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A little sprig of lily of the valley for 365 days of happiness...
Happy May 1st, at home ! Coco kiss

I only returned because I was bored one day and realized that it was advent calender time. I honestly forgot that this site exisited haha. I am glad it is still here though and am a but sad that I missed out on halloween. Those are my favourite outfits to make,
I am doing well. I had a lovely christmas and new years. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!

Thank you for your gift my beautiful and thank you for respecting the colors of my doll, I really appreciate.

Hey there, we haven't spoken in awhile =D I just returned to this site after a VERY long absence. I hope that you are well.

I feel happy to receive my very first comment, Thank you Lostdoll for your nice words, it feels great to know that you like my style <3

This dress was pretty much the only outfit fro this years cannes event that I truely liked! Although I did get the arabian looking outfit. I also loved! the stars and was happy to have gotten all the new ones! :)
I did see the annocuemnt, although I'll admit that I'm not totally sure what they're the site going to shut down, are they working to improve it? are they not releasing new stuff but only during the events...? if that's the case they should make event trips last longer than a week.
I'm super happy for Steampunk to come! But they way they phase it, it kinda sounds like this is going to be the last Steampunk event :/

It really was! LOL, I was like "ehh Idk if I want that star or not"
Yeah but even just coloring the eggs can be fun, it's fun to see the color take to something like an egg lol. I totally get what you mean, even somewhere like a church something bad can happen, it's always in the back of your head. It is for me as well, I don't like to go to super overly crowded places and a service like Easter or Christmas service is always nerve wracking.
Lol, here the catholic churches have midnight Christmas eve mass at midnight(I'm sure other churches due to but idk) and I remember going to one once when I was younger and thinking how weird and cool it was being at church after midnight lol. So I totally get what you mean.

Right? I always just assume it's telling me about challenges I won or lost.
Yea! the easter event was nice, the new oufits were really fresh in the pastel colors and I loved the new stars, except for the blue bunny one. I did forget to collect eggs though, so I didn't get the outfit from that lol.
My Easter was ok, just really laid back. Didn't do anything too special besides going to church for Easter service like we normally do. I haven't done egg decorating in years! that sounds so fun though!

It's fine haha! I totally get replying viva phone, sometimes it's more diffcult than replying on the computer :p
I don't always look at the robo message that I get about things on here. So I seen your comment a little late.
I've been pretty good, nothing too new to report, just same old same old. How have you been?
Yeah, I've been pretty dissapointed with the site of late, nothing has been going on, we've gone two weeks(I think) now with out any thing new to the fashion shop. and like you said, Where was the March update ? There hasn't even been anything reported s far this month either.

Thanks sweetheart ♥♥ Your doll is really cute too, I'm loving the makeup

Ahh so sorry for the late reply! I totally forgot to look at my comments.
Thank you! I kinda of forgot about the contest, so i don't even know who won etc. lol! it was kinda fun to enter into a contest though, something different to do than just log on, collect, feed and bath my doll lol.
I ope the game is ok too! i'd hate to see the game close :( i really like the easiness of it and the dressig up is soo much fun! Your totally right about that too! a lot of other games require you to do too much on their end and after a while it gets to be like "ahh its too much!"

It was, I was happy that they were able to come.
Happy new year to you as well! (thou a little late) and thank you! the dress was a little hard to find just the right things to go wtih it but it turned out well!
It kinda sucks about not getting new outfits weekly, I hope the site isn't slowly dying :(

The dress is goregous! I thnk I can make a pretty good outfit with it since, I've been trying to buy more colored things instead of getting everything in just black LOL!
I think the Halloween trip has a LOT of really nice clothing pieces where as the Christmas levels are more deco stuff. Either way they're botth really nice trips to do levels on. I think I'm gonna try and do the Steampunk levels next trip lol.
You did have a nice Christmas though yea? Mine was nice, my brother and his gf who had been working down in the florida everglades since before Thanksgiving. Had told us that she n him wasn't going to be home for Christmas because they might have to work, But really they surprised us Christmas eve night by showing up LOL! It turne

I had a really lovely christmas as well. I had to work on christmas day but only until 12.30 so drove up with my boyfriend to be with family for christmas. Have been swimming at the beach for the past three days. =D