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Beautiful christmas outfit. I hope you had a magical christmas this year =D
I didnt do much on Coma for christmas this year as I just wasn't feeling it haha. Now christmas is over I suddenly am interested in dressing her and quickly buying all I can from the store haha.

Thank you so much for thinking of me by sending a gift!! I'm sorry that I didn't see it before today to send one back. You did make my day, since it's the only gift I got ! I don't know people here or at least their English doll names ;-) thanks again !!

Thank you so much for the gift!! It was so sweet of you, that dress is soo pretty, I wasn't even aware of that dress being in the shop lol!
You finished all the Christmas levels?! I'm glad that the glitch was fixed and you were able to finish!! Did you get some nice stuff for level rewards?
I'm pretty excited to open up presents! and eat some yummy food! Are you getting excited?! My mom wants to open presents on Christmas eve..which I really don't want to do but I think I'm getting outvoted this year LOL!
I know it always seems like it comes and then before you know it it's the end of the day and your like "where did it go?"

Oh that sucks! :/ hopefully the glitch will get fixed soon so you can continue on. I think the steam punk levels are the most exspensive because to me the clothes and stuff from that trip seem more exspensive.
I have a lot of clothes from the steampunk trip becasue that's about the time I think I have the most fd lol and it all pretty much gets spent during the trip LOL
I'm excited that the trip is here and I dunno I kinda agree with you there wasn't any new clothes this year that had me like "omg I need that" except maybe those one pants that have like the posed legs and the skirt thing..they're called jon or something like that. But otherwise no
But! I did maybe spend too much LIKE always..but this time I know it's because I

Christmas trip is here! omg! when I logged in today and seen the trip I got so excited lol!
I don't have as much Christmas trip clothes as I thought I did lol, I know the most trip clothes I have is from Steampunk lol! I can't wait to start shopping and then cry over not having enough money for stars like every year LOL!!
Yeah, my mom finally decorated the tree..last weekend I think it was and I decorated the small little tree we have in the tv room. She gets the pretty rosegold tree while the rest of us has this little white fiberoptic tree lol! I mean we have another tree we could have put up but we really didn't have any room to put a big tree in the tv roomso we got a tiny one :/ lol
You do any levels ye

Oh gosh, new Christmas stars! I'm so not ready for that LOL!
I can totally see you not really needing to buy a lot for the levels during the Christmas trip xD
You probably bought the whole store I'm sure!
I'm not entirely sure what I'll do this year for the trip, Probably buy whatever new clothes come in and maybe try my luck at the stars.
I'd kinda like to do the levels too..but clothes always win me over more.
Have you started your list for santa? I put a few things on my list..things that I have but in different colors, I might have to go through and delete some of that stuff though. I also wanna see what new clothes will be a

Oh yeah I'm trying lol! But it helps alot with there not being anything in the shops that I like NEED need lol. and I'm stuck at my level right now since I don't feel like paying the amount to train for a new job lol. and like you said theres the santa list which is a huge plus!
I thinnk it would be so cool to do the Chirstmas levels, the bonus items are always so nice! and I bet you'd get really far XD do you think you'll do the levels more this year instead of stars or what?

I still haven't got that Voodoo dude from princess and the frog =( The only star that keeps appearing is the nightking and I wasted what little FD I had left on trying to get him.
I didn't do anything for halloween at all. There wasn't even a halloween movie on the televison as halloween was on a wednesday. I guess the most halloween thing I did was dress up Coma on here haha.

Aw thank you! I really didn't like this dress either when I first saw it, but then I like 'well lets see what it would look like in another color' I think that a lot of times it helps to change the color of some items lol XD or like make a whole outfit in the store centered around one item..which is something that I do during the big event trips lol!
Wow you got pretty far though! lvl 68 is pretty good lol plus you got some really nice prizes as well :)
I think I'm going to start saving up for the Christmas trip :) gotta start a little early because I might be tempted to spend some money inbetween the event times lol!

oh I love the ebous broom too! as well as the Gotha skirt, Alona dress and that veil with the horns on it, I think its called kendra veil or something like that lol! I also really love the ashka star from the new stars but of course like always the Halloween stars are giving me trouble in getting them lol! I ran out of money trying to get the while lady star and i still haven't gotten her LOL
Your doing levels this year? that's so cool! I looked at the new items you get from doing levels and there so cool, what level are you on right now? I'm sure it'll be pretty easy getting all the levels since there's only 80
Your current outfit is really nice!

Shes from Queen of the Damned the painfully bad sequel to Interview with the vampire. I really want the Gorgon but only have the white lady and headless horseman myself.
Thank you I'm going with a possessed look this year =D

That would be cool to have. I actually don't know a lot about deathwish, apart ffrom watching the terrible Netflix film haha. I am interested in checking it out at some point.
I got one of the new halloween stars today, "the white lady" and I am quite happy with the outfits. I hope they come out with some more though.
Your outfit is very cute btw =D

Hey!! it's ok lol no worries! I'm benn pretty good lol, how about you?
I didn't realize that I had a new comment, things get lost when the game sends you stuff in one giant message, I always just assum it's about battles lol
I'm so excited about Halloween, annd I log on today and the trip is here! Ahh so many new things..I love it!

Its scary in some parts but still not as scary as the book. The new Pennywise is a lot scarier than the old one but I still find both of them strangely adorable. Then again I am a bit weird.
I would love to see some Nightmare before christmas stuff. Just imagine if Jack and Sally where on star avenue? Those would be awesome outfits.
I'm excited as I think Halloween town is opening tomorrow!!!!

Thank you she does look like her =D
I hope Halloween Town brings us some cool new outfits, a creepy clown outfit would be cool. Or Pennywise as a star =O