Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)

I totally didn't even see thatt you left a comment on my page lol!
Anyway thank you! I was super surprised lol, I never really gave it much thought on ever winning one of those. I've been pretty good, it's starting to get really hot here! like you cant even be outside for 5 minutes and you already feel the heat, and are sweaty etc lol!
The cannes festival was pretty nice, I liked alot of the new outfits, especially the one that came wth the new background. Although I didn't buy anything, was trying to get the new stars for the free one or whatever and I missed the last star! for some reason, she didn't show up so I was never able to get my free star etc. which kinda bummed me out lol!
Have you done the surprise chests? I actually took part in it for o

Continued ......
He stopped following us a few weeks ago though as we have stopped looking into the case of Bossy. If we start looking again, but do it very quietly I think that we will be safe.

Your fashionista is soooo cute! How did you get a dog???
Did you miss the steampunk trip? It was actually really good this year although there were no new stars =(
I don't want to upset the woman so maybe we should just look into it ourselves? Coma hasn't recieved any phone calls lately and we haven't seen the figure following us for awhile. Oh, I never told you about that, a strange man has been following me and Coma since easter. He is not the Cult leader but one of his goons.

Where are you? :/ your missing the Steampunk trip and omg omg! I won 3rd place in a Miss Steampunk o.o I can't believe it!

I haven't seen the old woman just yet. Have you caught her by any chance? Coma recieved another phone call last night from the cult leader. He said that if we didn't stop looking for Bossie he would do the unspeakable. We can not stop looking but we have to be more secrective about it. I am hoping that the old woman will be able to help us conceal our tracks in some way. The cult leader is obviously watching us.

I didn't get any of the stars last year because I was too poor haha so it wasn't to bad for me haha. I do wish the outfits were cuter, I don't really like the chocolate theme and have bought none of them.
That sucks that life isn't going all that great lately. I hope that improves =D Life can be pretty hard some times.

As for real life haha the weather is turning cold here. After the hottest summer we have had for many years autumn is finally here. I look forward to all the leaves changing but do not look forward to another cold and rainy winter. We do not get sun where I live we just get rain and wind. A mountain watches over our town and I believe that is why our weather can get very wild.

I think that that would be an excellent idea. I do not want to believe that Bossy has really joined the dark side. Coma actually saw her last week looking at all the wedding dresses. Perhaps she was reminscing on her own wedding. She was wearing dark sunglasses. I think that we need to contact this woman and very quickly. Is there anyway of drawing her back to her world early. I am worried about what the sunglasses mean. The Cult leader would probably now a ritual

Cool :3 It's pretty fun to decorate your house! But it's pretty expensive if you don't exactly know how you're going to decorate it :'D I bought so many things and then I was like: "Nah, they don't suit here, I need something else" x'D But that's why I used sales, didn't "hurt" so much when a new furniture wasn't the right one :D And sometimes I just bought so many things and realized that my room wasn’t big enough for everything xD But truth to be told, I find a little hard to decorate those rooms. I’m a little perfectionist in s

The valentines clothes were good basic pieces. I always like getting the lingerie. The Chinese new year stuff wasn't bad. Coma is wearing most of it at the moment haha. I made a mistake and changed her makeup and haircut to try to fit the new year theme and she looked so bad. It took me two days to get her right again. I am sticking to this makeup and hair for awhile I think.
I hope they bring out some cute stuff for easter.
Coma opened her chocolates and the smell in the box almost mad her pass out I dread to think of what would happen to her if she had eaten one. She got another phone call last night and there was a male voice which said "The girl you seek is no longer on your side. Leave us be and forget. There is no point trying to save her. She is now under my spell." If this is true I am not sure what we will do.

Haha, oh my, I'm so sorry! I just visited one of my friends profile and I saw that she lives with her parents too. But yeah, I still wanted to see her home and only then I realised that when you live with your parents, there are only bedroom and office which can be decorated by you ^^' I can admit, I have never live with my parents (or maybe at the beginning, but I don't remember it anymore xD)... So yeah, this is little embarrassing :'D But I hope you can forgive me and my ignorance ^^'

Hey, thank you so much! :) I'm happy to hear that you like my home, because I just decorated my rooms again about two weeks ago and I'm so proud of them (except bedroom, I'm not okay with it xD)
Your home is beautiful too, especially living room, it's so amazing :3

Thank you =D Your new look is different and I love it! How are you liking the new valentines day items and the ones the boyfriends give you? I quite like them especially those valentines shoes, which I haven't got for some reason. \
I have been mainly coming on here to collect FD and advance my levels. I am also trying to catch as many stars as I can. Its good having a richer boyfriend for Coma although I do miss the old one, which is why I dressed him the same haha.
You got the phone call as well? Coma got one at 3am and swears that she heard both her name and yours called out in the distance before there was a thump and silence. I hope that everything is alright...

waw ! so fantastic and amazing fashionista !
i like your doll so much !
so beautiful !!!