cult leaders clutches and we will see her on the train. (I wonder what she would think about being part of this story haha)

Time is going way to fast. I am sure when I was younger it was much slower and christmas didn't happen so fast. It could also be because I am not in school anymore.
I have had one winter christmas when I visited family in the Netherlands. It was so weird to see haha. We either get sunny lovely beach christmas's or gloomy rainy christmas's. I think this year will be hot as it is boiling hot already.
Thanks for the gift btw. I know Coma will be able to make a great outfit with it.
Oh and yay santas list is back! I love free clothes!

The end of the comment was just going to be. Do you think it was TheOnlyBoss that burned down that hotel and left the key? Perhaps she has escaped but knew that she would be captured again. The key could be for her chains.

I was starting to get worried that I had not sent the message haha.
Summer has hit us in New Zealand so I am starting to feel very christmasy but it still so odd that it is nearly the end of the year. It seems like yesterday that it was the start of this year and sometimes I still forget its 2017 not 16 haha. At least when it is 2018 game of thrones will be less far away from starting again.
I managed to catch the decorating contest when it was finalists for trophies so now I am happily on level 50. I want to get higher but 50 is a nice rounded number, not to high not to low.
Not long after Coma went to the hotel there was a fire in one of the rooms. It was the one that the cult leader stayed in. There was a picture on the wall which when burned away revealed a safe. In the safe was a pair of purple stockings and a key. No one knows who started the fire but a woman was seen hanging around there earlier in the day. Wi

I am also really struggling with the level I am on. Everyone in the decorating contest has a trophy already and I can't vote for them =(

Sorry for the late reply. Halloween is now over =( I managed to snag a few extra things before halloween ended though. I am now in 'save up for christmas mood.' Its crazy that christmas is already here though. It honestly doesn't feel like the end of the year. Maybe its because I have been working so much.
Coma talked with the manager of the hotel and he said that a bride and groom had indeed stayed there. He could not tell her where they went to after that. He didn't want to show the room where they stayed which does seem a little strange. It has been a few weeks since they stayed there. The room should have been cleaned by now surely. Tonight she is breaking in to have a look. He seemed like he really had something to hide. Coma also told me that he had a spiral tattoo on his left wrist. Do you remember "The Cult leader" also having one of those as well?

She looks amazing! I also really like the Baba Yaga outfits. I have spent all my money now but am happy with what I have got. I would like to get a few more things though as I haven't bought many skirts or shirts. I need those to make normal outfits for the rest of the year haha. I really like the free halloween dress and think this may be the best halloween yet. If not the best one it is the one where I have made the most outfits.
I think you might just be right. It was dark so Coma didn't see where they ran off to but there was a motel nearby. She was too scared to go to it at the time because she knows how dangerous he can be when provoked. She feels bad about this but who knows whether he has men with him or if he is carrying deadly weapons. She plans to go and talk to the owner today and ask if a bride and groom stayed there. It is a very rundown looking place so it is unlikely he has many visitors like that so he is likely to remember.

I really like the halloween stars. I am a game of thrones fan as well and would go for the Night King if I could spare the money. I got the mummy on the first day and am hoping to catch some others =D

Loving your current outfit it looks fantastic =D Your boyfriends outfit is also very cool. I typically don't dress the boyfriends up as they are there to give me money and not have money spent on them haha =P I joke of course =P I just never have enough money for Coma and the boyfriend.
I would love to see your Halloween bride and Baba Yaga as well. Her story is just so interesting.
My current outfit is a blind demoness who was led up from hell by her guide dog Orgon. She has already eaten some souls. The one before was a crazed newlyweed who found out her husband wasn't who she thought he was.
Her dress was all in white but the flowers that she placed on the grave where purple. When they walked off Coma thinks she saw purple shoes on her feet. Could it be her? The name on the grave was Alice Boss died 31 October 1946. Does that ring any bells for you? I don't remember the name from our cult days.

HALLOWEEN LAND IS HERE! There are so many cute things and I am too scared to spend all my money on the first day.
Coma caught a glance of the cult leader in the graveyard. He was there with a woman in a wedding dress. They didn't see her but they must have heard footsteps as the ran out. Coma didn't catch a glance of the womans face as it was covered with a heavy veil. There were some fresh flowers on a grave after they left. I am not sure what was going on.

Why thank you =).
This year I am determined to save up my money for halloween town because I am always short everytime it comes. I swear they have all these sales before it opens on purpose. I really am not sure what Coma will look like this halloween, perhaps she will be a dark angel like I am being haha. Or maybe a sophisticated slasher victim haha.
I must say that the dolls look a lot better than they did before, although I still don't like how the legs look. This is a real problem which is a problem as Coma loves wearing underwear as outerwear, I am so pleased that you can buy new legs.
No signs of the cult leader yet. He is keeping very quiet. I think you are right about him waiting until halloween to show up. There have been whisperings that there is some strange activity going on in the woods though. That could be him or it could also be a local weirdo. =P

I love that outfit! I do have vague recollections of your old outfits as well. I never was able to make crazy outfits as I never had the money to so. I am able to make better outfits with Comawhite now I am higher level. I am looking forward to halloween so I can find her clothes for the next year haha.
The comment didn't show up in my messages =(